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Urp June 26th, 2011 04:35 PM

[Bug Reports] Storm of Magic
Is anyone here looking at doing a Storm of Magic update when it's released? Or would that be another file entirely? Just wanted to ask, thanks!

UltraPrime June 28th, 2011 10:07 PM

Just pre-ordered book, so no worries guys - I will get round to it!

Mr_Rose June 29th, 2011 12:01 AM

How hard will it be to add the fifth "Monsters and Magic" category in excess of the nominal points value?

Because that seems like the sticking point to me.

UltraPrime July 11th, 2011 12:47 PM

Well, the post finally came at 5PM with my SoM book. I shall digest it tonight, and then see what plan I can work out.....

Urp July 11th, 2011 06:52 PM

I don't know if anyone has told you lately UltraPrime, but you are the best!

UltraPrime July 11th, 2011 11:16 PM

I've not made any decisions yet, but wanted to throw this idea out for opinions.

Because anything you choose for a SoM game has no bearing whatsoever on your 'initial' army (ie, you have a 2,000 point game - you work out the 2,000pts as normal, then decide what you will spend your 500pt SoM allowance on) I was thinking of doing the SoM rules as a completely seperate file to the main WFB file.

This would have it's good and bad points. The bad point would be having two distinct lists, which means you couldn't drag units around to list magic items with characters who you intend to use them with.

The good points far outweigh this. Obviously, the way the points are allocated will be a nightmare to integrate into the main file. Plus I would have to edit every single file!

I'm still reading the book, so inspiration may hit me with a better way.

One last point, and I'm not sure how I'm going to deal with this yet. Summoning units - as you can choose pretty much any unit, and don't have to make the decision until you actually cast it, I'm not sure how to include stats for these. Any suggestions welcome!

Mr_Rose July 12th, 2011 12:04 AM

Summoned things...I really wouldn't bother.
People know what they have in their collections and the AB files can easily create and print out listings for a single unit if necessary, without modification.
Unless there's a way of automating that somehow?

Or maybe create a new point category "summoned 75pts" with the usual restrictions deleted, maybe as part of the SoM files.

UltraPrime July 13th, 2011 11:48 AM

Slight change of plan. I'm adding 'Storm of Magic' as a race to the files. This seemed easiest option. You will still need to create your main army, then your extra allowance.

I'm undecided at present whether I will add the new spells to this file, or tag them onto each individual race.

My first job is to get the Mythical Artefacts and Bound Monsters done. Once that is in place, I'll think how I'm going to handle Pacts.

Arijharn July 13th, 2011 06:33 PM

How can you force Storm of Magic as a 'race' to be +25% of another's total? Or can't you?

Can you make it so that it's an 'ally' like Dogs of War or something? or make it affect the roster points total that way?

UltraPrime July 13th, 2011 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Arijharn (Post 58603)
How can you force Storm of Magic as a 'race' to be +25% of another's total? Or can't you?

Can you make it so that it's an 'ally' like Dogs of War or something? or make it affect the roster points total that way?

You can't, that's the point. You must create your extra 25% completely seperately. I can see no way of letting AB give you an extra 25% without it affecting the composition.

gkgnight July 14th, 2011 04:11 PM

instead of creating a new composition to display you could create a new tag for SoM adn then in the rules create a rule to add up all units with the SoM tag and check to see if its then within valid range. That way you'll be able to keep them in the same file. Just don't assign a designation to the SoM units.

AB files currently know what composition something is because they are given the rare, special, core, etc... tags. Thus if the SoM have no tag but SoM then they won't count against any allowance.

Then if a unit can have BOTH a SoM and a normal army selection you can make the option in the unit to take it as an SoM unit ... like with choosing weapons. That SoM option would delete the units current composition tag and assign it as the SoM tag.

That logic should fix your issue. (and make SoM displaying of units a rules otion, like showing forge world, etc...)

UltraPrime July 14th, 2011 10:27 PM

Good point. I can't see how to do it at moment, but I'm sure it will come to me :). For now, I'm going to carry on as a seperate file. This will make it useable for now, and I can integrate it fully later - nothing I am doing at the moment will make this any more complicated.

Arijharn July 16th, 2011 02:25 AM

Are you going to be working under the impression that you can give Mythic Artifacts to Daemons Ultra?

UltraPrime July 16th, 2011 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Arijharn (Post 58747)
Are you going to be working under the impression that you can give Mythic Artifacts to Daemons Ultra?

Who you give items to isn't currently covered by files, as they will be two seperate lists. So I dodge a bullet there...

Edit - but my personal opinion is Mythic Artefacts can only be given to characters who can choose items of that type in the first place. By time I get round to integrating files, I hope for a FAQ. I'm currently inputting Monster stats. I can't explain how mind-numbing this process is....

Mr_Rose July 16th, 2011 04:06 AM

What give you that impression?
That the army buys them and not the character, or that they can be given to any character as long as they don't already have an item of the same type?

There is no rule anywhere in Warhammer: Daemons of Chaos that says "Daemons may not take magic items" or equivalent - just a lack of an allowance to do so, which is mooted by the SoM rules creating an additional allowance for exactly this purpose. Nor is there any rule in SoM that says "your character may only have a mythic artefact if it could have taken a normal item of the same type."

UltraPrime July 16th, 2011 04:23 AM

I'll admit, I've not given any thought to it. That was my initial impression upon reading the book, but as you say nothing actually prevents it. I won't have time to actually play SoM for a couple of weeks - then my mind will be more towards actual game mechanics.

Mr_Rose July 16th, 2011 04:49 AM

Wow that sounded snippy, didn't it?
Sorry, just got done dealing with a related issue regarding spells and someone claiming that every wizard automatically became a Loremaster in SoM and, yeah...

UltraPrime July 16th, 2011 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Mr_Rose (Post 58751)
Wow that sounded snippy, didn't it?
Sorry, just got done dealing with a related issue regarding spells and someone claiming that every wizard automatically became a Loremaster in SoM and, yeah...

Not at all. I really haven't thought about it much. Though the thought of a Bloodthirster with a Dawnstar Sword gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.....

Arijharn July 16th, 2011 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by UltraPrime (Post 58754)
Not at all. I really haven't thought about it much. Though the thought of a Bloodthirster with a Dawnstar Sword gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.....

Um... funny story. I tried that today at my local GW.

BT + Dark Insanity + Dawnstar Sword. I got super lucky and triggered 14 attacks (*2 because Dark Insanity is a random element, which is why I could get 14 in the first place. At least, the manager let me get away with it), which managed to wound every single strike, and then I got 6 for Thunderstomp that wounded as well.

Khorne truly, truly favoured me then, because I killed 33 Dark Elves (from a horde of 40) in a single round, they panicked and fled, I pursued and killed them all.

And that wasn't with Equilibrium or Dominance.

UltraPrime July 17th, 2011 01:52 AM

As I've got to entering stats for the Greater Daemons, and their Troop Type is Character, I've now changed my mind - Bloodthirsters with magic items all the way!

UltraPrime July 17th, 2011 08:30 AM

Question for you all -

You may only take 2 Scrolls of Binding in a game less than 2,999 points. So, for example, does this mean you can only have 2 Dragons of ANY type, or 2 Dragons of EACH type? I've read the section several times, but it can be read as either way.

Mr_Rose July 17th, 2011 11:19 AM

"Each scroll of binding allows you to include one unit of bound monsters in your army" - Storm of Magic, page 84.

UltraPrime July 17th, 2011 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mr_Rose (Post 58819)
"Each scroll of binding allows you to include one unit of bound monsters in your army" - Storm of Magic, page 84.

Yes, but what counts as a 'scroll'? Is it the individual monster (I expect so), or the page in the book?

Page 86 has a Scroll Index. This lists, using my example again, Dragon as a single entry, rather than each sub-type.

Mr_Rose July 18th, 2011 01:57 AM

It's each page in the book (or two-page spread in some cases); basically everything enclosed in the "scroll margin" page decoration. IE each entry in the scroll index is one scroll, so you can have two dragons in any combination of types/sizes, not two fire dragons and two emperor fire dragons etc..

I can't see how it could be any different, or you end up with a maximum of two griffons no matter what options they have and a maximum of eight, much rarer and more powerful, dragons not even counting the chaos versions, which doesn't make sense to me.

UltraPrime July 18th, 2011 02:37 AM

OK, that is how I shall proceed :)

Arijharn July 19th, 2011 12:10 AM

*EDIT* I don't actually remember trying to post this twice :\ (i.e., it takign too long and me being over-eager to post accidentally pressing it twice or something)

Arijharn July 19th, 2011 12:12 AM

You know what doesn't make sense to me? How Chaos Dragons can't use magic. Especially those that view themselves as Tzeentch's 'true champions.'

I guess it's because of the Exalted GD's and how they exist... but damn it let me have my cake and eat it too.

UltraPrime August 1st, 2011 01:18 AM

Just to let you know I'm still working on this, but progression has slowed down dramatically since my girlfriend got out of hospital as I need to look after her 24/7 until she recovers.

Arijharn August 2nd, 2011 12:39 AM

Wow, I hope she's going to be ok as that sounds really hardcore, like serious car accident hardcore...

UltraPrime August 2nd, 2011 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by Arijharn (Post 59805)
Wow, I hope she's going to be ok as that sounds really hardcore, like serious car accident hardcore...

She went into anaphalactic shock. Thought we were going to lose her for a few days. Not a pleasant time, I can tell you. She's going to make a full recovery now, but is weak as a kitten for the moment. Still don't know exactly what caused it, so a future of tests to look forward to...

Edited to add - I was up a few hours before anyone else this morning, so have actually made a lot of progress since yesterday. It isn't impossible that I will be done by weekend after all.

Edited again to add - Finished! The last part went alot quicker once I worked out how I wanted it to fit together. Will check it over, and will be released on Sat.

Arijharn August 3rd, 2011 08:46 PM

That's great news and much earlier than I expected. How did you end up doing it? Just as a new army list like the old dogs of war?

Atm, I've just put in SoM costs as a running tally in the notes section more than anything else heh.

UltraPrime August 3rd, 2011 11:37 PM

You work out your main army as normal. Then you create a second list, setting the max points at 25% of your main's cost. There are four new choices - Storm of Magic gives you Arcane Artefacts, Bound Monsters and all the Cantrips/Cataclysm spells, the other three also include the Sorcerous Pacts.

Consider this a 'get-you-by' version. Whilst it is fully functional, inspiration hit me last night of how to have a single file, rather than four, and it is still my aim to one day integrate into a single file for both main and Monsters & Magic.

Arijharn August 4th, 2011 01:20 AM

I have a thought; how is Kairos fateweaver going to be handled re cataclysm spells? Does he get all cataclysm spells, or only cataclysm spells from the lore's you chose from? I'm presuming the second one, because the first option is just... well, 'overpowered' doesn't really do the situation justice imo.

Arijharn September 5th, 2011 08:13 PM

Is the Bound Monster requirement part of some global pool, or is it from an individual type of monster?

UltraPrime September 5th, 2011 10:06 PM

Might be because its first thing in morning, but I don't understand question.

Arijharn September 6th, 2011 04:19 PM

Actually, nvm. It was a discussion that started out at my local GW with a friend, and at the time I didn't know, but after reading the outbox section in the Storm of Magic supplement I think the answer is that each entry in the list counts as one scroll of binding, which is I think how you've set it up anyway.

Vreith October 5th, 2011 07:14 PM

Hey Ultra Prime

Could you update the SoM section of bound monsters to include the Exalted Vermin Lord http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/New_Stuf...RMIN-LORD.html


Also the description when 'choosing' a power scroll for an item describes it the old way, once added it turns up with the FAQ rules for it, but when choosing in magic item arcane section it still says rolls of doubles etc, thought u should know

also related to Vampire counts, when choosing the mount for manfredd the acolyte (barded nightmare) it gives a 'option error'

Yobtar November 20th, 2011 08:14 AM

Great Spined Chaos Beast has an I of 3. Ab has it listed as 1

UltraPrime November 28th, 2011 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Yobtar (Post 66023)
Great Spined Chaos Beast has an I of 3. Ab has it listed as 1


DragonCrafter June 25th, 2015 10:49 AM

Forgeworld - Monstrous Arcanum
Hi. First, fantastic job keeping the data files up to date and accurate.

I have a few models that were featured in Monstrous Arcanum. The rules are not included in the Storm of Magic Expansion Bound Monsters. Has anyone given thought to adding them? If not, if I create a data file for them, could I then submit to you to include in the official rosters? Optimally this would be a new Special Rules to Allow Monstrous Arcanum Expansion, which adds a layer of complexity.

The rules for these are a FREE download on the forgeworld site:

Final Note. In the rules packet for the last Warhammer World event, all the forgeworld monsters are allowed, and interestingly they said to include them as Special choices. I don't know if it is possible to allow an option for these to be Special choices instead of bound.

I have a Magma Dragon, Preyton, and three Fimir Warriors that are eager to join the fray!

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