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chiefweasel March 14th, 2013 05:42 PM

Monthly Seminars
Hey all, just gauging some interest on a monthly seminar that we could hold online. My idea is to use something like Skype to do demos and answer questions from people in real time, and allow up too 24 others to join in and watch/ask questions. Basically people would join the channel, I would share my screen with them, and we would go from there. I would want to get questions from people beforehand so we could prep some answers. If things go well, we could invite LW people, and others who know a lot more about the scripting of HL to come join us from time to time and give us information about the difficult topics.

I am just starting to set this up, but want to see if anyone is interested in something like this. So if you are interested, just reply to this. If we get enough folks, I'll move forward with it. Thanks.

EberronKnight March 14th, 2013 08:16 PM

Hi chiefweasel, this would be awesome. I'm interested!

Aaron March 14th, 2013 08:57 PM

I'd be willing to help out and answer questions.

Asandir March 15th, 2013 05:43 AM

I'd be interested.

chiefweasel March 15th, 2013 06:40 AM

This could also branch out into Realm Works when it comes out.

ShadowChemosh March 15th, 2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Aaron (Post 149999)
I'd be willing to help out and answer questions.

Same here. My hours are rough and all over but if I can I will help out. :)

Lehmann March 15th, 2013 05:26 PM

I'd watch and learn
I'd watch and learn. I suggest Google Hangouts

Quintain March 16th, 2013 08:39 PM

Interested. I second the suggestion of google hangouts.

BoomerET March 17th, 2013 10:30 AM

Count me in.

I didn't know you could share windows or desktops in Hangouts.
Yes, and it's called Screenshare.

I just tried it with Hero Lab, no idea how well it will work out.


chiefweasel March 17th, 2013 06:43 PM

I think Skype is the best choice. The screen sharing is much faster then some of the other sites I tried. We did a test on thursday and everything went fine, I just need to have the Premier package, which is $5.00 a month. So I'll get that in a few days. Then its just a matter of setting it p and getting questions from folks.

koesherbacon March 17th, 2013 09:37 PM

I would love to learn how to make stuff as well!

BoomerET March 18th, 2013 11:37 AM

Skype premium looks like it allows 10 users, so nine besides the presenter.

$5/month if you pay for a year, $10 if you go month to month.

chiefweasel March 18th, 2013 02:11 PM

hhhmmm, well I am open for suggestions on a decent service that can do what we need. I was trying to use Quicktime, but can figure out how to do the broadcast f my screen.

BoomerET March 18th, 2013 03:25 PM


No idea if these are workable, just did some googling.


chiefweasel March 18th, 2013 04:16 PM

I need to look more into team viewer, but the other two are expensive. Teamviewer might be like $700 to buy as well, in order to get the better features.

Kevlyn March 18th, 2013 08:26 PM

Honestly, why not start a YouTube channel and then post a video. There's a place for feedback right there, heck maybe even talk them into your own Q&A thread here where you can post after each one. Then the material is available for anyone to view when they have the time. After the video, then you can set up a few audio sessions via chat servers (like ventrillo or something like that)

chiefweasel March 19th, 2013 03:30 AM

Already have a youtube channel, just check the taglinr on this post. I get a lot of questions from people through the mail system here. I know several people do. I was just trying to provide an interactive forum for people to work on issues. I would also like to record the sessions and post them on youtube as well, but one thing at a time.

ShadowChemosh March 19th, 2013 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by chiefweasel (Post 150890)
I need to look more into team viewer, but the other two are expensive. Teamviewer might be like $700 to buy as well, in order to get the better features.

We use Teamviewer7 at my current client as we have programmers around the world. It so far is free and works really good for displaying your screen. I think it has built in chat but we don't use that as we just conference call people in.

I don't remember the maximum number of clients. About the only downfall is its a client based service so each person has to install the software on their PC. That can cause some problems for people.

BoomerET March 19th, 2013 11:45 AM

Teamviewer is free for private/personal use.

Using it for business purposes means you're supposed to buy a license.

In our case here, since we're not associated with LW, I think we're good.

ShadowChemosh March 19th, 2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by BoomerET (Post 150947)
Teamviewer is free for private/personal use.

Using it for business purposes means you're supposed to buy a license.

In our case here, since we're not associated with LW, I think we're good.

All true. What can I say I work for a cheap client currently. If they don't have to pay they won't. :(

Does not make it right just how it is sometimes....

Aaron March 19th, 2013 04:51 PM

My participation in such a venture as this doesn't qualify it as a business use if I am doing it on my own time, yes?

BoomerET March 19th, 2013 07:27 PM


I think that would be completely acceptable.
(and pretty cool as well I think).


If you want to give TeamViewer a test run, let me know, I just installed the latest version (V8)


chiefweasel March 20th, 2013 03:34 AM

Just installed Teamviewer. It seems simple enough, but a test run with a few folks needs to be done first. Thursday are usually my day to get together with folks involved with HL and testing or planning.

If folks want to shhot me emails, we could try to coordinate something for the test.

DMayhew469 March 20th, 2013 07:44 AM


BoomerET March 20th, 2013 10:34 AM

Looks like clients can use a browser, that'd be nice if people don't want to install something on their machine.

Of course, that would probably entail the presenter to open ports if TeamViewer doesn't use PnP, along with a bunch of other gotcha's.


chiefweasel March 20th, 2013 11:02 AM

I'll try to test it out tomorrow night and see what happens.

chiefweasel March 21st, 2013 04:30 PM

Ok, just tried out the Teamviewer product. It might work, but it needs to be tested with more people. If a few more folks would like to help us out, we are planning to do a load test next Thursday, March 28, at 8:15 PM EST.

In order to join the conference, you will need to have the Teamviewer product installed and you need to let me know that you would like to attend. I will need to send a code to each participant in order to join, and I won't have the code until I start up the conference. So email address would be best and I can email the information to you just before we start.

Also if someone would like to send me their contact information, we can give this a shot. Thanks.

Grey Mage March 22nd, 2013 02:16 PM

Count me in
I would definitely be interested in this.

Aaron March 22nd, 2013 08:09 PM

Unfortunately, next Thursday is no good for me. I have a friend coming up from SoCal and will be hanging out with him that day.

Aaron March 30th, 2013 01:46 PM

How'd the test run go on Thursday?

chiefweasel March 31st, 2013 08:02 AM

Cool, I'll see if I can get a few folks together for this. You'll need Teamviewer installed though. PM me your email and I'll get some details to you about it. Thanks.

Asandir April 4th, 2013 04:46 PM

Any update on what happened this evening?

Aaron April 4th, 2013 10:43 PM

I didn't hear anything about anything this evening, though I did get the e-mail from chiefweasel postponing things to next week due to his flu.

Asandir April 5th, 2013 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Aaron (Post 152659)
I didn't hear anything about anything this evening, though I did get the e-mail from chiefweasel postponing things to next week due to his flu.

Yep, got it and replied to it too.


chiefweasel April 5th, 2013 07:08 AM

Ya sorry about that guys. Lets shot for next thursday evening EST at 8PM is. I'll shoot an email out a bit before 8 with the meeting information.

Asandir April 7th, 2013 06:48 PM

Just found out I have to bail on Thursday. Obligations at child's school that night.

chiefweasel April 8th, 2013 04:19 AM

No problem, we still have a few others, so that should be fine for the test.

Aaron April 8th, 2013 12:26 PM

I should be good for this Thursday.

Giddoen April 10th, 2013 12:54 PM

Count me in!

chiefweasel April 10th, 2013 04:39 PM

I still plan to do the test tomorrow. 8PM EST, or there abouts. I'll shot an email out for folks around 730 so everyone is ready

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