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ShadowChemosh April 6th, 2011 08:16 AM

Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set
Please post any bug reports, and ONLY bug reports, found in the Community Created 3.5 D&D data set.... in this thread. In example if a feat or a Domain is not working please post here to let us know about it.

If you are an editor of the data set please post any issues to the correct thread in the User Projects forum.

For questions or other issues feel free to PM Sendric or ShadowChemosh. You can also email me at ShadowChemosh(at)yahoo(dot)com.


Sendric May 9th, 2011 05:13 AM

Many of the feats from Libris Mortis do not check for pre-requisites.

Celdin June 11th, 2011 08:43 AM

Duskblade can have a familiar (or improved familiar) if the proper feats are selected. When these feats are chosen, the button to add a familiar doesn't display.

ShadowChemosh June 11th, 2011 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Celdin (Post 57098)
Duskblade can have a familiar (or improved familiar) if the proper feats are selected. When these feats are chosen, the button to add a familiar doesn't display.

Thanks we will take a look into this.

Kendall-DM June 16th, 2011 03:31 PM

Natural Bond is almost there, but not quite. I shall try to solve this problem myself, but as the code is written, there is the possibility that a character will receive an incorrect bonus from this feat. Let me explain with an example.

If you have a 6th level ranger/5th level druid, you set up a condition that won't give the ranger the correct effective level of druid. The total level (11) minus the druid level (5) gives a bonus of 6, and the minimum of 3 and 6 is 3. So, then the ranger has it's effective level increased by 3. The effective level of a Ranger is 3 (one-half his level) plus the 3 from natural bond equal 6, which exceeds the druid's level.

What, in fact, needs to be done, is a comparison of the effective level of druid to the actual druid level. I'll try to work on that and get back to you.

EDIT: Ok, just realized this is stacking. Still needs fixing but it's not as bad as I first thought. All that needs to be done is to subtract the character's effective druid level from it's total level (not the actual druid level, since a single class ranger would have no druid levels but does have effective druid levels for the purposes of animal companions). So, I'm going to try to subtract hero.childfound[cAnimClass].field[CompClLev].value from the total character level instead of the total level of druid.

EDIT2: I also had to move it to Post-Levels, but that doesn't give the correct Class Level to the Companion. Here's the problem, the class levels of the companion are determined at First 497, but the actual levels of the character are not done until 500. Trying to sync these two things is impossible (first the companion level is determined, then your effective level is determined, but it can't retroactively get the correct effective level back on the companion). This is an issue with HL and not with the coding, as far as I can tell. Trying to solve it, but don't know if it is possible.

Solution (at First/499):

~ If we're disabled, do nothing
doneif (tagis[Helper.FtDisable] <> 0)

~ If we are within range of our effective druid level.
var bonus as number
bonus = #totallevelcount[] - hero.childfound[cAnimClass].field[CompClLev].value
bonus = minimum(bonus,3)

~Only do stuff if the animal companion is live.
if (hero.childlives[cAnimComp] <> 0) then
  ~ Add 3 to our companion level.
  hero.childfound[cAnimClass].field[CompClLev].value += bonus
  hero.childfound[cAnimComp].field[CompLevBas].value += bonus
  hero.childfound[cAnimComp].field[CompLevel].value += bonus

Kendall-DM June 16th, 2011 05:55 PM

I've actually cleaned up Natural Bond by reducing alot of the code. If interested in a cleaner version, here it is.


~ If we're disabled, do nothing
doneif (tagis[Helper.FtDisable] <> 0)

~ If we are within range of our effective druid level.
var bonus as number
bonus = #totallevelcount[] - hero.childfound[cAnimClass].field[CompClLev].value
bonus = minimum(bonus,3)

~ Add bonus to our companion level.
hero.childfound[cAnimClass].field[CompClLev].value += bonus

ShadowChemosh June 17th, 2011 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Kendall-DM (Post 57388)
I've actually cleaned up Natural Bond by reducing alot of the code. If interested in a cleaner version, here it is.

Thank you for this. We will be taking a look at it. It may not make it into 1.5 as just too many changes happened in v3.7 of HL that is slowing me down. But it will make it into 1.6 for sure.


Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer June 28th, 2011 04:20 PM

Orphans after Lawful G 1.5
So I downloaded Lawful G 1.5 and upon firing up my current d20 character I got:

Pick 'sWizCAReMD' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch '117'
Pick 'sWizCAReMD' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch '127'

Did a "save as" on the character with a different name and the error doesn't happen when I open that new version but does trigger when I re-open the original file.

So is this something I need to fix on my end or is it something that needs to be fixed with LG 1.5?

Sorry to be a fly in the ointment,
Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

McQ June 28th, 2011 04:51 PM

The Domination Domain in Spell Comp Domains.user should grant the bonus feat Spell Focus and have the prerequisite for the school being Enchantment.

McQ June 28th, 2011 04:53 PM

Got a weird error since I updated. "sWizCAReMD" has been orphaned in batch 117.
And "fSpellFoc" has been orphaned in bootstrap 175. (I think this is from the Domination Domain I edited to give the bonus feat Spell Focus)

ShadowChemosh June 28th, 2011 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer (Post 57911)
Pick 'sWizCAReMD' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch '117'
Pick 'sWizCAReMD' has been orphaned due to missing thing in batch '127'

This is caused by the fact that the Complete Arcane cantrip "Repair Minor Damage" was removed. The idea was that the Spell Compendium version of the spell was the one that was to be used but cantrips are ALWAYS bootstrapped to ALL characters. *sigh*

Will have to work on a better way of doing this in the future maybe by hiding the Thing instead.


Originally Posted by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer (Post 57911)
So is this something I need to fix on my end or is it something that needs to be fixed with LG 1.5?

Actually neither. The thing is gone so HL is just letting you know. The Spell Compendium spell is now marked to both Books so that version of the Cantrip will now appear instead. Technically other then the message you should not notice any issues. If you do plz let me know.

Simply make any change to your character and save it again as that will fix it so that HL no longer tells you about the missing cantrip when you open your character.

Sorry about this everyone. Will see if we can work on a better way of doing this in the future.

Lawful_g June 28th, 2011 06:09 PM

I've fixed the pre-reqs for the Libris Mortis Feats and added the eval scripts for that. It should be in 1.6.

TheShadow July 14th, 2011 08:10 AM

Book of Exalted Deeds
When I select the feat Vow of Poverty for 2nd level it does not give me the option to add a bonus exalted feat. I'm unsure what additional information you may need.

Also I just want to say thank you for all the hard work you put into this collection of data!

ShadowChemosh July 15th, 2011 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by TheShadow (Post 58628)
When I select the feat Vow of Poverty for 2nd level it does not give me the option to add a bonus exalted feat. I'm unsure what additional information you may need.

Also I just want to say thank you for all the hard work you put into this collection of data!

Thanks for the report we will look into this.

bodrin July 16th, 2011 04:51 AM

Added all the MM V1.6 files into HL data folder. Now encountering multiple duplicate thing errors even after deleteing the original V1.5 release files.

Have reverted back to the V1.5 files for now.

ShadowChemosh July 16th, 2011 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by bodrin (Post 58752)
Added all the MM V1.6 files into HL data folder. Now encountering multiple duplicate thing errors even after deleteing the original V1.5 release files.

Bodrin plz don't post in here for new release issue. This is for the community to post issues about fully tested working releases not releases in the works.

Plz see d20 Release 1.6 Testing and Integration... thread for this info and the answer to why you are getting duplicate issues.

bodrin July 18th, 2011 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by ShadowChemosh (Post 58774)
Bodrin plz don't post in here for new release issue. This is for the community to post issues about fully tested working releases not releases in the works.

Plz see d20 Release 1.6 Testing and Integration... thread for this info and the answer to why you are getting duplicate issues.

Sorry, apologies!
Was to quick off the mark.

Provos July 31st, 2011 06:38 AM

The race Mad Gnome from Races of Ansalon has the incorrect base speed. The speed should be 20 not 30. The file is named RoA - Races.user.

Durithic July 31st, 2011 09:01 AM

The Glory domain spells show two selections of each.
spell level: 6 , domain spell: bolt of glory : sDGloBoltG & sDGlo60000
spell level: 8 , domain spell: crown of glory : sDGloCrGlo & sDGlo80000

bodrin August 1st, 2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Provos (Post 59687)
The race Mad Gnome from Races of Ansalon has the incorrect base speed. The speed should be 20 not 30. The file is named RoA - Races.user.

Corrected and Uploaded ready for V1.6 Release

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer August 24th, 2011 03:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
You broke my paladin's mount with this 1.6 update. :(

Animal, Warhorse (Heavy) is no longer seen as a valid race. Thus, none of the attributes modifiers register & thus things like my Large armor (aka, his barding) and Feats selected are no longer valid. :(

Attaching JPEG.

Suggestions? I tried the 'move all gear to the primary character and delete the mount' route and when I click the button to get a "new" companion, HL gives me the same old horse, to include feats selected on the old one, as a replacement instead of a fresh horse.

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

ShadowChemosh August 24th, 2011 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer (Post 61465)
You broke my paladin's mount with this 1.6 update. :(

Well that is not good. I never thought about animal companions and stuff when I tested 1.6. I played around allot with the monsters and stuff as Lawful_G made allot of changes in that area.

I unfortunately don't know what exactly went wrong here. Maybe Lawful_G does. In the mean time can you send me the .por file to (ShadowChemosh_at_yahoo_dot_com) so we can check it out.

My other thought is if you want you could roll back to release 1.5 for the mean time. I just looked and 1.5 is no longer on Cheifweasels website but I have asked him to put it back for now. So with that in mind you can do the following to roll back in HL once 1.5 gets back on the website.

1) Download release 1.5. Put the file, Lawful_G_d20(v1.5).hl, somewhere you can find like your desktop.

2) Start HL d20 and go to "Tool->Manage Third Party Updates..". On the new window you will see d20 Community v1.6. You can click the Blue button "Delete" to have HL delete/remove all the 1.6 changes.

3) Close down HL. Double click on the Lawful_G_d20(v1.6).hl file to start the import process for 1.5. Once finished start d20 and you should be good to go again.

Really sorry about this. The data set is just TOO big for one person to test every class, feat, monster, item, spell........ :(

Will see what Lawful_G says and maybe need to roll out a 1.61 release to fix this. Will let people know.


Lawful_g August 24th, 2011 01:14 PM

To fix the error, enable the Monster Manual for this character, the Heavy Warhorse race has that as a source.

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer August 24th, 2011 03:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Lawful_g (Post 61501)
To fix the error, enable the Monster Manual for this character, the Heavy Warhorse race has that as a source.

A) Thanks to you and Shadow for looking into this.

B) I'm a little surprised that one has to have the Monster Manual in play for a standard "comes with the class" thing like a paladin's mount.

C) It mostly worked. However, I'm still getting this error. Apparently it doesn't recognize that my horse has a 9 INT due to being the mount of a 16th level paladin. ;)

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer August 24th, 2011 07:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Nigel Fogg The Wayfarer (Post 61504)

C) It mostly worked. However, I'm still getting this error. Apparently it doesn't recognize that my horse has a 9 INT due to being the mount of a 16th level paladin. ;)

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer

Ah, I see. The "warning" is really an advisory that my paladin's mount is too smart to be considered an animal. Well duh! :p

So really, the wording on the "warning" needs to be improved rather than there being an error that needs correcting with the paladin's mount.

Nigel Fogg, aka The Wayfarer :)

McQ August 27th, 2011 08:22 PM

1.6 Error
Ran into quite a few errors with my update to the Create Content.

Getting this:

Portal 'ClsMgcLvl1' references agent auto-tag 'SpecSource.cHelpMoS' that does not exist

It's showing up for cHelpMoS and cHelpToG. I hoped just opening the .user file I have these classes on would fix it. Checked the Class Level tab and the other Class related tabs. Is there a quick solution for this?

Also getting this:

One or more required sources are not accessible for hero 'Madam Vinanne'. Subsequent errors may be the result of this problem.
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'AaEG'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'AdvBest'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'AgeMortals'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'BestKrynn'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'BoD'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'BoED'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'BodCusStuf'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CScape'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CoT'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompAdvent'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompArcane'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompChamp'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompDivine'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompMage'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompPsi'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompScound'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'CompWarrio'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DLCS'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DME'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DMGPoison'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DOK'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DScape'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DenizDread'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'Draconom'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DragonComp'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'DrowUnderD'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'EbCamSet'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'FCodex2'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'Frostburn'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'HOotS'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'HeroBattle'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'KniAnsalon'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'KrynnLang'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'LGHidden'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'LMort'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'LawfulGCus'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'LordMadnes'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'MagicComp'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'MinHand'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'MonManual1'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'MonManual2'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'MonManual5'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'MonsFaerun'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'PHB2'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'RoD'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'Sandstorm'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'SpellComp'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'SrcStormWr'
Critical information not found in data files: Source Volume 'ToHS'

And lastly, am I safe to delete the work on the Staffs I did? Was wondering what file it was placed into.

ShadowChemosh August 28th, 2011 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by McQ (Post 61594)
Ran into quite a few errors with my update to the Create Content.

And lastly, am I safe to delete the work on the Staffs I did? Was wondering what file it was placed into.

Going to assume that actually the first error you got said DUPLICATE THING error? It then caused HL to go into Safe Mode which prevented the community d20 data set from loading. Then you tried to load up a character and it can't find any of the 459 files it needs from the community data set.

It would appear that the .user files you gave us you didn't remove from the herolab\data\d20 folder? So go ahead and remove the .user files you gave us and you should be good to go again. If not let us know.


McQ August 28th, 2011 08:53 PM

Works perfectly fine now. Last night I simply deleted the files I sent and restarted HeroLab and everything loaded correctly.

Wish I would have finished more of the Spells I had sent, A-B wasn't much, but with my novice ability it's as much as I could get done in the time I took to work on them. I might do a spell a day, and hopefully by the next update I'll have the whole thing finished.

Thanks for the reply and the work done. :)

Kendall-DM November 14th, 2011 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kendall-DM (Post 57388)
I've actually cleaned up Natural Bond by reducing alot of the code. If interested in a cleaner version, here it is.

I want to first apologize for not thoroughly testing this once I had the fix in place. I apparently only tested it on single class druids, as the ranger and the multi-classed druid were not giving their bonuses to their effective levels. I have now thoroughly tested this, and it appears to work as expected. Originally, I was approaching from the "what level you have to be to get a companions" rather than having your companion have the benefits based on what your druid level can effectively be. In that regard, I was modifying the wrong field. I added some extra coding in case someone took natural bond before they actually took an animal companion (say a low level ranger, or a class that is thinking of multi-classing to an animal companion class).


~ If we're disabled, do nothing.
doneif (tagis[Helper.FtDisable] <> 0)
doneif (hero.childlives[cAnimClass] = 0)
doneif (hero.childlives[cAnimComp] = 0)

~ If we are within range of our effective druid level.
var bonus as number
bonus = #totallevelcount[] - hero.child[cAnimClass].field[CompClLev].value - hero.child[cAnimComp].field[CompLevAdj].value
bonus = minimum(bonus,3)

~ Add the bonus to our companion level.
hero.child[cAnimComp].field[CompLevAdj].value += bonus

mpirunner March 6th, 2012 02:53 AM

Adding Monster Manual content breaks base reflex save computation

I have come across this strange behavior in 3.9b + Lawful_G_1.6:
When I enable the "Monster Manual in my hero's config,
the base reflex value of my characters goes up by +2,
which should not happen. Disabling it again brings it back
to the correct value. However the Monster Manual is required
to build characters with non-default races and animal companions.
Could you have a look at this ?


Sendric March 6th, 2012 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by mpirunner (Post 77921)

I have come across this strange behavior in 3.9b + Lawful_G_1.6:
When I enable the "Monster Manual in my hero's config,
the base reflex value of my characters goes up by +2,
which should not happen. Disabling it again brings it back
to the correct value. However the Monster Manual is required
to build characters with non-default races and animal companions.
Could you have a look at this ?


I'm seeing the same thing. I'll try to take a look at it.

Update: I have found the source of this issue. In the file "MM - Creature types Compiled.user" each type is having its saving throws calculated. I took a look at the Type-Humanoid script and made one change to the bottom of the second eval script:


    each.field[rFort].value = round(HD/3, 0, -1)
    each.field[rRef].value = round(HD/2, 0, -1)  + 2
    each.field[rWill].value = round(HD/3, 0, -1)

Text in italics was removed. It appears there are similar scripts for all types. However, not all types are sourced to the Monster Manual.

Bodrin, I believe this is your code. I am not sure if you intended to have it all sourced or not. I also don't know if there was a reason for the +2. Before I go mucking around with it, do you want to take a look or just let me know what you were looking to do here? I don't have a problem with editing it, but I don't want to ruin anything you may have been trying to do here.

LordValerius March 6th, 2012 03:39 PM

Not sure what to do with this....
I am having the same issue after realizing that my humans had extra numbers on their reflex saves...Once MM was removed it corrects the error of course, but then my players mounts are hosed.

I really don't want to start fiddling too much with the eval scripts as I will most likely jack something up....

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



bodrin March 6th, 2012 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Sendric (Post 77924)
I'm seeing the same thing. I'll try to take a look at it.

Update: I have found the source of this issue. In the file "MM - Creature types Compiled.user" each type is having its saving throws calculated. I took a look at the Type-Humanoid script and made one change to the bottom of the second eval script:


    each.field[rFort].value = round(HD/3, 0, -1)
    each.field[rRef].value = round(HD/2, 0, -1)  + 2
    each.field[rWill].value = round(HD/3, 0, -1)

Text in italics was removed. It appears there are similar scripts for all types. However, not all types are sourced to the Monster Manual.

Bodrin, I believe this is your code. I am not sure if you intended to have it all sourced or not. I also don't know if there was a reason for the +2. Before I go mucking around with it, do you want to take a look or just let me know what you were looking to do here? I don't have a problem with editing it, but I don't want to ruin anything you may have been trying to do here.

Not my code. I just started adding the subtypes as text ready for bootstrapping later. I think Lawful_g is the scriptee, however! Maybe nudging in that direction we'll get some insight.

Aaron March 6th, 2012 04:05 PM

Sendric, that code was mine. It was there so that races would automatically calculate and increase their saves as they gain extra HD.

What I would do is add that +2 back in, but also have a check before running any of the automatic calculation scripts on the types. If the race has more than 0 racial HD (I can't think of a humanoid with racial HD, but I am sure there must be some), then run the script to calculate the BAB/saves/skill/etc, otherwise don't because they will be defined by class levels (for humans and the like).

Sendric March 6th, 2012 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Aaron (Post 77981)
Sendric, that code was mine. It was there so that races would automatically calculate and increase their saves as they gain extra HD.

What I would do is add that +2 back in, but also have a check before running any of the automatic calculation scripts on the types. If the race has more than 0 racial HD (I can't think of a humanoid with racial HD, but I am sure there must be some), then run the script to calculate the BAB/saves/skill/etc, otherwise don't because they will be defined by class levels (for humans and the like).

Ah. My fault then. Sorry, Bodrin.

I'll take a run at this tomorrow, and hopefully have a fix by the end of the day based on your suggestions, Aaron.

As an aside, should all the types and subtypes from that file be sourced to the Monster Manual? Or should they not be sourced at all? It currently appears to be inconsistent as some of the types (5 or 6 off the top of my head) are sourced, but none of the others.

Aaron March 6th, 2012 06:35 PM

I'd make them all unsourced unless that causes problems.

Sendric March 7th, 2012 05:17 AM

Ok, removed the sources (except the Eberron source for the Deathless type), and added the following statement:


  ~ Also do nothing if we don't have racial hit dice
  doneif (herofield[tHitDice].value - herofield[tLevel].value = 0)

I don't know if this is the way you are supposed to count racial hit dice, but it seems to be working. Adding the file to the 1.7 dropbox release folder.

Kendall-DM March 7th, 2012 09:53 AM

You can also count racial Hit Dice by looking at the race's rHitDice value, or counting the Classes.Race tag on the Hero.

Sendric March 7th, 2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kendall-DM (Post 78046)
You can also count racial Hit Dice by looking at the race's rHitDice value, or counting the Classes.Race tag on the Hero.

I tried something similar with rHitDice, but it caused an error. It compiled ok, but gave an error in the portfolio. Since this didn't give an error, and seemed to accomplish the same thing, I went with this. I didn't try the Classes.Race tag though.

Kendall-DM March 7th, 2012 11:52 AM

Sorry, I should have mentioned, rHitDice is on the BaseRace, so what I've had to do in the past is do a foreach on the BaseRace, and then get the each.field[rHitDice].value to avoid the error. It's much easier just to count the Classes.Race though, since that is on the hero.

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