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Hollis February 5th, 2014 07:16 AM

This was reported via Pathfinder tech support:

"When making a Shaman for Deadlands it does not automatically boost power
points to 15."

wootersl February 6th, 2014 05:38 PM

Super Bug?
Um. I'm using Savage Worlds with the Super Companion add on. When I am selecting Hinderances, the "Power Points" is greyed out and says "Arcance Background (Any) required." Shouldn't it say "Arcane"?

SeeleyOne February 6th, 2014 08:41 PM

There is a different edge used called Super Power Points. That is because the settings for the game can change how many Power Points are given per time that you take the edge.

zarlor February 7th, 2014 04:36 AM

I think he means the spelling error in the Power Points pre-req.

Tzurah March 1st, 2014 08:48 PM

The Deadlands Edge Veteran o’ the Weird West incorrectly has Seasoned as a requirement. It can only be taken at character creation (unless you have a really nice GM, and this is Deadlands so that that's unlikely) and it's requirement is Novice.

Plus it's supposed to give you '20 xp' (for four advances, if I understand the rules right) to make you seasoned, but this didn't appear to happen for me. That may be because it wasn't a valid choice, I don't know.

zarlor March 2nd, 2014 03:49 AM

I believe the way it was originally set up like that was to force the player to rank the character to Seasoned (your "free" advances) and then take the Edge. That should be fixed in the next version so it will likely work more like how it is now down in the Hell on Earth and Deadlands Noir files.

wootersl March 3rd, 2014 01:23 PM

Super Powers Bug?
1 Attachment(s)
I created a character using the Savage Worlds Super Powers and selected the following powers: Attack, Ranged; Darkvision; Deflection; Energy Control; Invisibility; Teleport. The Attack, Energy Control, Invisibilty and Teleport are all switchable (with Teleport being the base). Everything seems fine until I print out a character. The Energy Control shows under attacks, but doesn't show up under the powers listing. I have attached a PDF and my portfolio for review.

robocoastie March 4th, 2014 05:26 AM

I get an error when starting Savage Worlds which says: "Thing 'wpSSClu' - Bootstrap thing - 'wpWWBayonF' does not exist." It then proceeds in "safemode". Same error comes up when I work on a datafile and click "TestNow!"

Any thoughts? My system: Windows8, plenty of resources.


zarlor March 5th, 2014 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by robocoastie (Post 176900)
I get an error when starting Savage Worlds which says: "Thing 'wpSSClu' - Bootstrap thing - 'wpWWBayonF' does not exist." It then proceeds in "safemode". Same error comes up when I work on a datafile and click "TestNow!"

Any thoughts? My system: Windows8, plenty of resources.


That's not your system that's the problem or anything, it was an error in the Slipstream file (the SS in the name gives that away) where it accidentally was trying to use an item from the Weird War II file (the WW in the second name). I believe that's fixed in the latest Slipstream file, though. Did you check for updates to make sure you have the latest one? If not the other way to fix it would be to download the Weird War II file.

robocoastie March 5th, 2014 07:37 PM

applying update to Slipstream and WW again fixed it. Thanks!


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