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-   -   Adding a resource to the Portfolio that applies for all heroes? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=58754)

Duggan July 12th, 2017 06:40 AM

Adding a resource to the Portfolio that applies for all heroes?
So, I'm trying to implement Planet Mercenary. Every character is a commander of a fire-team, so I'd like to be able have each player have those fire-team members (1-3) as "minions" of a sort. A character also belongs to a Company, which is shared among multiple players, which has resources, supplies, ratings, etc. Is this possible to implement such that a Portfolio has a single Company that has multiple Commanders that each have their fire-team? Ideally, we'd also have a way to keep track of the "grunts" and "supplies" of the Company (which the players can transfer over for a given mission or to replace members of their fire-team that die off).

If it's not feasible, that's cool. I have other options. But I figured I'd ask.

Mathias July 12th, 2017 07:37 AM

On the configure hero form, where you're selecting "PC" or "NPC", would it work to have other selections there, like a "supplies" or "company" form, that works much differently from normal characters, and just stores whatever applies to the company? Then, users could build that as a separate character, and they'd store that in the same portfolio as their other characters, and then each main character would have their minions, so it's all in one big portfolio?

Duggan July 12th, 2017 09:04 AM

That would work perfectly fine, I think. Is that covered in the wiki?

Mathias July 12th, 2017 09:35 AM

No, making a character that much different from a standard character wouldn't be covered in the wiki even if it was complete - that's a really unusual thing to do (something kind-of like it was only needed in one other game system - the kingdoms in Pathfinder).

I would recommend leaving this for last, because you're going to need a good understanding of how the files are assembled before doing this.

Duggan July 12th, 2017 10:16 AM

Cool. Thank you. :) I'm having fun enough as it is building an Attribute-less system (basically, it's just skills and some derived values, plus a bunch of picks for things like race, package, and background). You wouldn't think it would be that difficult to pull things out... :-P

Duggan September 23rd, 2017 07:10 AM

FWIW, I'm still not up to building the Companies yet, but I have a somewhat better handle on how this might work. And members of the Fireteam are now simply Things. :) They didn't need to be anything more complicated.

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