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thebutcher June 9th, 2005 07:46 PM

New version post
Newest version uploaded.

=- 1.0 -=
I uploaded a new version sometime last week, can't remember exactly when, might have been friday 30th September.
-Apotheosis is complete now. All new warcasters and 'jacks are in.
-Field allowances should now be incorporated
-I took warjacks off the "Available window". Once you select your warcaster, they will have a link list --> ++ Add Warjack that will open a window with all the available warjacks listed for that warcaster.
-Units and Solos are listed in the "Available window" and will show up as Support - Unit/Solo and all should have their field allowances programmed in!

=- G -=
I've added in the option to have the Warjack's damage grid print out to the roster sheet. It is also accessable by selecting the Damage Grid tab and right clicking on the Damage Grid Option. It's not the most perfectly aligned piece of work, but it should come in handy. . . and you can always just turn it off.

thebutcher September 6th, 2005 05:13 PM

New update is available!
I've got a new update on the datafilesrus website. Version 1.0!!!

Everything is included up to No Quarter #1
I just picked up Apotheosis tonight so I will begin getting all the new warcasters in ASAP. 8)

I've re-worked all the files and set up the Units differently. For example, in a Khador Battlegroup led by Sorscha click the ++Add Units button in her Battlegroup options tab. A new dialog box pops up that will list all the Units available for her. Each Unit will be listed by name and have it's base cost, field allowance and victory points listed next to its name. Example:

Steelhead Halberdiers    Base Cost: 58 Field Allow: 3 Victory Pts: 2
After selecting that unit you will go back to the main screen and it will be listed below Sorscha with that same stat line, then below that will be the stat line for the Sergeant and his weapons, below that will be the stat line for a Halberdier and his weapons.

It's a -look and feel- sort of thing, especially when you play a game with multiple casters, it's easy to roll up one caster's "tree" of units and work on the other caster.

Well, have at it!
The Butcher

thebutcher September 20th, 2005 09:36 PM

Ok new update 20, almost 21 September 8)
- - - - -
No Quarter #2
Apotheosis: Cryx and Cygnar are fully updated, Khador and Protectorate are in progress but I wanted to get a new file out.
Fixed a couple of problems with Khador and Cygnar troop numbers and costs.
- - - - -
Look for the full Apotheosis soon!

Great gaming!!
The Butcher

thebutcher November 4th, 2005 05:57 AM

New update today.
Just a fixer-upper. Nothing new in the files.

I'll get No Quarter #3 in there as soon as I can find it.

Great gaming!
The Butcher

thebutcher November 16th, 2005 12:29 PM

No Quarter #3 is in the files.
I believe I got the errata correct on the Man-O-War Demo Corps. The other unit and the two new Warjacks.

Got the Mercenary Warjack problem worked out I believe.


thebutcher January 14th, 2006 06:54 PM

New update available.
No Quarter #4 is in the files now. Fixed up a few point costs here and there as well as some field allowance issues.


thebutcher January 26th, 2006 05:25 AM

Ok, a mid No Quarter update.
Got the Mercenary Contracts set up. You'll have to select the Mercenary army, then hit the little clipboard button to select one of the contracts.
Fixed an oversite on my part. Never did set up the Duels to restrict army selection to casters and jacks.
Fixed a few pointing issues with some units, and the Kreoss bug.


thebutcher May 25th, 2006 06:26 AM

-= 24 May 2006 =-
New "fixes" update.
Set all the Parent units to 0 models so the units will add up the model count correctly.
Fixed some Cryx problems ( points cost, and Scrap Thrall problems ).
Cygnars can now take an extra unit of Gun Mages when they take a Captain Mage Adpet guy.

The Butcher

Scooby1965 May 30th, 2006 10:00 AM

I still get he update when I download. Did you change the version number? After the d/l and import my data still says the old one. Thanks.

thebutcher June 17th, 2006 03:04 PM

Much newness!

---Hords is now v1.1
Fixed a few errors
Minions are all in there now

---Warmachine is now v1.3
Fixed a few more errors
Added that Alten Ashley guy from Hordes.

Great gaming everyone!
And Happy Fathers Day to all you dads out there


thebutcher September 14th, 2006 11:36 AM

Newness - 14 September 2006
I uploaded a new file late last night with Superiority included.

Already have a bug to fix up on the Drakhun unit...so expect another update tonight.

I'll add in anohter option to completely hide Mercenary units as well.

And don't forget to read the FAQ!


Zotyo February 24th, 2008 02:34 PM

Hi guys,

Is there any chance to make a serious repair job on the Warmachine section? It have lots of errors and bugs, wrong or missing parts here and there, the whole system is messy. :(

Zotyo March 22nd, 2008 02:12 AM

Hmm, it seems this project is totally abandoned. :(

thebutcher June 1st, 2008 04:03 PM

1.8 is available!
-All the new Legend preview units from No Quarter #18
-Some fixes and starting to work on the FAQ from Privateer. Most of the FAQ changes for Cryx and Cygnar are done.

If you find a bug or a problem, it's best to either shoot an email to the contact address ( datafileinfo@yahoo.com ), or post the bugs here. General complaints do nothing and help no one.


tomc300 June 4th, 2008 08:24 PM

Hey, just wondered if you got my e-mail about the Legends characters from No Quarter 16 and 17? Especially the new 'casters from NQ16. Epic Nemo, 'nuff said.

thebutcher June 5th, 2008 01:44 PM

Yeah, I had to order #16 from PP and I can't seem to find a back order of #17 anywhere.
I'm trying to plow through some Hordes stuff right now, but I'll be adding the #16 guys as time allows!


tomc300 June 7th, 2008 06:52 PM

If you can't find NQ17 somewhere, let me know and I will scan my copy and send the scan to you.

thebutcher June 18th, 2008 09:08 AM

Yeah, that looks like the only way I'll get those new units in until the new book is released.


tomc300 June 22nd, 2008 03:53 PM

Sorry for the delay, storms took out my internet access. I will send the scans to the contact address as soon as I can.

thebutcher October 14th, 2008 07:37 AM

-= 2.1 =-
New version is up and ready for download!

Pirates of the Broken Coast is completed, finally!
All the pirate factions should be displaying correct unit availability, finally!

Next up is Legends ( hopefully the LGS will be getting in more copies this week! ) I hope to have it done by Thanksgiving, if not sooner. I'm looking at putting in some work on it every day till it's done.

Remember! Read the FAQ and please let me know of any errors, either post them in the Warmachine forum or shoot me an email at datafileinfo@yahoo.com

Cheers! and great gaming!

JimP January 7th, 2009 04:03 PM

may I assist?
I would really like to help get these files up to date.

Is there anything I can do?

Let me know.

Kindest Regards,


athos.caru February 11th, 2009 03:10 PM

the last post in Oct 2008 said that you will be getting the legend book and in Jan 2009 there was a post to offer help - now it is feb 2009 - I am also offering to help in getting the Legends book in to the file. I heard that next month the new Hordes book will be out and I would like to see that the Legends done before that.

thanks Athos

winged_human February 19th, 2009 09:47 AM

well, the butcher hasn't posted here since October 2008, and for those of you who are up to date in WM/H news you know MKII will be out 1stQ 2010. I'd like to get this file as up to date as possible.

Butcher if you're out there please contact me via PM or in the threads and let us know you still have an active interest in this file.

I will wait until March 2, 2009 to receive some type of response before I pick up this file and begin correcting bugs/updating it to reflect the current status of WM/Hordes.

Anyone who has experience in moding AB datafiles please get ahold of me as I will take all the help I can get, Anyone else out there who is willing to test the new datafile and report bugs/missing parts keep an eye out for the new and improved WM/Hordes Datafiles.

athos.caru March 21st, 2009 05:34 AM

well March is almost over
With March almost over and, with no update in sight for Warmachine or Hordes. Any info. on when the files will be updated?

winged_human March 22nd, 2009 07:12 PM

I know how frustrating it can be when the data file is not updated, but I'm doing the best I can. I lost my HDD and lost part of my files so I need to reuild them. Also understand that I have a new child, am the head gaming chair of my local con, and have been working 12 hour days.

I am sorry for the latency in getting the updated files out, but I promise you that I am doing my best to get them done quickly.

Larkin Vain July 9th, 2009 03:28 PM

Hi there, just wondering if you still plan do update this file. Thank you.

thebutcher November 12th, 2009 09:00 AM

I'm back...
Legends is complete and MKII translation is underway!

You'll need to PM me with an email address for the files though, I'm not sure what's happening with the AB file storage at the moment.

The Butcher

thebutcher January 29th, 2010 11:48 AM


After a long delay for various reasons, I've released the Warmachine Prime MK II update file. I have been careful not to change anything that would make the MK I file unusable for those that wish to not make the move to MK II. This was done without the need to create an entirely new set of files.

All 'casters, 'jacks, Solos and Units in the Prime MK II rulebook are present and usable in the MK II file. Also, the new damage grids have made their debut, which should make the files even better. These grids are present for both MK I and MK II.

I've made it through converting a large chunk of the PDF Privateer Press released in advance of the Prime MK II book. It's not completed, which is why I haven't enabled anything beside what was in the Prime MK II book. One of the reasons the conversion hasn't taken much time is the PDF itself. MUCH easier to copy/paste than typing all that in by hand.

So, start building armies already!
Let me know on these boards what's not working and what functionality is missing. I am thinking of making a "minimalist" version that would leave out everything extraneous from the print outs. But, that's not happening right away.

Great gaming!
The Butcher

thebutcher February 12th, 2010 11:51 AM

Warmachine 3.1 is now up!

The translation to MK II of the Legends book and the Armies of Warmachine: Pirates of the Broken Coast is, I am happy to say, completed!

I have started work on the Superiority book and have already completed the Warjacks. I hope to have the whole book finished by next weekend (21st Feb).

The Butcher

thebutcher February 22nd, 2010 05:26 PM

Version 3.2 is up and ready for mass consumption!
I've started in on Apotheosis already, so expect that soon. I'm thinking somewhere around the second half of March to have everything done.

Cheers and great gaming!
The Butcher

Wolfchild April 13th, 2010 11:35 PM

One lil slip in the Warmachine MkII update - missing mercenary warjack 'Talon'
There may be others but I've only hit this one so far.

gr8sword May 20th, 2010 09:00 AM

I realize that the Mercenaries book isn't out yet but there are quite a few things missing in the mercs list: in addition to the missing Talon is the Nomad. Captain Shae cannot take unit additions such as Reinholdt and/or a Bokur (if this isn't allowed, I wasn't aware of it), though Capt. Montador can. There is no Epic Magnus the Warlord or Ashlynn D'elyse. There doesn't seem to be a way to use a generic Merc list, only a specific list like the Talion charter or Highborn Covenant.

There is also 95% of the Retribution list missing as well.

Alessander June 21st, 2010 07:18 PM

I'm having some major problems with the datafile for WM that's currently available on the wolflair site. i'm using it imports without any errors, but when loading/compiling the datafiles themselves, I get a ton of errors that forces AB to quit after spitting out the following error:
Syntax error in "tally" script for roster 'jackpts' on line 1
-> Unspecified error parsing script
Syntax error in "tally" script for roster 'jacktotal' on line 1
-> Unspecified error parsing script
Syntax error in "entity done" script on line 1
-> Unspecified error parsing script

I have a (legit) copy of AB on both my tower and laptop, same problem on both. I cant even get to the FAQ, since AB quites before loading any of these files, so I don't know if this update requires AB 3.2 (I have 3.1). I've tried wiping all previous datafiles and installing these files fresh, same problem.


Mathias June 23rd, 2010 09:54 AM

I'm not the data file author, but looking at those references in the code, it is using capabilities that were added in 3.2.

JLmaster1990 August 26th, 2010 02:04 AM

What's with the retribution? It has 1 warcaster and 2 solos which are all messed up. Is that going to be fixed?

sidstall October 16th, 2010 08:59 PM

Are these files still being worked on, or is it dead?


jftheoret November 8th, 2010 10:45 AM

I am trying to add a Ripjaw bonejack, but I can't see it the list... What am I doing wrong?


P.S. I am using the latest (3.3) version of the file

Spellscape November 14th, 2010 06:03 AM

Is there any new data bases for Warmchine/Hordes?

gr8sword December 21st, 2010 08:09 PM

Hearing nothing but crickets...

No one seems to be paying attention.

My guess is that Warmachine support is dead. If there is no support by the time my license is up, I'm not going to renew. Why waste my money for a product that doesn't support the game I play? :(

mrnighttime January 1st, 2011 09:07 PM

Does anyone know of this has anything to do with the Lone Wolf-Privateer spat that happened about a year ago? I mean with possible bad Blood it would be easy for Privateer to tell one would they could not use trademarked name a product identity as part of their program.

Can a member of the Lone wold team reply? Because if there is no Warmachine update planned then I have little use for this program and will switch to a free alternative so as not to waste my cash.

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