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-   -   Very Disappointed in content release. (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=65923)

Darius Silverbolt May 17th, 2021 06:43 AM

Very Disappointed in content release.

Its neem 8 months from this post.

In that time how many backlogged releases have we gotten for Starfinder?


Only 3 AP's of 8 have any support in HLO. The signal of screams AP was last released on Jan 2019. 29 months later and you haven't released a thing.

Where is the promised starships?

We got AA4 and that is basically all we have seen. There isn't any starfinder news on the website and none of the social media platform.

Is it time you guys give us the truth of production? It seems like a dead product. Its been treated like a dead product.

I am at the point where I am going to treat it like a dead product and stop funding my online account.

Your online forums barely even function and crash so much its hard to communicate with you and you haven't setup an alternate means.

Your lack of communication has been staggering.

marroon69 May 20th, 2021 06:58 PM

They have been releasing fixes to Starfinder in the last two patches. I know starships have been discussed but no date given but it was on the list of things to do. The forums never really recovered from the outage a while back :(

Darius Silverbolt May 23rd, 2021 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by marroon69 (Post 295130)
They have been releasing fixes to Starfinder in the last two patches. I know starships have been discussed but no date given but it was on the list of things to do. The forums never really recovered from the outage a while back :(

True on the forum. I think switching over to something much more reliable such as Discord would be better in many ways. Not a perfect answer but easier.

Dax Thura June 16th, 2021 01:12 AM

I, too, am frustrated with the lack of support for the Adventure Path line in Hero Labs.

TheMaskedFerret June 17th, 2021 06:31 PM

Well, at least they added support for the Galaxy Exploration Manual and the Alien Character Deck today!

Geodragon June 18th, 2021 04:19 AM

But, still no AP content padt a certain point. In SFS, you can spend points or have gotten boons to play certain AP races, such as Planar Scion races like Undine from Dead Suns.

Tohmaturge June 18th, 2021 03:10 PM

This latest newsletter did make me wonder what's LWD process for deciding which SF content to implement... Why concentrate on Galaxy Exploration Manual and not Dawn of Flames / Attack of the Swarm APs ?

I'll always be glad we get new material. I'm just interested into the decision process

Dax Thura June 22nd, 2021 11:40 PM

I'll always be glad for new material as well. However, I expect it to have all of the available material. That's why I spend my money to have the service. Otherwise I could save the money and just do it by hand.

mototom June 23rd, 2021 08:00 AM

It's hard to tell what drives decisions. I know transparency can be a double-edged sword, as some people will set hard expectations based on what's shared. But personally, I think LW would benefit from some combination of publishing their roadmap, making feature requests public and able to be voted on by the community, and insight into how their teams work.

In the agile teams I've coached, transparency is paramount in building trust with your stakeholders. Of course, they've been at this a long time, and may limit that transparency to internal product owners because they've learned the community isn't very flexible when things don't work out.

Geodragon July 1st, 2021 07:41 AM

So, I see Pathfinder AP is pretty close to up to date. While Starfinder is so far behind. I'm missing SFS sanctioned content and allowed content with boon/ACP from Adventure Paths (example, Planar Scions such as Undines), and then there are the Themes like Battle Medic.

When will we see the Starfinder AP stuff? I'm not concerned with the GM stuff, I want the player stuff added.. The character generator is why I got the original HL, and when HLO had SFS as the flagship product, it seemed pretty good and I invested in it.. But now.. It's so far behind on SFS AP stuff, it's causing me to lose interest, since that's what I need it for the most.

flyteach July 1st, 2021 03:08 PM

Even if one buys into the campaign theatre thing, not having current content makes even that use case of dubious value.
If you haven't seen this, in the spirit of helping a fellow player:

WatersLethe July 2nd, 2021 04:55 AM

Cursory review of Hephaistos: Hey look, I can build my Spell Sergeant Mystic. Oh, look, a Starship Builder.

Looks like a viable, fully featured alternative already. I'll probably switch over if I don't get Spell Sergeant before my subscription runs out.

Darius Silverbolt July 5th, 2021 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Geodragon (Post 295666)
So, I see Pathfinder AP is pretty close to up to date. While Starfinder is so far behind. I'm missing SFS sanctioned content and allowed content with boon/ACP from Adventure Paths (example, Planar Scions such as Undines), and then there are the Themes like Battle Medic.

When will we see the Starfinder AP stuff? I'm not concerned with the GM stuff, I want the player stuff added.. The character generator is why I got the original HL, and when HLO had SFS as the flagship product, it seemed pretty good and I invested in it.. But now.. It's so far behind on SFS AP stuff, it's causing me to lose interest, since that's what I need it for the most.

That is one thing for sure that has left me feeling rather bitter as the SF product was the flagship product for HLO it has been left as a secondary thought at this point.

Hephaistos seems to be up to date on the major books, has a Patron option, and seems to be fairly user friendly on initial look. Using it now to build my AP PC's and will do a SFS LV12 PC to see how it looks and feels. Hopefully competition will get HLO to start working more here on the AP line.

Geodragon August 4th, 2021 05:22 AM


DarkKnight27 August 4th, 2021 12:12 PM

Seriously, when will we get more content for Starfinder?

Darius Silverbolt September 21st, 2021 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by DarkKnight27 (Post 296081)
Seriously, when will we get more content for Starfinder?

The silence for more AP content is deafening.

The rule books are staying up to date it seems.

flyteach September 21st, 2021 03:40 PM

Not really. Starship creation and Starship Operations Manual are not supported.

cybear October 30th, 2021 02:42 AM

I wonder if maybe they just decided it wasn’t worth it to work on Starfinder beyond the minimum. I do see them updating the core content but not the adventure paths or other content besides the creatures deck(that was really adding a couple of creatures). Also when looking at patch updates it seems to always be largely pathfinder that gets the love. It kind of makes sense I guess it is The newer thing. Almost curious if maybe they decided not to pay for the AP content license.

cybear October 30th, 2021 02:17 PM

to add to that, LWD have barely replied to any content here in Months.

flyteach October 30th, 2021 04:30 PM

Well, according to their blog post, they are a little behind.

cybear October 31st, 2021 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by flyteach (Post 297258)
Well, according to their blog post, they are a little behind.

That I could get, except they have been able to keep up with the core stuff and have also been able to continue releasing Pathfinder AP stuff.

flyteach November 1st, 2021 01:39 PM

Starships are core. No APs in a LONG time. This forum is about Starfinder (and becoming about LWD's lack of support for it).

cybear November 2nd, 2021 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by flyteach (Post 297279)
Starships are core. No APs in a LONG time. This forum is about Starfinder (and becoming about LWD's lack of support for it).

I think we are on the same page.

cybear November 13th, 2021 09:38 AM

Bumping for visibility and possible comment from LWD. I am seeing more and more announcements for PF2 AP content will starfinder be getting more AP content or any more serious development?

WatersLethe November 16th, 2021 05:13 AM

Still no Spell Sergeant, correct?

cybear November 18th, 2021 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by WatersLethe (Post 297454)
Still no Spell Sergeant, correct?

That’s correct, nor any other Starfinder AP content in years.

Farling November 19th, 2021 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by cybear (Post 297472)
That’s correct, nor any other Starfinder AP content in years.

Supply and demand - if not enough people are buying APs for Starfinder to cover the salary (+ profit margin) of the person/people doing the data entry then it isn't sensible for them to do the work.

(Now if it was available for HLC, then some enterprising users could generate unofficial data packs for those APs, just like was done for many APs for PF1.)

Not scientific, but a quick look in the activity of the SF and PF2 forums suggests that PF2 is way more popular, and is still an AP behind.

cybear November 19th, 2021 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 297495)
Supply and demand - if not enough people are buying APs for Starfinder to cover the salary (+ profit margin) of the person/people doing the data entry then it isn't sensible for them to do the work.

(Now if it was available for HLC, then some enterprising users could generate unofficial data packs for those APs, just like was done for many APs for PF1.)

Not scientific, but a quick look in the activity of the SF and PF2 forums suggests that PF2 is way more popular, and is still an AP behind.

100% agree Just wish LWD Would be upfront about it. But I suppose their silence speaks volumes.

Daniel V November 20th, 2021 12:08 PM

Hey guys, been wanting to pop and and let you all know we live, just been super busy with work for the holidays (but when aren't we busy, really). We've not forgotten SF by any means, and always try to get the main books out as close to release as possible (even if nanocyte made us question if we'd need to release Tech Rev in two parts lol, that class was nuts to code). Core books are always our priority for both SF and PF2, and APs get worked in around other projects and enhancements, as I've mentioned elsewhere. We've been doing some contractor training on the PF2 ones lately, since they're simpler to handle in the code than SF tends to be and they've got more experience with the system.

I can't really speak to the details of pipelines or projects, but that's the general approach that is taken.

Darius Silverbolt November 21st, 2021 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Daniel V (Post 297508)
Hey guys, been wanting to pop and and let you all know we live, just been super busy with work for the holidays (but when aren't we busy, really). We've not forgotten SF by any means, and always try to get the main books out as close to release as possible (even if nanocyte made us question if we'd need to release Tech Rev in two parts lol, that class was nuts to code). Core books are always our priority for both SF and PF2, and APs get worked in around other projects and enhancements, as I've mentioned elsewhere. We've been doing some contractor training on the PF2 ones lately, since they're simpler to handle in the code than SF tends to be and they've got more experience with the system.

I can't really speak to the details of pipelines or projects, but that's the general approach that is taken.

Daniel I can understand that the core books are priority, I mean that make perfect sense but the Starfinder AP line is YEARS behind and there isn't a lot of core books released in a year. Frankly there is now free software that is up to date that is just a character builder (which is what most of us want) ran by what seems one person. (To be fair it could be more but no where near the staffing of HLO).

Put all the together and it seems HLO has just abandoned the SF AP line and it is really hard to think it's any other way given the communication from LoneWolf.

Farling November 22nd, 2021 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Darius Silverbolt (Post 297513)
Daniel I can understand that the core books are priority, I mean that make perfect sense but the Starfinder AP line is YEARS behind and there isn't a lot of core books released in a year. Frankly there is now free software that is up to date that is just a character builder (which is what most of us want) ran by what seems one person. (To be fair it could be more but no where near the staffing of HLO).

Put all the together and it seems HLO has just abandoned the SF AP line and it is really hard to think it's any other way given the communication from LoneWolf.

I suspect part of the problem is the unique language that needs to be learnt to be able to craft anything in Hero Lab (assuming the HLO uses the same language as HLO). If they were able to switch to a universal language (e.g. javascript), then the learning curve to bring on new contractors would be a lot less.

Does the free software that you reference as a character builder also handle effects modifying the character during live play?

aerik1 November 23rd, 2021 02:10 PM

How odd that solutions to problems players have that Lone Wolf can't solve are being deleted. Perhaps if LW delivered on their products, I would have renewed my PF2 sub and even added a SF sub.

Hero Lab Classic was the best product with a huge amount of support and customization that I used for many years and many game systems.

The shift to online with a software as a service business plan was frankly a poor move on the part of LW and felt like a slap to my face. I'm paying more for much less. Now not only we pay for the books and systems, but we have to pay for maintaining a server. Core functions of starfinder are not available after years and I don't think we are going to see mechs from Tech Revolution anytime soon either.

There needs to be a significant shift in the philosophy at LW as to how to provide to the customers that are paying for their product.

BJ November 23rd, 2021 02:11 PM

Posts directing folks to outside character creation sources are not allowed.


Farling November 24th, 2021 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by dacoobob (Post 297543)
yikes. LWD really is circling the drain, aren't they?

But they are just implementing the policy given in their forum rules, which can be found at http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=5528

Dami November 24th, 2021 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 297550)
But they are just implementing the policy given in their forum rules...

Well.. in that their rules allow them to modify, or delete content on the forums. There's nothing in those Rules that specifically disallow links to third-party sites. (I don't think there was evidence that the poster of the deleted post owned or ran the linked site.)
They haven't deleted the post that gives a link to Pathfinder Nexus. They were certainly aware of that thread since it prompted a "we aren't going out of business" post. Maybe competitors that have a license from Paizo are okay to post links to. Will they disallow links to VTT's, because you can create characters in those too?

Lone Wolf's responses (to almost any thread/post/question, when they actually do respond) certainly aren't of the quality/value or breadth that they used to be. With the exception of Mathias still assisting in the HLC forum, I really feel that we get almost nothing from LW except advertising of "new" packages.

I'm not giving up on them yet, but I never invested in HLO (and won't) and rarely used HLC at my game sessions in the past, so I'm NOT in the position a lot of other people are. Classic still covers all my game prep. If they don't improve their communication though, I may give up on the forums, and then the only time I'll bother with them is if I need early license re-assignment.

Darius Silverbolt November 29th, 2021 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 297518)

Does the free software that you reference as a character builder also handle effects modifying the character during live play?

It seems like it does and I have check a few conditions and it seems to work though I have not tested all of the conditions for accuracy and it looks like mech support is up (which I just noticed).

I avoid the name and link here but others have made a reference in other threads plus it has the gear for the AP's I am running so right now I no longer need HLO the have for now become obsolete which is a shame.

Darius Silverbolt November 29th, 2021 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Dami (Post 297552)
Well.. in that their rules allow them to modify, or delete content on the forums. There's nothing in those Rules that specifically disallow links to third-party sites. (I don't think there was evidence that the poster of the deleted post owned or ran the linked site.)

I think they are using the policy the covers advertising.
"Advertise – Do not use our forums to generate traffic or attention to your project, personal website, Kickstarter, or company without express permission from one of our staff members (PM Liz). We're more likely to say yes if you're an established poster here than if your project is the subject of your first post. Links to personal websites and projects are permitted on profiles and in signatures, as long as it follows the rest of the forum rules."

But granted that use the term "Your" but I am not a lawyer and I get what they are saying.

dacoobob December 9th, 2021 02:06 PM

in a thread on the PF1 HLO forum today, i had a post removed for advising someone to just stick with pencil-and-paper. apparently LWD is worried they can't compete with pencil and paper... lmao

WatersLethe December 9th, 2021 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by dacoobob (Post 297696)
in a thread on the PF1 HLO forum today, i had a post removed for advising someone to just stick with pencil-and-paper. apparently LWD is worried they can't compete with pencil and paper... lmao

That's what I mean when I say it's a bad look. Acting afraid of any competition, even one-person hobby projects or the humble paper

Ryan F December 10th, 2021 06:23 AM

Hey folks,

I am choosing to leave these last two posts up and instead have sent a direct message to address your concern and explain why your message was removed. Please review that and feel free to send us whatever feedback you feel is merited, but I would kindly ask that as we try to lean into engaging here on the forums a bit more that you consider the rules, specifically those that relate to being constructive, respectful, and on topic.

Admittedly there has been something of a gap in communication after we had to cut down on staff and roles have been stretched thin, couple this with the complications that have arisen from general forum hosting stability and it made engagement here all the more difficult. I don't know if this will rightly help or not, but in recent days we have been taking a much closer look at how we can better engage with the community here and have taken some of the feedback posted here and also privately sent to us straight to leadership and some changes have already begun to be made to help address these things and better connect with all of you in a public manner rather than mainly relying on one-to-one conversations via our support email.

Ryan Furnas

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