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Cannonball_Benny December 22nd, 2006 05:03 PM

What's the progress on Living Rulebook 5?
Hey earnold!

I'm wondering how the LRB5 data file is progressing?
Is there an approximate release date?

I would like to help if I can.
I downloaded ABCreator & tried editing some of the Team Rosters.
It was all going well until I had to create a new player or new skills. It then got a bit beyond me.

So basically what I can offer is data entry/editing. Is this helpful?
I can also provide you text lists of skills, player stats, etc.

-Carl (Cannonball Benny)

earnold25 December 27th, 2006 12:44 PM

Well, LRB5 has been released for AB v.2 but its still in the works for AB v.3.

Most of the grunt work is done, but I'm having some trouble with team value calculations and some display / print settings. So I'll gladly send you what I've got if you'd like to look it over and see if you can come up with anything.


Cannonball_Benny January 11th, 2007 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by earnold25
Well, LRB5 has been released for AB v.2 but its still in the works for AB v.3.

Most of the grunt work is done, but I'm having some trouble with team value calculations and some display / print settings. So I'll gladly send you what I've got if you'd like to look it over and see if you can come up with anything.


Well, the grunt work was all I was able to offer.
I can kind of understand the coding, but writing & debugging is a bit beyond me :(

Anyway, thanks for your work & I'll continue to wait patiently in anticipation.

Frankus December 5th, 2007 01:06 PM


Just curious if there were still issues with the LRB5.0 update... and if it was the same issues.


ciaflayed1 January 29th, 2008 06:38 AM

Is there an ETA for the LRB5 update yet? I'd like to use AB for this, since I use it for 40K, WFB, & BFG. LMK when you have an ETA. THX!!

earnold25 January 29th, 2008 06:49 AM

sorry, no progress. I gave up. I got it working in ABv2, but ABv3 had too much of a learning curve.

I'm willing to pass off what I have to someone else if they want to take a shot at it.

MightyQuinn April 7th, 2013 02:51 PM

Me personally isnt concerned about keeping track of spp but using it to build teams and have a print out of the teams...

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