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-   -   What Pathfinder Content Do You Want to See First? (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=56795)

Viking2054 December 6th, 2017 08:07 AM

First, we have to have the content market actually roll out. Who knows how long after they finally roll out the content market that it will become available? It could be available at the roll out or sometime later (days, weeks, months or years).

pyremius August 6th, 2018 05:47 PM

Since any completed data entry has been invalidated by Paizo's upcoming switch to Pathfinder 2.0, I'd like to change my vote to Not Interested - I'd much prefer to see core functionality completed so we can make better use of the software with our system of choice, rather then waiting on a 3rd party to dither and dawdle so that nothing usable can be accomplished on any front.

Acenoid August 7th, 2018 09:35 AM

good choice pyremius :D

Asandir August 7th, 2018 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by pyremius (Post 269041)
Since any completed data entry has been invalidated by Paizo's upcoming switch to Pathfinder 2.0, I'd like to change my vote to Not Interested - I'd much prefer to see core functionality completed so we can make better use of the software with our system of choice, rather then waiting on a 3rd party to dither and dawdle so that nothing usable can be accomplished on any front.

I'd like to respectfully disagree about the completed data entry. Our group has looked at the playtest and pretty much decided that we are not moving forward with PF2 and will remain with our two current systems, PF1 and 5E, which we alternate between depending upon who is GM'ing the current campaign.

I am also in favor of more core functionality completed as well. No argument from me on that front.

My two cents, FWIW. :)

Dark Lord Galen August 7th, 2018 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by rob (Post 236343)
We're going to be releasing an assortment of content for Realm Works when we launch the Content Market in December {2016}, with the initial focus being on adventures and other highly reusable material that can be dropped into numerous campaigns. A healthy portion of the content will be for Pathfinder, but not all of it. Beyond December, we'll continue to add more content for different game systems, with Pathfinder being prominent. This is just an informal poll to give us an idea of what aspects of the overall Pathfinder catalog you would find most desirable.

Note: This particular poll is exclusively targeted at Pathfinder GMs and players. If your interest lies with other game systems, please don't assume this means we're only going to be focusing on Pathfinder. We'll be supporting a variety of game systems. Pathfinder just happens to have a vast catalog, and we want to target our support effectively for the game.

Not to seem overly cynical.. (but will be taken that way by some) it's interesting that this thread started nearly 2 years ago and while we were assured then that this was not to seem like "we're only going to be focusing on Pathfinder. We'll be supporting a variety of game systems. " that is exactly what has occured... the brakes applied awaiting PF then,, and now....

In the one year and 10 months "other game systems "could have been supported" (or better yet overall completion of other commitments and improved general use) but the LWD course was already predetermined regardless of the fact that nearly 1/3 the people polled were "not interested" in the PF part, but wanted more functionality... kinda tells you where your vote is and all your +1's account for doesn't it.........:(

rshold August 8th, 2018 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Dark Lord Galen (Post 269085)
Not to seem overly cynical.. (but will be taken that way by some) it's interesting that this thread started nearly 2 years ago and while we were assured then that this was not to seem like "we're only going to be focusing on Pathfinder. We'll be supporting a variety of game systems. " that is exactly what has occured... the brakes applied awaiting PF then,, and now....

agree 100%

Acenoid August 8th, 2018 11:38 AM

Just taking old posts at the beginning or on the middle of the road is imho a bit out of context. They communicated here and there what they gonna do. And we have here 120 votes or so... so what? If they rely on 120 ppl then they can shutdown the whole zoo here.

And the recent posts here all say the same just from different angles. Everyone should be allowed to post his/her opinion, but surely it is not necessary to spam every thread with an old lwd rob comment in it.

Let's wait for that content market and see what they are going to do. Probably they won't change the strategy now, after so many months passed by and paizo nearly done.

See ya around ! :)

Dark Lord Galen August 8th, 2018 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Acenoid (Post 269128)
Just taking old posts at the beginning or on the middle of the road is imho a bit out of context. They communicated here and there what they gonna do. And we have here 120 votes or so... so what? If they rely on 120 ppl then they can shutdown the whole zoo here.

True, and to point.. I didn't resurrect this particular thread.. was only clarifying the duration of its start in reference to where it sits currently...


Originally Posted by Acenoid (Post 269128)
And the recent posts here all say the same just from different angles. Everyone should be allowed to post his/her opinion, but surely it is not necessary to spam every thread with an old lwd rob comment in it.

Not sure that quoting what was in fact said qualifies as "spam"... Now has Rob / LWD position changed .. on somethings sure, others who knows , this defers back to the lack of good communication of a path forward... which also is pertinent to the discussion.. IMO it is not "spam", the quote(s) leave any "grey he said / she saids" out of it... they are merely a frame of reference for those that have not been on this "journey" for the years it has undertaken.


Originally Posted by Acenoid (Post 269128)
Let's wait for that content market and see what they are going to do. Probably they won't change the strategy now, after so many months passed by and paizo nearly done.

See ya around ! :)

correction.. not months... years.... :D
But you do have a valid point, any reference or discussion of past events / statements should have a full frame of reference for the benefit of those that have not been a part of the community for as long as we have.:)

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