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-   -   Hero Lab 3.0 & Authoring Kit released (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=8074)

Colen December 21st, 2008 02:34 PM

Hero Lab 3.0 & Authoring Kit released
Hero Lab 3.0 is now available! This release, a free update for all users, has one major update - the long-awaited Authoring Kit.

(Note: Although all users will be able to view the new 'sample game system' and any game systems created with the authoring kit, Hero Lab will operate in demo mode with those games unless you purchase the "Authoring Kit / Savage Worlds" data package.)

PLEASE NOTE! The authoring kit, and the Savage Worlds data files, are NOT YET COMPLETE. The documentation for the authoring kit still needs to be updated, and the savage worlds data files still need a few days work. However, after consultation with our beta testers, we decided that it was better to release this incomplete version, then update it later - that gives any users of the authoring kit an extra few weeks during the holidays to start learning it. :)

The d20, Mutants & Masterminds and World of Darkness game systems have not had any major updates yet, due to the fallout from the hack we discovered last week. These will be updated in the coming weeks.

As always, you can download Hero Lab 3.0 through the updates mechanism, or from our website at http://www.wolflair.com/ .

If you're interested in using the authoring kit to work on new games, you can find searchable work-in-progress documentation here: http://hlkitwiki.wolflair.com/

A new forum for discussion of the Authoring Kit has been created here. Please post any questions or comments about it in that forum.

Once again, PLEASE NOTE! The authoring kit, and the Savage Worlds data files, are NOT YET COMPLETE. More complete versions will be released in the upcoming weeks.

Happy gaming!

- Colen

Colen December 21st, 2008 02:58 PM

If you want to package up your data files to move to another computer, or to back them up, you should use HLExport, which you can download here:


HLExport requires Hero Lab 3.0 to be installed to run. To use it, download it to your Hero Lab directory and run it. Full instructions should be included within the program.

Balok January 3rd, 2009 01:25 PM

The authoring kit page is a little out of date. Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but I'm a little confused. Do I have to purchase the Savage Worlds data files to get any of: the Authoring Kit, the Authoring Kit docs, or the example files?

I tried to see if Savage Worlds was available as a separate purchase, but you can't get prices for datafiles without an activation code.


Tashtego January 7th, 2009 02:08 PM

I think Savage Worlds comes automatically bundled with the Authoring kits, so once you buy the Authoring Kit, you automatically get full access to the full Savage Worlds files. I don't think you can get SW by itself, separately.

Balok January 8th, 2009 12:03 PM

Thanks. From visiting other spots in the site, I've concluding that the authoring kit is treated as a "game" by which I mean it's one of the things that you can pick as your "free" download when you purchase a copy of HL.

krathen January 8th, 2009 01:16 PM

You're correct Balok, it's treated as a game, but with the added side benefit of having savage worlds... it's a two for 1 deal.

Balok January 10th, 2009 05:38 PM


Does anyone know if the Authoring Kit may be used to alter the behavior of other game systems one might purchase? For example, to add house rules?

Mathias January 10th, 2009 09:24 PM

From what I've seen, for the d20, M&M and WoD files, the core files are stored on your computer as compiled versions. So, you're able to add new versions of existing things or create replacement versions with the editor, but you can't modify the way the system works, to convert d20 to a spell point system, for example.


Originally Posted by Balok (Post 28768)

Does anyone know if the Authoring Kit may be used to alter the behavior of other game systems one might purchase? For example, to add house rules?

Balok January 12th, 2009 04:18 PM

That's a shame. Providing the source would certainly improve folks' chances of getting the Authoring Kit to do what they want. I've found looking at how other folks solved certain problems enormously helpful.

Mathias January 12th, 2009 05:27 PM

Providing the source would also let them, with a little bit of copying, create a usable data file set. Someone could buy the authoring kit package, copy d20, M&M, and WoD over to custom games with new names, and they'd all be licensed.

I do of course agree with you on needing the examples on the authoring kit. There are a few d20 things I want to look up now.

patrick076 May 6th, 2010 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 28771)
From what I've seen, for the d20, M&M and WoD files, the core files are stored on your computer as compiled versions. So, you're able to add new versions of existing things or create replacement versions with the editor, but you can't modify the way the system works, to convert d20 to a spell point system, for example.

what a bad luck i tried several times to change them but failed after reading this i will now not try again

Kendall-DM January 18th, 2011 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 28771)
From what I've seen, for the d20, M&M and WoD files, the core files are stored on your computer as compiled versions. So, you're able to add new versions of existing things or create replacement versions with the editor, but you can't modify the way the system works, to convert d20 to a spell point system, for example.

Well, this is exactly what I've been trying to find out. So, in order to get the game system to incorporate house rules that significantly alter the mechanics, I have to use the Editor. That's rather annoying. I really needed to alter the strength bonuses to attack values (to be more like 2nd Ed), an altered skill system (which seems now to be an impossibility, sigh), and change the armor dex bonus system (mine works on percentages rather than just a number).

My options, therefore, are to create the entire system from scratch with the skeleton files, OR use the editor and have to keep loading things all the friggin' time? I don't see how this is any more useful than just doing a whole program myself. Yet another industry product that has promised the ability to edit "everything" and fails to live up to it. Still, that said, this is probably the best thing out there so far that I've seen, and I'll be using it for the interim.

Mr Steve March 22nd, 2011 12:09 AM

You can modify any data file, you just have to create a copy of it in a new folder. I have the authoring kit and it appears to come with the full source files for 4th Ed and for Savage Worlds, the latter being the reason I bought it. . .

Provos October 4th, 2011 02:59 AM

I was going to try and make a custom d20 but I guess that is impossible. OK, not impossible but I cannot just edit the base d20 files to suit my needs. I guess I will not purchase the Authoring kit after all.

SAbel October 23rd, 2011 08:49 AM

Provos you can make a copy of the d20 game to add different content to it, but as Mathias stated you can not rewrite the d20 files to say make a true 20 system or a 2.o skills and power system.

If your just creating a D20 varient then you are okay.

RavenX February 20th, 2012 03:03 PM

Is it possible to create a game system from scratch and add in things? I was considering attempted to create AD&D 2e in the authoring kit.

rob February 21st, 2012 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by RavenX (Post 76525)
Is it possible to create a game system from scratch and add in things? I was considering attempted to create AD&D 2e in the authoring kit.

That's the intent of the Authoring Kit. There's a pretty steep learning curve, but you've got the complete source files available to you for the Savage Worlds and D&D 4E game systems, so those should be extremely helpful. In addition, the walk-through outlines how the Savage Worlds files were originally created, which should also be a huge help. The Savage Worlds files have diverged a bit from when they were first written as new capabilities were added, but they are mostly the same, so there will be some differences you'll encounter in the walk-throughs. However, they should be minor and not detract from the value of the walk-throughs.

Hope this helps...

technorat May 12th, 2012 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by rob (Post 76714)
The Savage Worlds files have diverged a bit from when they were first written as new capabilities were added, but they are mostly the same, so there will be some differences you'll encounter in the walk-throughs. However, they should be minor and not detract from the value of the walk-throughs.

Hope this helps...

As the savage worlds data file updates come out is the source in the AK kept up to date as well? I'm starting to add some options for my Savage Worlds setting but I'd like to keep up to date with the the latest version as well.

rob May 22nd, 2012 12:48 PM

The source listings in the wiki articles is not kept up to date, as the changes that occur are relatively minor and don't invalidate the usefulness of the wiki as an example of how to do things. However, the complete source files provided in the "source" directory beneath where the Savage Worlds files are installed *is* fully up to date. So if you are using that source code as your reference, you'll have all the latest code.

Hope this helps...

pickin_grinnin May 6th, 2014 12:48 AM

I bought a copy of the Savage World / Authoring Kit data, but can't figure out how to get to the authoring kit itself. Any guidance would be appreciated.

lifer4700 May 6th, 2014 06:17 AM

The "authoring kit" as a piece of software does not exist. It is the source code for 4e, and the ability to save protfolios for any custom game you create.

You can "try out" the Authoring Kit by creating a new game system (Develop -> Create New Game System...) and editing the files that are provided. You just won't be able to save any portfolios with your new game system.

You must manually create and edit the XML files to create your new game system, using the 4E and SW source as your reference and http://hlkitwiki.wolflair.com/ as your guide. That is part of the "steep learning curve" that Rob mentioned.

Once you get your core system up and running, you can use the normal HL editor to enter object data, but setting up the data model, phases, and procedures is all done with lovingly hand crafted XML.

As for editing the XML, there are many good text editing tools out there. My personal preference is Notepad++, because it works well, and it is free.

I am trying to create a game system that is loosely based upon d20, so having the d20 source files available as a base would be great, but that's not an option as it's Wolf Lair's IP. The Savage Worlds and 4E code files are nice to look at, and really help fill in some blanks, but are ultimately useless for making a d20 type game. I'm going to have to completely re-write and re-engineer the d20 concept from scratch to make my game system.

pickin_grinnin May 7th, 2014 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by lifer4700 (Post 182574)
The "authoring kit" as a piece of software does not exist. It is the source code for 4e, and the ability to save protfolios for any custom game you create.

Oh. I wouldn't have bought it if I had known that. That's very disappointing.

There really needs to be more information and descriptive text for the various data add-ons. I regret this purchase now.

liz May 7th, 2014 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by pickin_grinnin (Post 182754)
Oh. I wouldn't have bought it if I had known that. That's very disappointing.

There really needs to be more information and descriptive text for the various data add-ons. I regret this purchase now.

It sounds like this was a recent purchase. Please keep in mind that we have a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. If you don't think the purchase is the right fit for you, please contact support@wolflair.com and request a refund.

Mjprogue June 2nd, 2014 12:38 PM

Wait a second...
So lets say I buy Herolab (which I am on the verge of doing) am I able to create characters for games not covered (obviously with some extra effort) or am I required to get this add on to do so?

For that matter am I able to create new data for existing games (new feats, spells, etc.) or am I limited to stuff I have licenses for?

I was led to believe that Herolab was useable with any game...but if its useless for anything not licensed I need to rethink.

Mathias June 2nd, 2014 12:45 PM

The authoring kit is used to create new game systems from scratch. If you do not have the authoring kit installed, and you have loaded the data from a system created using the authoring kit, you will be limited to demo mode - you will not be able to save or print.

Adding data to an existing game system is done with the editor that's integrated into each game system. The authoring kit is not required for that, and will not add any capabilities to that process.

ShadowChemosh June 2nd, 2014 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mjprogue (Post 184594)
So lets say I buy Herolab (which I am on the verge of doing) am I able to create characters for games not covered (obviously with some extra effort) or am I required to get this add on to do so?

If you want to create a new game system like "Shadows Cool RPG" then you need the Authoring kit. You need to be comfortable working with XML files in this case.

Players would also need Authoring Kit license to run this new game and to successfully make characters.


Originally Posted by Mjprogue (Post 184594)
For that matter am I able to create new data for existing games (new feats, spells, etc.) or am I limited to stuff I have licenses for?

For existing games like d20 or Pathfinder you can use the "Editor" that really helps simplify adding new things like feats and spells. No need to know XML but you may need to learn the HL scripting language. Existing Editors even in Demo mode are fully functional so feel free to play in the editor in Demo mode if you wish.


Originally Posted by Mjprogue (Post 184594)
I was led to believe that Herolab was useable with any game...but if its useless for anything not licensed I need to rethink.

The Authoring kit was the same "tool set" LW used to make all the games you see available from Pathfinder to Shadowrun. They used nothing special to make the licensed game systems. So if its a game system you can create it using the Authoring kit. :)

Mjprogue June 2nd, 2014 02:02 PM

Thanks for the info...I really need a forum search option...!

Mathias June 2nd, 2014 02:27 PM

The forum search is near the top right of the page - you can only search within a specific folder, so you won't see it while you're looking at the entire forum, but once you enter the authoring kit forum, you can search that folder.

Gunbunnie July 12th, 2014 06:29 PM

Silly question, I bought the Authoring Kit, but in the select game box I have Authoring Kit sample listed. How do I access the Authoring Kit?

AndrewD2 July 14th, 2014 03:07 PM

Develop->Create New System from inside any system

sincla August 24th, 2014 05:18 PM

Large portions of the Author Kit wiki are still incomplete, especially on the more advanced topics and the skeleton files. Are there any plans to complete this documentation?

Schedim January 21st, 2015 12:13 AM

The wiki seems to be completely abandoned which is a bit of pity as there is a lot of code snippets here and there it would be good to know how to interpret. not everything shows up when you search the forum ...

And asking question about every frakking codepiece I wondering about would bog the forum down. Is there any plans for a update of the documentation? it seems to been a while ... you must have a inhouse document I mean, perhaps it could be cut down, trimmed a bit and then released?

CubGeek June 28th, 2015 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Schedim (Post 201989)
The wiki seems to be completely abandoned which is a bit of pity as there is a lot of code snippets here and there it would be good to know how to interpret. not everything shows up when you search the forum ...

And asking question about every frakking codepiece I wondering about would bog the forum down. Is there any plans for a update of the documentation? it seems to been a while ... you must have a inhouse document I mean, perhaps it could be cut down, trimmed a bit and then released?

Can we have an official yea or nay on this, 6 months on?

CubGeek July 30th, 2015 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Schedim (Post 201989)
The wiki seems to be completely abandoned which is a bit of pity as there is a lot of code snippets here and there it would be good to know how to interpret. not everything shows up when you search the forum ...

And asking question about every frakking codepiece I wondering about would bog the forum down. Is there any plans for a update of the documentation? it seems to been a while ... you must have a inhouse document I mean, perhaps it could be cut down, trimmed a bit and then released?

I just asked Matthias about this. He stated that they don't have any internal documentation like this. He said that if they need to know how to do something, they'll open up a Skype chat session with a coworker and work it through there. Then, if they need to refer back to it, they just go through old Skype chats.

I appreciate the honesty, but it doesn't help people who are trying to use the product they've purchased.

Matthias was also very apologetic about the absolutely appalling state of the AK wiki, and stated they they do not have any plans to finish the wiki or update it to cover any new features within HL. They have too much other work to do for other things that they deem to be more important than this.

To paraphrase: "yeah, we didn't provide the documentation to fully utilize the product you purchased, and I'm sorry that the wiki has been abandoned, but we're too busy with other things and your requests won't make us any money. Good luck have fun!"

Mathias August 5th, 2015 07:17 AM

We can't fit improving the documentation into the plans for the immediate horizon, and anything beyond the next few projects is still nebulous, because the amount of time they'll require is not certain. I did not say that we would never be improving the documentation. That's still something I want to do.

jfrazierjr May 12th, 2017 10:55 AM

A few general questions:

is there an xsd for the data file format? If so, this would be most helpful.

second, is there some upper hard coded limit on the number of various child items contained within a game system. For example, dropdown fields, text fields, panels, popup windows for choice selection, etc.

Mathias May 12th, 2017 12:20 PM

There's not a formal xsd available. In the authoring kit manual, go to kit reference, and then definition file reference, structural file reference, and data file reference to find out what elements are available, and whether they're required or optional.

Urielblue June 29th, 2017 02:02 AM

Hmm...I was hoping to use the AK to make characters for Fantasy Age, but it seems that it is an abandoned project? Of course, my programming abilities are pretty much nil, so my dreams of an easy drag/click/add already finished sections (Changing the Attributes to reflect FA's 9 Attributes, for instance), seems a little bit of a lost cause anyways... I'm not even sure where to start as a 'Step One...' Ach.

Love HL for both PF, and D&D 5th, btw.

Duggan September 16th, 2021 08:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jfrazierjr (Post 249790)
A few general questions:

is there an xsd for the data file format? If so, this would be most helpful.

Here's one for Structure files. Probably not entirely complete... I built it based on the wiki data, and then tweaked a few things based on how it reacted with a selected set of files (and at least one question answered by Mathias). I probably need to run it over a larger sample.

AceOfSpades October 4th, 2021 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Mathias (Post 213675)
We can't fit improving the documentation into the plans for the immediate horizon, and anything beyond the next few projects is still nebulous, because the amount of time they'll require is not certain. I did not say that we would never be improving the documentation. That's still something I want to do.

So. It's been about 6 years since this was posted, 8 years since the wiki was last updated, and 13 years since the AK was released. Is there any chance of this being updated, ever? I've no idea if an AK equivalent will be released for HLO but this is a pretty fundamental component of HeroLab Classic and it's kinda mind boggling that the documentation has been this neglected, let alone hearing that there isn't even an in house equivalent.

What happens if someone, some guru, leaves the company and they're no longer available to chat about how to do things? Does the business risk that presents motivate Lone Wolf to actually document how one of their core products is used at a developer level?

On a personal level I've paid a LOT of money to use Hero Lab Classic for Pathfinder and not having access to documentation for a product that I actually use regularly is very distressing.

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