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tkarn April 9th, 2023 01:25 AM

Tracking Ressources
Due to my spelllist problem from the other thread http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=67729 I have a new problem.
For instance my Bard has 2 known spells, my druid has 3 known.

I have 2 different things for the compset="Resource". how can I seperate the spell counting whether its picked from bard or from druid? It alwas counts both ressources at the same time.

Mathias April 9th, 2023 07:14 AM

Make the resources not unique, then bootstrap a copy from each class. Put a tag on each one to name the class it's for, and write a script on the resource that takes that tag to build a new name for itself, incorporating the tag name into its own name.

If the tag on the resource is the same one as the tag on the spells, to mark this one as bard, and that one as druid, then you can have each one add to the copy of the generic resource that has the tag for that particular type of spells.

tkarn April 9th, 2023 08:29 AM

Is there actually an example in the savage or sample dataset?

tkarn April 9th, 2023 04:21 PM

I bootstrapped a Ressource (resSpell) to my classes: f.e. Klasse.klaDruid.

Then I added a tag TKlasse.Druide on the bootstrap page.but how can i change the name of the ressource? I can alter the livename of resSpell, but i can not get the name of the assoziated tag.

TCArknight April 10th, 2023 06:55 AM

you should be able to get the name of the tag with tagnames reference.

Take a look at Pick Target References and you should see it about halfway down the page.

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