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Ambush September 12th, 2019 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Farling (Post 282104)
They have said this several times in the HLO forums.

All new game systems will only be avaiable in HLO.

They will continue to support existing game systems in HLC, but not add new game systems.

Note that "new game systems" includes "new editions of existing game systems".

Cool. Tell people that a different product is dead in a forum they don’t read for a product they don’t use. Makes sense.

Toblakai September 12th, 2019 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ambush (Post 282123)
Cool. Tell people that a different product is dead in a forum they don’t read for a product they don’t use. Makes sense.


Exmortis September 13th, 2019 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Ambush (Post 282123)
Cool. Tell people that a different product is dead in a forum they don’t read for a product they don’t use. Makes sense.

Communication is not a strong point here. Damn us for not reading another products forum for updates on a product I do use.

Merion September 13th, 2019 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Exmortis (Post 282134)
Communication is not a strong point here. Damn us for not reading another products forum for updates on a product I do use.

Say the guys who talk about HeroLab in the RealmWorks forum :p

Ambush September 13th, 2019 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Merion (Post 282157)
Say the guys who talk about HeroLab in the RealmWorks forum :p

I mean, I was only responding to what an LW staffer said. So, what's your point, exactly?

Lj Stephens September 14th, 2019 09:42 AM

Hi folks. I know tensions can run a little high now and then. Please, just remember to be civil to each other. Thank you!

Merion September 14th, 2019 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Ambush (Post 282160)
I mean, I was only responding to what an LW staffer said. So, what's your point, exactly?

Just friendly banter, no offense intended.

Philderbeast September 14th, 2019 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by meek75 (Post 281940)
In other posts they have made clear that the promise of updates was only until the CM launched. They consider that a fulfilled promise. I agree that the original promise did not make that at all clear.

To be fair, its hard to call even that scope fulfilled, since we didnt even get regular weekly updates during that period.

meek75 September 15th, 2019 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Philderbeast (Post 282173)
To be fair, its hard to call even that scope fulfilled, since we didnt even get regular weekly updates during that period.

Yeah, when I compare LWD to other companies they just fall short in a lot of ways. I suspect that it is a combination of 1) being a smaller company with less resources and 2) a lack of appreciation for how important communications with users really is in the RPG community. The lack of any real road map for RW is very telling. Let's be honest, with the exception of a few months in the recent past, we haven't seen any significant development of RW in years. That track record and the lack of any road map for the future leaves me without much hope for the product. As a result, I am in the process of abandoning it. I kind of feel like RW was a product ahead of its time and is suffering for it now. If RW was being developed now it would be done differently. I wonder if they almost need to completely start over from the ground up, because it seems that even small updates are massively hard to pull off. HLO looks so nice and modern by comparison. They didn't upgrade HLC, rather, they started over. It was just easier for them to build from scratch with current tech and practice than to update the existing product. If they had the man power to convert all the HLC to HLO I'm sure they would have done it and totally leave HLC behind. Of course starting over with RW isn't a realistic option for them.I feels like they are just in a very difficult spot with RW. I do think there are things they could do to improve there plummeting reputation though, and better communication is one of them. They feel they don't have time to do, and I think they can't afford to not do it. D&DB and Roll 20 are both putting significant resources into building a stronger community and communication. Those companies are larger and have more resources for sure, but its still significant to observe.

Valyar September 15th, 2019 08:23 AM

Talking about company sizes - how many people are LWD? Roll20, World Anvil and few other are not that bigger. Even Fantasy Grounds team are few but do tremendous job.

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