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TCArknight July 24th, 2017 06:48 AM

[Modiphius 2d20] Star Trek Adventures
Hello all!

As a fan of both Star Trek Adventures and Herolab (HL going forward), I asked and was given permission by the folks at Modiphius to do a UNOFFICIAL dataset for folks to use. As a developer (in my day job as well as messing around in HL) I know what I would like to see, but I would like to know what you, the potential user, would like to see as well. What's essential, what's ok to have, or what you don't want. I would like to know it all. :)

A few of caveats:
1) I am a programmer as my day job with sometimes hectic schedules.
2) Family life takes precedent to development time (and with wife and three teens in house, that can be just as hectic as work life. :) )
3) I'm doing this as an opportunity to give back to the gaming community for way too many years of enjoyment. :)
4) Users would need, as per HL, access to the Authoring Kit in order to run the dataset in full (non-demo) mode.

My current plan is to tackle thing in this order:
1) Main Character Lifepath - I'm not sure if HL would support the random chart rolls, so it would be up to the user to simply roll on a table (perhaps with the built-in roller) and select the resulting option.
2) Supporting Characters
3) Starships
4) Milestone character advancement

Please let me know your thoughts, interest, etc..

Thomas C.

jbearwillis July 24th, 2017 07:41 PM

I just picked it up, Gleefully Rubbing hands together. LOL

Aaron July 25th, 2017 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by TCArknight (Post 253247)
My current plan is to tackle thing in this order:
1) Main Character Lifepath - I'm not sure if HL would support the random chart rolls, so it would be up to the user to simply roll on a table (perhaps with the built-in roller) and select the resulting option.

This is definitely doable. We have random table rolls for the 5th edition files.

AndrewD2 July 25th, 2017 08:49 PM

Not sure if you're planning to do something like put this up on github, but I wouldn't mind helping a bit in my free time.

TCArknight August 4th, 2017 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Aaron (Post 253334)
This is definitely doable. We have random table rolls for the 5th edition files.

Aaron - Especially for the Career Event tables in STA, this would be VERY useful. :)

Any place I could check out the syntaxes, etc?


Originally Posted by AndrewD2 (Post 253353)
Not sure if you're planning to do something like put this up on github, but I wouldn't mind helping a bit in my free time.

Andrew - I might just do that. I would love some pointers/suggestions on the structures, etc too. I'll post back here with the hub details. :)

Aaron August 4th, 2017 05:46 PM

Ask and you shall receive!


      tiptext="Click to add a random personality trait.">
          var thingid as string
          var tagexpr as string

          ~Stop if we have no background
          if (hero.tagis[Background.?] = 0) then
            notify "You must select a background first!"
          tagexpr = hero.tagids[Background.?," | "]

          ~We exclude any background traits that have already been added
          ~ If the random generator generates one that's already been added and
          ~ and the trait is then deleted, this creates a situation where a 'ghost'
          ~ copy is left on the character that can't be deleted. It goes away
          ~ when the character is next loaded, but an an error message is
          ~ still shown, and this is less than ideal
          if (hero.tagis[BackTrait.?] <> 0) then
            tagexpr &= " & !(" & hero.tagids[BackTrait.?," | "] & ")"

          var found as number

          foreach thing in BackPerTrt where tagexpr
            found += 1

          if (found = 0) then
            notify "There are no personality traits available for random generation."

          var i as number
          var index as number

          var thingid as string

          index = random(found)
          i = 0

          foreach thing in BackPerTrt where tagexpr
            if (i = index) then
              thingid = eachthing.idstring
              i += 1

          perform hero.addpick[BackPers,thingid]
          if (state.istablet = 0) then
            @text = "Random"

          ~we have a lot more space to use on the tablet
          @text = "Add a random{br}personality trait"

TCArknight August 12th, 2017 08:44 PM

Thanks Aaron! :) I'll have to take a closer look and see how I can use that...

TCArknight August 12th, 2017 08:45 PM

The work in progress:

Name: William T RIker
Rank: Commander
Assignment: First Officer, USS Enterprise (NCC-1701D)
Species: Human
Age: 25
Attributes: Control 8, Daring 11, Fitness 10, Insight 8, Presence 12, Reason 7
Disciplines: Command 5, Conn 4, Engineering 1, Medicine 1, Science 1, Security 4
Focuses: Athletics, Composure, Hand Phasers, Inspiration, Starship Recognition, Team Dynamics
Values: Always Be The Best, Married to the Enterprise, My Duty Is To My Captain, To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Talents: Advisor, Bold: Command, Dauntless, Follow My Lead

Stress: 14

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com

Sketchpad August 17th, 2017 03:25 PM

Awesome! Looks great so far.

TCArknight August 31st, 2017 12:58 PM

Yet more progress...

Name: USS Parnikee
Ship Class: Miranda Class

Scale: 4
Power: 10
Shields: 11
Resistance: 4
Systems: Comm 9, Computers 9, Engines 10, Sensors 9, Structure 11, Weapons 11
Departments: Command 0, Conn 0, Engineering 0, Medicine 0, Science 0, Security 0

Overview: During the mid to late 2260s the Federation saw increasing tensions with the Klingon Empire and many analysts thought that war was inevitable with Qo’noS. The design of the Miranda class began as a dual-purpose patrol and combat vessel designed specifically to counter Klingon designs, specifically recent refits of the D7 battle cruiser. A combined team of designers from Starfleet Tactical and the Starfleet Advanced Technologies Group began co-opting and adjusting technologies and systems from the upcoming Constitution class refit, producing a heavily armed attack vessel just as peace broke out between the Federation and the Empire in 2267. Production of six spaceframes occurred before further manufacturing was halted while a complete redesign was undertaken. In 2272, the Miranda development group had beaten the sword into a plowshare by redesigning nearly 70% of the internal volume of the starship, attempting to make the vessel into a science and survey ship. The result was a highly adaptable starship that continues to be in use nearly one hundred years since its introduction.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com

TCArknight March 20th, 2018 06:25 AM

Well, I am dredging this up from the depths of the void. :)

I have received official permission from Modiphius for distributing a free dataset for Star Trek Adventures.

Before putting it out there though, I would like to get 2 or three folks to put the dataset through it's paces to help me hunt down any obvious bugs I've missed or even UI type issues. (The output is one thing I know will have to work on, but I want to get opinions on improvements, etc too.)

Any takers? :)

(Just post here or PM me and I'll get with you asap. :) )

Kairos March 23rd, 2018 03:19 PM

I'd be glad to lend a hand.

TCArknight March 24th, 2018 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kairos (Post 264726)
I'd be glad to lend a hand.

PM Sent :)

gamer940 June 11th, 2018 08:28 PM

I'm most certainly interested in this. I like the official one, but it would be nice to have this to be able to generate a sheet with a character image on it.

GhostShip Blue August 25th, 2018 09:03 PM

I have a remarkably poor skill set to contribute anything to this project but sideline "rah-rahing", but I do have a question:

I'm a big fan of the 2d20 system, how hard would it be to build this out in a way similar to Savage Worlds, with a core system and additional files for the various settigns?

I do understand that Modiphius complicates things by using different attributes and skills in the various games and that may create a problem like Savage Rifts where the various dials and switches are so different the core really doesn't apply.

terrestrialboy September 28th, 2018 05:03 PM

I'm in. Gong to be playing in a Star Trek Adventures game starting next week.

terrestrialboy October 3rd, 2018 09:28 AM

I'm going to go along the assumption that the 8.7 update to HeroLab nuked some id tags and you're working on that. My Deadlands user file was fubar and I had to start over re-adding all the monsters ...

TCArknight October 3rd, 2018 11:25 AM

Yep, I’m not thinking there’s many to adjust, but it’s also hosing the Savage Rifts data too that I’m working on fixing....

ShadowChemosh October 3rd, 2018 11:41 AM

The new limitation is 17a for Unique ID's. Instead of starting over anyone can use a text editor and do a find/replace of the unique id down to 17a.

If you have many files you can use a grep based tool to find/replace all the files located in a folder. That is the easy way to fix the issue. :)

Murrdox October 30th, 2018 11:43 AM

Would the Star Trek dataset that you've built be able to be ported over into OTHER Modiphius 2D20 games? I'm getting ready to run an Infinity game, and I'm REALLY missing not being able to use Hero Lab to create NPCs.

However I'm fairly certain I don't have the programming talent to build a kit for it myself.

PGoodman13 December 17th, 2018 09:53 AM

I, too, am interested. PM sent.

PGoodman13 December 17th, 2018 09:55 PM

Okay, I'm more than willing to accept that I'm a dolt...but after retrieving the files from GitHub, how the heck do I get them into Hero Lab to test/use them? The FAQ was less than helpful, I'm afraid.

TCArknight December 18th, 2018 06:51 AM

Sorry about not getting back to you until now, RL bit me like a hungry Targ yesterday. :)

I just sent you a PM with a link to the *.hl file so there’s no need for all the github mess. :)

Will just need to be sure you have the Authoring kit for it not to come up in Demo mode. Looking forward to any and all feedback. :)


TCArknight December 18th, 2018 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Murrdox (Post 272195)
Would the Star Trek dataset that you've built be able to be ported over into OTHER Modiphius 2D20 games? I'm getting ready to run an Infinity game, and I'm REALLY missing not being able to use Hero Lab to create NPCs.

However I'm fairly certain I don't have the programming talent to build a kit for it myself.

I wouldn’t have to say possibly. :)

I’m not familiar with character creation in Infinity, but since I did the STA one and a Conan version for myself, I’m definitely familiar with the differences in 2d20 system.

Can you shoot me a PM so we can discuss this offline? :)

PGoodman13 December 18th, 2018 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by TCArknight (Post 274131)
Sorry about not getting back to you until now, RL bit me like a hungry Targ yesterday. :)


I just sent you a PM with a link to the *.hl file so there’s no need for all the github mess. :)

I have really got to stop posting things at 1 in the morning....

Will just need to be sure you have the Authoring kit for it not to come up in Demo mode. Looking forward to any and all feedback. :)
Pretty sure I do. Guess I'll find out soon.

Where would you like feedback?

PGoodman13 December 18th, 2018 07:57 AM

Okay, first bit of feedback: The files won't load. At all.

Hero Lab 8.8 - #825

I imported the .hl file you linked me to. Warned me that there were a lot of older files; I imported anyway because I'm daring and stupid like that.

Find the STA entry in the "Select a Game" dialog. I take this as a good sign.

Try to load the game. get a lot of "Duplicate record encountered" errors. The error box doesn't allow me to copy-and-paste the error messages, or I would do so.

Now what, boss?

TCArknight December 18th, 2018 11:16 AM

Try deleting the Star Trek Adventures folder from your data directory and reimporting. When you pulled from github, I bet it created the folder with different names of the files or such.... maybe having a .dat and a .user or such....

Blowing away that folder and reimporting should work then...

PGoodman13 December 18th, 2018 11:34 AM

Will give it a shot after work.

PGoodman13 December 19th, 2018 06:43 AM

Deep-sixing the data folder and re-importing from the link you sent me did the trick. Was able to open things up and look around; will have better feedback later.

PGoodman13 December 28th, 2018 10:52 AM

Okay, finally got a chance to get into this and look around.

Building a Constitution-class refit; series is set in 2295. The app doesn't choke on this like the "official" online app, which doesn't allow for variation in things. The core book, for some unknown reason, says the class was retired in 2290, which is silly on the face of it considering ST6...but I digress. Your data set lets me build the ship in the year I want so I don't miss out on a refit. I like this.

It tells me that I've overspent on Traits, but there's not a specific number of traits set out in the rules. Every ship starts with one, but there isn't a set limit. Some of the examples have two or three. I don't think we need to have the Traits tracked like that, but there may be a good solid programming reason for it, so....

Weapon damage is coming up wrong. Phaser banks add 1 CD to the damage, and the ship should have basic phaser damage of Scale + Security, so in the case of this version of the Lexington (Scale 4, Sec 3), total phaser damage should be 8 (7 base plus 1 for banks). It shows 5.

Photon torpedoes should be 3 + Security, so in this case 6. It shows 4.

I can send you the portfolio for the ship if it'll help.

TCArknight December 28th, 2018 11:26 AM

Thanks very much! :)

Unfortunately, my hard drive crashed a couple days ago, and I’m trying to figure out a way to get all my data back... (seems like the boot sector may be dead, but may be wishful thinking. :( )

This feedback is exactly what I was looking for. Once I get a couputer up and running I’ll look it over and see what can be fixed. :)

PGoodman13 December 28th, 2018 09:42 PM

Oh, man. That blows. Hope you can recover the stuff you really need.

On the starship validation report, I get the following, most of which is kind of irrelevant with a ship as opposed to a character. At least one of them seems superfluous for either.
  • Attribute Slots: Resource unspent
  • Character Points: Resource unspent
  • Discipline Slots: Resource unspent
  • Trait Slots: Resource overspent
I've already commented on the Traits. Character Points is a bit of a null concept with STA chargen. Ships don't have Attributes and Disciplines, but Systems and Departments.

Mostly, building a ship has been pretty clean. A few hiccups here and there, but I don't imagine it's anything major. (Then again, I'm not a programmer.)

Again, will send you the portfolio when you're back up and running.

PGoodman13 December 29th, 2018 07:31 AM

Okay, trying to create a main character. When I get to career events, there's only a couple on the list, neither of which I want to use. So obviously, that list needs to get finished so that you can make the lifepath decisions you want to make.

When I chose Veteran for the character, it correctly added the Veteran Talent, but it didn't add the fourth Talent to the list; it tells me I have used 4 of 3 Talents.

I didn't keep as careful a set of notes as I should have as I built her, but I'm not sure how her Control got to 11 as quickly as it did. I don't recall that happening with the manual test run I did a few months ago. Sorry; I'll try to do better as we go forward.

TCArknight December 29th, 2018 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by PGoodman13 (Post 274471)
Okay, trying to create a main character. When I get to career events, there's only a couple on the list, neither of which I want to use. So obviously, that list needs to get finished so that you can make the lifepath decisions you want to make.

When I chose Veteran for the character, it correctly added the Veteran Talent, but it didn't add the fourth Talent to the list; it tells me I have used 4 of 3 Talents.

I didn't keep as careful a set of notes as I should have as I built her, but I'm not sure how her Control got to 11 as quickly as it did. I don't recall that happening with the manual test run I did a few months ago. Sorry; I'll try to do better as we go forward.

Thank you very much for this! I’ll be glad when I get back to some kind of place to do dev stuff again. :)

Regarding the career events, grab this file from my github and copy it into the data folder: thing_careerevents.dat

That’s one of the last things I did before the crash...

PGoodman13 December 29th, 2018 11:00 AM

All right, that did appear to solve the career events issue. So that's one down....

PGoodman13 December 29th, 2018 11:21 AM

In step 4, Starfleet Academy, regardless of educational track chosen, you get 3 points for Attributes. While it's possible to spend them 2 on one Attribute and 1 on a second, the rules clearly state that you can spend 1 each on three different Attributes. This is on pages 116-117 of the core book.

The program right now only recognizes the "2 points on 1 Attribute, and 1 point on another" approach. This should be changed (when you finally get the chance) to allow for possibly raising three Attribs by 1 each.

Getting back to the career events: You might add to the description of each event which Attrib and Discipline the event affects, if you can do that without getting into trouble with Modiphius for putting too much rule information into the product.

SSiron January 1st, 2019 04:04 PM

I am new to this thread, but I believe (at least as far as ship and starbases) you can only have as many traits as equal to your structure.

Then again, I could be wrong. I just looked back at where I read that, and it is on a fan site, not an official thing from Modifius.

PGoodman13 January 2nd, 2019 01:05 PM

Number of Ship Talents is equal to Scale, per Nathan Dowdell (who wrote the rules, so he should know).

There's not a specific limit to Traits, for either characters or ships, that I can recall.

SSiron January 3rd, 2019 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by PGoodman13 (Post 274611)
Number of Ship Talents is equal to Scale, per Nathan Dowdell (who wrote the rules, so he should know).

There's not a specific limit to Traits, for either characters or ships, that I can recall.

You knew what I meant... :P I said traits when I meant Talents. And yes, I looked it up again in the core book for ship. What I was referring to was the Starbase creation rules put out there from Continuing Mission site. That one they limit the talents to the scale/structure of the Starbase.

I managed to grab the files from GitHub a few days ago, and I am in the process of adjusting some of the errors and making a read me file to go along with it. I'll be sending it to TCArknight as soon as I am finished with the edits. I already had to restart twice due to removing something that broke the dataset.

SSiron January 4th, 2019 12:41 AM

Ok, I finished altering and updating what I could and have everything ready to hand out to other people if they want it.

Disclaimer, I am not the original author of the dataset, I merely fiddled with some of the files and added missing content while trying not to break the character creator. I am not a programmer, some items are still needed.

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