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rob May 29th, 2012 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Darksaint (Post 83906)
If you take the time to build your own setting, why not have the ability to add your own custom logo to the loading page as well?

Not crazy at all. And already doable. :)

Each instance is stored in its own folder. Within that folder is a file named logo.bmp, which is the logo image displayed by Hero Lab on the Select Game form. If you replace this file with your own logo, *please* make sure to keep the dimensions the same as the original file.

Hope this helps...

Darksaint May 30th, 2012 05:24 PM

Thanx Rob... Found it, did it and it looks great.

One thing I'm wondering, though... does that custom graphic go with the file when you export it, or does it need to be sent as a separate item then installed by the recipient?

rob June 22nd, 2012 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Darksaint (Post 84010)
One thing I'm wondering, though... does that custom graphic go with the file when you export it, or does it need to be sent as a separate item then installed by the recipient?

Sorry for not seeing this until now. I monitor the forum via email, and edits to posts (like the addition of this question) are never sent via email. Fortunately, John spotted this and flagged it to me. :)

I'm 99% sure that it does not get included by the HLExport tool, and a quick test seems to confirm that. I'll ask Colen (the HL guru) about this to see what can be done in the future.

ledeir July 18th, 2012 09:33 PM

Hopefully I didn't just overlook this but, is there any way to have herolab calculate the combat rating of a character / npc in savage worlds?

And I apologize if this has already been addressed or asked, I did a quick search but I have the bad habit of overlooking things...

CapedCrusader July 26th, 2012 11:38 PM

I'll see what I can do, but there's a subjective component that will be hard to program for. It stipulates that "A wizard who typically uses the bolt power averages a standard bolt attack of 2d6". Having Hero Lab know what attack a character "typically" uses will be difficult, and then for a variable damage spell like Bolt, there's no way for Hero Lab to know how much damage a hero typically does.

The rest of it is do-able, but the Attack part of that equation is tough. There might be a way to create a place to enter the amount of their typical damage manually, and then it could be changed if the hero changed tactics. Otherwise we'd have to build a whole infrastructure to determine which things could be considered "attacks" for CR purposes, and then there would still need to be a way to deal with variable effects like Bolt.

No, it had not been addressed yet, you are the first person that has asked about it. So no apologies necessary! Your search told you true.

ledeir July 27th, 2012 07:22 AM

That's a good point...

If I were implementing it myself I'm probably just work around that by making a magic attack weapon in which I could specify the damage and then have HL use the damage value for the currently equipped weapon.

But that's pretty much a hacked solution...

I look forward to hearing any further ideas you have and obviously I understand if it would require too many changes to support.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

zarlor January 17th, 2013 05:01 AM

I think my big request right now would be a way to do a conditional bootstrap in code. Admittedly with things that are basically the addition of an Edge or Hindrance you can try to code in the effect of that Edge or Hindrance in a conditional statement, but some things just can't work that way (like bootstrapping a skill or otherwise making the Edge/Hindrance show up on the character sheet in the usual spot.)

EDIT: I think we have a better idea from a post by Mathias about why this specific thing above would not be workable in HL. So please ignore it. We need to work from boostrapping things and then conditionally ignoring them rather than being able to conditionally add them.

I'd also second that a combat rating calculator might be nice. I would only add that it doesn't have to get too down in the weeds on those calculations, though, as a ballpark figure would probably be good enough.

Way down on the pie-in-the-sky wish list would be for a nice way to modify the printable character sheet. Custom output is ok, if more than a bit obscure, but even with some XSL tools I'd been messing around with it has been tough to set-up anything decent looking with the information I wanted to put on the sheets. Definitely not something I think is even remotely easy to put into something like Hero Lab but you did ask for what we'd like to see in the program, after all. ;)

EDIT: For the character sheet part of this request I didn't realize that we already had that available by just taking the dossiers.dat and sheet*.dat files and changing them into .user files. I used that method to make an Extended Character Sheet (just search the forum if you might be interested) using that method. And many thanks to Mathias for pointing that out!

Frizbog January 20th, 2013 10:24 AM

Support for different Wild Die than d6
At least one variety of SW (Daring Tales of the Sprawl, from TripleAce) uses different wild die for different traits/abilities--such as a d12 for the ability, with a d10 for the wild die, while d6 remains the "default" wild die for everything else.

I don't see any way to make a .HL file that could possibly support that...but then I am no expert at the HL editor.

Bryan January 25th, 2013 11:23 AM

Support for Cyber Ware equipment

To agree with the last post

With Interface Zero 2.0 coming out and other near future campaign settings there should be a way to add bionic equipment just like you do with magic items in a fantasy campaign.

CapedCrusader January 26th, 2013 10:00 AM

We looked at Interface Zero, but their rather complex cyberwear design system would require a whole new set of base code to support, on the level with Magic Items for the Fantasy Companion. Unfortunately, it's quite a lot for just a Setting.

For Daring Tales all that's really needed is the Wild Die change in the short description. Since changes in the Wild Die are not tracked anywhere this would cover it. In order to go any farther, we'd have to make a change to display the current Wild Die for each trait, and since this is the only Setting that does that, again it's an awful lot of change for a single Setting.

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