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Frodie August 6th, 2013 12:42 PM

Extra Ring Slot
Trying to make an item that will let you ware 3 rings. I think my timing is off, but the script is:

field[gQuantityR].value += 1

Thank you for any help

ShadowChemosh August 6th, 2013 12:51 PM

Look up the magic item "Hand of Glory" as it does exactly what you want. It actually has to do with assigning an "Extra" tag to the hero.

RavenX August 6th, 2013 12:51 PM


You need to post the Phase and Priority with your inquiry or no one can tell if its a timing issue.

Frodie August 6th, 2013 12:51 PM

I found it on the Ten Ring Sword.

Post- Levels 10000

~ Apply a tag that lets us equip one more ring than normal.
perform hero.assign[ExtraSlot.EqpRing]

Thanks yall!

Caedance August 6th, 2017 10:01 AM

Re: Ten-ring Sword

Fun fact: You must have martial weapon proficiency with the nine-ring broadsword for this to function. If you don't have general martial weapon proficiency, you can spend a feat or 10k on a white pyramid ioun stone.

Togainu August 6th, 2017 10:27 AM

To get the third slot "working". Equip the sword and go to the in-play tab to enable the third slot (basically indicating you spend the time to put a ring in etc). At that point you can equip a third ring.

As for having to equip it. The sword talks about having to wield it as stated here.
Once a ring is fitted to the tenth slot, the sword’s wielder can employ that ring as if he were wearing it, even if he is currently wearing two magic rings
Meaning just carrying it won't do anything seeing you aren't wielding it at that time.

frumple August 14th, 2017 07:26 PM

You can also try using the ExtraSlot tag group. In this case you would add ExtraSlot.EqpRing to the hero. I am not sure of the timing of the top of my head though. To be safe I would add it early.

SushiDave August 14th, 2018 09:58 AM

Question - I have a Barbarian with a ten ring sword. I purchased the Ultimate Equipment Guide expansion for Hero Lab, yet cannot find this item anywhere in the system. I don't know if I am looking in the wrong place (add magic weapon*) Can anyone help me?

Toblakai August 14th, 2018 02:14 PM

In add magic weapon search for "Ten-ring" and make sure you enabled the new source book.

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