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Joe December 30th, 2019 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Toblakai (Post 284708)
They had this policy and they get just as much crap from people. No win situation.

This exactly. Either way we upset about half of everyone, so we often err on the side of being transparent with our current estimates. But as this is software development, current estimates can often be wrong (sometimes very, very wrong).


Originally Posted by talsharien (Post 284707)
Perhaps in the future, you should avoid offering any kind of timeline rather than offering false hope.......

FWIW you'll notice I was very careful to issue a lot of caveats in my updated timeline reply. We haven't always been very good about that, but that's something I'm personally trying to change.

Also, after revising the timeline, internally we have a new specific date we're trying to hit. We discussed making that date public, but decided against it for exactly the reason you stated. So we are listening to both camps here and trying to walk the line between them as best we can.

talsharien December 31st, 2019 06:03 AM

Fair enough Joe, what does make me happy is that you are prepared to come into the forums and actually discuss this with us which has been my major issue in the past. I am happy to wait for campaign theatre for it to be done right :)

Ualaa December 31st, 2019 10:08 AM

I'm much happier with an estimation, along with the necessary caveats, to give an idea on how things are progressing.

It's also interesting to see the direction you guys are going, not just simply saying abc has some kind of a guessed ETA.

I'm happy with the increased communication.

Duggan December 31st, 2019 11:48 AM

Just chiming in as someone who understands that it's hard to provide deadlines and that things come up.

LimpingNinja January 1st, 2020 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Duggan (Post 284737)
Just chiming in as someone who understands that it's hard to provide deadlines and that things come up.

Sure, that's a reasonable statement as an individual and for the most part is a fair statement as a company. Though I will say if it becomes a constant form of operation, then it is either poor management or poor projections.

In leading software dev orgs. I've been in ones that I had to build up from delivering majority projects under p75 confidence estimates and half of those failing the p50 projection to delivering > 90% in the p75 estimate with 25% in the p90 estimate (a cause for a great celebration!).

I applaud attempting transparency, but that's a double-edged sword - if you do attempt transparency it's always nice to give updated major shifts.

With that said, there are two questions
(a) Do they have an obligation to deliver?
(b) Do they have an obligation to give us dates and meet them?

In regards to (a) - I purchased waiting for this, I might try to subjectively say yes; but the reality is they have zero obligation to deliver anything beyond what we purchased. If the servers were constantly offline then I would say they failed (a) but since everything is running/working and they are fixing bugs they are meeting that fairly well.

In regards to (b) - Hah! No, they have zero obligation to do this. It's nice! It's customer obsessed! It's wholly illogical! I believe Neil Gaiman summed it up here with: journal.neilgaiman.com/2009/05/entitlement-issues.html; I don't think that people here are asking out of entitlement though, just out of curiosity and excitement.

If I were mods I'd probably just threadlock it and say: We don't know, we're trying to get it done, it may be tomorrow, it may be next year - which is the honest answer (I mean, it's exactly what just happened) and at least that gives people less false hope and just sets proper expectations. <-- I think part of this was done earlier by Joe but in a 'we want to be transparent' with caveats way instead of direct.

BJ January 2nd, 2020 07:08 AM

Hey all!

I hope everyone has enjoyed the holiday season.

Campaign Theater is looking pretty positive for a January release. We'll let you know as soon as we have something more concrete. :)

seansong January 2nd, 2020 04:09 PM

Someone point me towards a place that describes campaign theatre, what it does and why I might want to learn more about it?

Sjmarshall January 2nd, 2020 05:36 PM

Here's the video about it.

seansong January 5th, 2020 05:06 PM


skald1 January 10th, 2020 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by BJ (Post 284765)
Campaign Theater is looking pretty positive for a January release.

Looking forward to it whenever it's released. Thanks for the update. :)

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