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dartnet August 17th, 2016 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Mauron (Post 233550)
My group is going to be switching to Savage Rifts in a few weeks. Is there anything I can do to help get this working?

How good are you with the Editor?

TCArknight August 17th, 2016 11:10 AM

I'm pretty good with the editor and scripting in general too if want another extra hand. :)

Mauron August 17th, 2016 04:44 PM

I've worked with the editor in d20 for a variety of purposes, and I have some experience with the authoring kit.

I haven't done very much with Savage Worlds, but I should be able to brush up on that quickly enough.

dartnet August 17th, 2016 04:49 PM

Both of you PM me.

Palgar August 21st, 2016 12:46 PM

I've been working on Savage Rifts also. So far there has not been a need for the Science Fiction Companion, but I've used the Faction capability as the Iconic Framework as that still allows for races and their mods.

I created as a new game, are you implementing yours as just a user mod to the base Savage Worlds system?

I've done some d20 work in HL along with an implementation of Achtung! Cthulhu for my group. Background is almost 40 years of programming off and on.

Just asking if I can help you out.

dartnet August 21st, 2016 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Palgar (Post 233710)
I've been working on Savage Rifts also. So far there has not been a need for the Science Fiction Companion, but I've used the Faction capability as the Iconic Framework as that still allows for races and their mods.

I created as a new game, are you implementing yours as just a user mod to the base Savage Worlds system?

I've done some d20 work in HL along with an implementation of Achtung! Cthulhu for my group. Background is almost 40 years of programming off and on.

Just asking if I can help you out.

Yes pm me.

Vaneheart August 30th, 2016 01:38 PM

I am so excited for this. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with.

Kat9 August 31st, 2016 02:56 PM


Pretty much sums up me when it comes to this project.

xador September 6th, 2016 03:02 PM

Yeah I have been silently stalking this thread since conception!! I donated to the kickstarter and was so glad to see members here did as well.

Gelfarin September 9th, 2016 06:11 AM

I too am eager for this. I really wish I understood how to script. I've done all I could and sent it over to Dartnet. Essentially most of the gear, weapons, and some of the armor was done. I also did the new powers, skills, arcane backgrounds, and a couple of edges. Iconic Frameworks, Edges tied to those, strength requirement for armor, etc, were beyond my abilities with this Editor.

I appreciate the guys that understand the scripting for this Editor as it appears they now have the heavy lifting to do. Now if someone could share how to script a Strength requirement for armor, I would be happy to finish those up as well.

zarlor September 9th, 2016 06:18 AM

To be honest a lot of the "heavy lifting" is exactly that stuff of copying and pasting out everything from the books. Even if you don't code a single thing just getting all of the text out (and UniqueIDs using the Two-Letter designator in them for everything) is probably going to be a huge help. Next would be the relatively minor coding of simple pre-reqs and pick-reqs for setting requirements for things, and most anyone should be able to do those kinds of things as there are a TON of examples in other Edges and Hindrances and so on.

After that it's just working out what other coding needs to or could be done to help automate things more, is all. And while that stuff can be a bit of a pain to figure out it's a lot less overall work than all of that copying and pasting tends to be, IMHO.

SeeleyOne September 9th, 2016 09:12 AM

That is what I was going to say. The scripting is easy. The data entry is the time consuming part. Even if you just went and added edges and whatever without putting in the requirements and eval scripts that is helpful.

Gelfarin September 9th, 2016 01:17 PM

Well then I'm happy to help with the data entry. It's pretty brainless work, but I've been blessed with the ability to type about 100 wpm and can certainly cut and paste. I went to the original sources and put in additional information for all the gear/armor/weaponry (though a couple I still haven't given to Dartnet). If this will help anyone who can finish up the files, let me know and I'll send it your way.

Btw, I would want to make sure the Unique IDs I use match what you're doing. My thoughts would be SR, but I haven't put that on the other files yet but they're all still unique.

zarlor September 9th, 2016 01:48 PM

I would think SR would be appropriate, but I'd send anything you may have done to Dartnet in any case. It seems to me he's taking point on this one and it's in darned good hands as far as I'm concerned.

SeeleyOne September 9th, 2016 02:02 PM

I wonder if you can copy-paste from the pdfs. Pinnicale is kind of hit and miss with that, some you can, others you cannot.

zarlor September 10th, 2016 06:35 AM

I've been able to copy and paste with every Pinnacle title. I've never found one I couldn't and if you have one that doesn't have a text layer I would check where you got the PDF from. The only problem is formatting. The main one being that paragraphs in their PDFs are not broken out into paragraphs, instead the end-of-line line breaks are normally paragraph breaks in the PDFs so you generally have to fix those. EM dashes also tend to come over wrong, and they use a good number of EM dashes, and occasionally single or double quotes or the minus sign end up weird as well, but normally I find pasting to a plain text editor, like Notepad, and then doing the copy and paste from notepad into the Editor tends to fix those issues. Personally I think that's an issue with Hero Lab rather than Pinnacle's PDFs, though, since most everything else handles those special characters just fine.

SeeleyOne September 10th, 2016 09:57 AM

My Deadlands Reloaded Player's Guide Explorer and Deadlands Reloaded Marshal Explorer pdfs are from RPG Now / Drivethru. They let you select, but not copy. Those are the only two that I can think of but there may be more. Those were the only two that I recall trying and being disappointed.

You are right, there are occasional things that do not work in Hero Lab. I think it might be the difference between the type of characters that are used, where Hero Lab uses a more limited amount of characters (only what is on the keyboard) while books and webpages have a larger amount to choose from. I can understand why, as they would not have thought that someone might want to use more than what is on the keyboard. But some pdfs have some extras.

zarlor September 10th, 2016 12:16 PM

It's probably just the character set in use, is all. Not sure if it's possible to have that changed in Hero Lab or not, though. Switching from, say, ASCII to UTF-16 or the like could, I suppose, cause some issues somewhere.

I normally get PDFs direct from Pinnacle, but I can say I just checked the DLR files I have (GWG10200) and they all copy and paste just fine for me. You could try and see if there is just a different version available at Drivethru since you originally downloaded them, maybe those updated files will work for you. Otherwise I guess I would just recommend getting straight from Pinnacle otherwise.

xador September 12th, 2016 06:57 PM

When I run into this problem I often use a notepad transfer buffer. Just copy and paste to notepad then copy from notepad to paste in the editor. I hope you find this helpful.

Tekwych September 12th, 2016 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by SeeleyOne (Post 234429)
My Deadlands Reloaded Player's Guide Explorer and Deadlands Reloaded Marshal Explorer pdfs are from RPG Now / Drivethru

This could be an artifact of the reformatting from a standard version to an explore edition. Depending on the software used to reformat the text it could lose some of its editorial standards. My standard edition pdfs from Drivethrough RPG work with no issue.

GunbunnyFuFu October 2nd, 2016 04:25 AM

Looking forward to this. I can't code much (yet..still working on that if someone has some good resources), but I can do data entry like no one's business. I too am a Kickstarter backer, and have all the pdf's released to date, including the errata'd ones. Happy to help.


dartnet October 2nd, 2016 06:40 PM

Cool. Welcome aboard, Now that I have the real life mess dealt with for the most part this week I will be doing some organization of this project.

Gelfarin October 3rd, 2016 05:21 AM

Good to hear Dartnet. Seems you have many that are wanting and willing to help out on this one. Keep us posted.

DarkFlite November 6th, 2016 11:57 AM

Looking forward to seeing what this looks like in Hero Lab. So far we have been blown away by the adaptation. The Megaverse has been stuck in the Palladium system too long.

dartnet November 21st, 2016 05:37 PM

I need to step way from this project. If some one wants to take up the reins please PM me.

Gelfarin November 22nd, 2016 09:44 AM

That's too bad Dartnet. I don't know too many people that can make sense of the coding necessary for these files to work well. Thank you for all you've done so far and regrettably, I'm no the guy that can pick this up. Heck, until a couple months ago I didn't even know how to add a weapon.

TCArknight November 23rd, 2016 04:03 PM

Heck, I guess I can take on coordinating this. I need to put some management skills to use anyway. :)

If you've been working on pieces of this with dartnet, please PM me to let me know what you're working on and get my email to send me what you have.

I'll put everything together and see if I can set something up like github or sourcetree or the like to have a central repository of changes...

rickjonzz November 27th, 2016 06:16 AM

If you need more folks who can code (a little), let me know.

rdowney1 November 27th, 2016 08:37 AM

any status update on this project? I am curious, as I am running Savage Rifts at Origins.


Gelfarin December 20th, 2016 05:56 AM

I wonder if this project is dead. I've done all I can do, but without getting into the funky coding that is required for the rest of it we might be at a dead end. Everyone's busy, got lives, etc so it's not really a complaint, but wonder if anyone's got any news?

One the bright side, I've become pretty efficient with the pdf fillable character sheets :).

SeeleyOne December 20th, 2016 04:52 PM

This is a busy time of year for many people. I doubt that it is dead.

Fyndhal January 5th, 2017 06:12 PM

So, how's progress on this going?

Gelfarin January 9th, 2017 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by Fyndhal (Post 240518)
So, how's progress on this going?

I know I'm not much help but I check here every day. Hopeful that those with the know are slowly progressing. I did all the typing and data entry I could do and forwarded it all to Dartnet. I saw TCArknight who said he can start to take the lead and am hopeful those files went from Dartnet to TCArknight, but I'm not sure and essentially hadn't heard anything further.

I do appreciate these guys that understand this coding stuff and feel badly that I can't do more without a real education. I can type and I can copy/paste coding that is given to me. After that, I'm lost. Hopefully it's moving further than we've seen so far, but I'm guessing jobs, family, school, and life in general is likely keeping our best and brightest too busy.

TCArknight January 10th, 2017 05:51 AM

I'm still here and still working on it here and there when I have time. :(

Currently, I've got all the races working and have started on the 'archetypes' (each M.A.R.S. will be a separate choice...).

It's just slow going since been busy in RL job (working for a major retail company tends to make you very busy around any holidays.... lol).

Gelfarin January 10th, 2017 09:54 AM

Aweseom TCArknight! Appreciate your work on this and I think the hardest part has got to be the races and the Iconic Frameworks. I replied to your message. Please let me know if you need a data entry/typist. It's about all I'm good for here, but I offer it all the same. Thanks!

LazloZingo February 3rd, 2017 08:06 PM

When this is ready, which game licenses will you have to own to use it? I have HL and other games licenses, but nothing Savage Worlds yet. I did the Savage Rifts Kickstarter and would love to be able to use HL for it.

Thank you!

Paragon February 4th, 2017 09:38 AM

I'd guess you'll need the SF Companion, but others could say with certainty.

xador February 19th, 2017 05:31 AM

Is this still being worked on? Hadn't seen an update on this in awhile.

Thanks for the hard work!

SeeleyOne February 20th, 2017 10:17 AM

The "No Two Arcane Backgrounds" kills part of it.

salcor February 20th, 2017 06:26 PM

So I was wondering, an ealier post was talking about a switchable super power from Super Powers Companion 2. Could you use that code to set up a switchable arcane background?

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