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-   -   Hero Lab 3.0 & Authoring Kit released (http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=8074)

lifer4700 May 6th, 2014 06:17 AM

The "authoring kit" as a piece of software does not exist. It is the source code for 4e, and the ability to save protfolios for any custom game you create.

You can "try out" the Authoring Kit by creating a new game system (Develop -> Create New Game System...) and editing the files that are provided. You just won't be able to save any portfolios with your new game system.

You must manually create and edit the XML files to create your new game system, using the 4E and SW source as your reference and http://hlkitwiki.wolflair.com/ as your guide. That is part of the "steep learning curve" that Rob mentioned.

Once you get your core system up and running, you can use the normal HL editor to enter object data, but setting up the data model, phases, and procedures is all done with lovingly hand crafted XML.

As for editing the XML, there are many good text editing tools out there. My personal preference is Notepad++, because it works well, and it is free.

I am trying to create a game system that is loosely based upon d20, so having the d20 source files available as a base would be great, but that's not an option as it's Wolf Lair's IP. The Savage Worlds and 4E code files are nice to look at, and really help fill in some blanks, but are ultimately useless for making a d20 type game. I'm going to have to completely re-write and re-engineer the d20 concept from scratch to make my game system.

pickin_grinnin May 7th, 2014 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by lifer4700 (Post 182574)
The "authoring kit" as a piece of software does not exist. It is the source code for 4e, and the ability to save protfolios for any custom game you create.

Oh. I wouldn't have bought it if I had known that. That's very disappointing.

There really needs to be more information and descriptive text for the various data add-ons. I regret this purchase now.

liz May 7th, 2014 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by pickin_grinnin (Post 182754)
Oh. I wouldn't have bought it if I had known that. That's very disappointing.

There really needs to be more information and descriptive text for the various data add-ons. I regret this purchase now.

It sounds like this was a recent purchase. Please keep in mind that we have a 60 day satisfaction guarantee. If you don't think the purchase is the right fit for you, please contact support@wolflair.com and request a refund.

Mjprogue June 2nd, 2014 12:38 PM

Wait a second...
So lets say I buy Herolab (which I am on the verge of doing) am I able to create characters for games not covered (obviously with some extra effort) or am I required to get this add on to do so?

For that matter am I able to create new data for existing games (new feats, spells, etc.) or am I limited to stuff I have licenses for?

I was led to believe that Herolab was useable with any game...but if its useless for anything not licensed I need to rethink.

Mathias June 2nd, 2014 12:45 PM

The authoring kit is used to create new game systems from scratch. If you do not have the authoring kit installed, and you have loaded the data from a system created using the authoring kit, you will be limited to demo mode - you will not be able to save or print.

Adding data to an existing game system is done with the editor that's integrated into each game system. The authoring kit is not required for that, and will not add any capabilities to that process.

ShadowChemosh June 2nd, 2014 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mjprogue (Post 184594)
So lets say I buy Herolab (which I am on the verge of doing) am I able to create characters for games not covered (obviously with some extra effort) or am I required to get this add on to do so?

If you want to create a new game system like "Shadows Cool RPG" then you need the Authoring kit. You need to be comfortable working with XML files in this case.

Players would also need Authoring Kit license to run this new game and to successfully make characters.


Originally Posted by Mjprogue (Post 184594)
For that matter am I able to create new data for existing games (new feats, spells, etc.) or am I limited to stuff I have licenses for?

For existing games like d20 or Pathfinder you can use the "Editor" that really helps simplify adding new things like feats and spells. No need to know XML but you may need to learn the HL scripting language. Existing Editors even in Demo mode are fully functional so feel free to play in the editor in Demo mode if you wish.


Originally Posted by Mjprogue (Post 184594)
I was led to believe that Herolab was useable with any game...but if its useless for anything not licensed I need to rethink.

The Authoring kit was the same "tool set" LW used to make all the games you see available from Pathfinder to Shadowrun. They used nothing special to make the licensed game systems. So if its a game system you can create it using the Authoring kit. :)

Mjprogue June 2nd, 2014 02:02 PM

Thanks for the info...I really need a forum search option...!

Mathias June 2nd, 2014 02:27 PM

The forum search is near the top right of the page - you can only search within a specific folder, so you won't see it while you're looking at the entire forum, but once you enter the authoring kit forum, you can search that folder.

Gunbunnie July 12th, 2014 06:29 PM

Silly question, I bought the Authoring Kit, but in the select game box I have Authoring Kit sample listed. How do I access the Authoring Kit?

AndrewD2 July 14th, 2014 03:07 PM

Develop->Create New System from inside any system

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