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rob January 3rd, 2007 12:34 AM

What games should Hero Lab support?
AEG has told us that they are definitely interested in discussing support for L5R. I'm assuming they have 3rd Edition in mind. At the moment, we are mapping out our strategy for supporting quite a few games in 2007. We also have to juggle what we WANT to do against what we CAN do - in other words, our staff resources and our commitments to our other products (e.g. a V3.2 update for Army Builder is slated for Q2). So we'll have to be sure not to over-extend ourselves, which means some games won't be supported as quickly as everyone would like.

We're seriously considering hiring additional staff to help us with data file development, so that could accelerate things IF we find the right person (or persons) to help out. If we decide to go that route, we'll post more details in the upcoming weeks.

Thanks, Rob

At 01:06 PM 1/2/2007, you wrote:


What about Legends of the Five rings 2nd Edition I would guess that AEG would only officially support 3rd (crap IMHO) ed. But one can hope!


entity January 6th, 2007 07:13 AM

Am I the only person left who still plays Ars Magica?

dartnet January 6th, 2007 07:47 AM

The ones I would like see:

1. Mutants and Masterminds
2. D20 Modern
3. Shadowrun
5. Abberent
5. Adventure!
6. Rifts
7. World of Darkness
9. True20
10. Savage Worlds
11. Serenity


SWChance January 6th, 2007 04:22 PM

I know WOTC stuff will be difficult to do with their upcomming plans but Star Wars D20 (When the new one comes out.)

rob January 9th, 2007 02:45 PM

What games should Hero Lab support?
Unfortunately, Star Wars would be nigh infeasible to do. The reason is that we would have to secure the license from Lucas and not from WotC. We inquired about this with WotC last year and they outlined how things would need to work to accomplish such a license. Needless to say, we'd have to put a silly amount of money on the table just to actually speak with Lucas' people about the license. Throw in the fact that this is software - even though it's a play aid for the RPG and not a game - and things would immediately become quite complicated and expensive from a licensing standpoint. :-(


At 05:22 PM 1/6/2007, you wrote:


I know WOTC stuff will be difficult to do with their upcomming plans but Star Wars D20 (When the new one comes out.)

Jedi_3385 January 20th, 2007 10:15 AM

It's a shame that the folks at Lucas Arts are so tied up in the $$$ part of all this and apparently unreasonable in this. Do they even understand what your product does and does not do?

On another note I imagine that having any opportunity to edit new classes and feats is either down the road or soon to be available. I'm running a D&D 3.5 gmae and one of the players has a Warmage. Apparently not listed in availabel choices in your program. Other than that I'm very happy with it.

Oh d20 Modern... support for that under consideration?

Eryx_UK January 23rd, 2007 10:44 AM

World of Darkness revised has my vote. I'd like to see Runequest, WFRP and Call of Cthulhu added as well.

rob January 25th, 2007 08:41 PM

What games should Hero Lab support?
At 11:15 AM 1/20/2007, you wrote:

It's a shame that the folks at Lucas Arts are so tied up in the $$$ part of all this and apparently unreasonable in this. Do they even understand what your product does and does not do?
When you're talking about Lucas, folks coming to them to license Star Wars material are usually talking about tens of millions of dollars in mass-produced consumers products. So we're not even a fly on the elephant's behind in comparison. So, while it's definitely an unfortunate reality, I'm not sure it's fair to chastise them for handling it the way they do. It's equivalent to a tiny company like us expecting to get Bill Gates' focused attention about a strategic partnership. It simply isn't a big enough blip on the radar to notice.


On another note I imagine that having any opportunity to edit new classes and feats is either down the road or soon to be available. I'm running a D&D 3.5 gmae and one of the players has a Warmage. Apparently not listed in availabel choices in your program. Other than that I'm very happy with it.
Editing classes is mostly in place already, with spellcaster support still missing. Editing of feats is definitely present. I believe that you should be able to add a Warmage in the editable spellcaster release that will hopefully be completed tomorrow night.


Oh d20 Modern... support for that under consideration?
Definitely on the list of things we want to do. We're currently evaluating relative priorities for lots of different stuff.

Thanks, Rob

kaiserjez January 27th, 2007 11:49 AM

Any idea on when any support for Warhammer might be available? Lack of support for this is the only reason I've not purchased already :D

rob January 28th, 2007 12:28 AM

What games should Hero Lab support?
At 12:49 PM 1/27/2007, you wrote:

Any idea on when any support for Warhammer might be available? Lack of support for this is the only reason I've not purchased already [img]./modules/mdforum/images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
We've been in discussions with Games Workshop about this for quite some time. They have a lengthy review process for these things. Assuming they give the green light, it will then be many months before we release any data files, because GW will have to review and authorize the data files we actually develop. So you'll need to be patient for WFRP support, but we're working towards that goal.

Thanks, Rob

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