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Zuni Technomancer May 31st, 2012 10:52 AM

I get an validation error when adding a linguasoft to a data sprite. It states that my sprite needs the biowire echo.
At page 242 core rule book it states that any lingua soft complex forms are in the list for optional forms.
And, sprites can't learn complex forms.

Canis May 31st, 2012 02:02 PM

Chaser autosoft will not allow a rating to be selected. The customise button is grey'd out and there's no way to increase the rating from the default 1.

When selecting Complex Forms as advancements or during creation mode, TacNet is not an option.

Mara May 31st, 2012 11:28 PM

The MQ-1 Predator Drone has a strange error with it.
Without putting ANYTHING on it, just straight up stock when you go to it to start doing
customization, it has a validation error: Weapon Mount(Fixed, External, Remote): This vehicle has used 2 of its 1 available weapon mounts. It puts this error twice, and
the drone has 2 weapon mounts.

cryptoknight June 1st, 2012 02:51 PM

It's not on your list so... the Metagenetic versions of existing Qualities are still missing.

MetaVariants should be able to pick Metagenetic qualities and have the total count against their base positive qualities instead of generating a validation error.

goofdad June 1st, 2012 09:37 PM

When adding Foam Explosives:

add 1kg rating: 4
then add 1kg rating: 5

It adds a second rating 4 rather than one of each.

Also: Detonator Caps don't stack?

Mad Hamish June 2nd, 2012 04:49 AM

How do you use lingua-softs?
I've got an Erica Elite Comlink with Iris Orb Operating System and a Sim Module.

In Advancement Mode I've added a Linguasoft (Yorumba) and it's showing on the Knowledge Tab under Languages as Rank 0 with no dice associated.

I've tried creating another character and if I give the same comlink, os, Sim Module and lingua soft it all goes fine.

Any ideas how to get it working?

Calabim696 June 2nd, 2012 05:37 AM

When I import a sample spider stock hero from Unwired into a portfolio I get this error: "Critical information not found in data file: Source 'Twilight Horizon'"

Mathias June 2nd, 2012 06:33 AM

What does your commlink currently list as its System rating?

If you press the Edit button on the linguasoft, look in the top left - what does it list as the current rating of the linguasoft? On the skill itself, what does it list as the skill's rating and dicepool?

If you hover your mouse over each of those numbers I pointed you to, what does it report?

Mad Hamish June 2nd, 2012 07:00 AM

Commlink system rating = 3

Linguasoft Rating = 3

In the language part of the Linguasoft screen it has
- 0 Yoruba Linguasoft

If I hover over the 0 it shows
Situational Linguist (+2), Augmented Maximum (=0)

Skill Limit 0/6 (0)

Skills must be modified by the advances tab once the character is locked for play.

I've just experimented with a new character and it looks like Linguasofts work o.k. normally but don't work if you have the Linguist positive quality.

I built a character without Linguist and added a Linguasoft and it worked giving a ranking of 5, then I removed that linguasoft and bought Linguist.
When I added a Linguasoft it gave rating 0.
Then I dropped the quality and the Linguasoft that wasn't working gave a rating of 5

Bluesmun June 2nd, 2012 02:04 PM

Can't upgrade implants?
So, I'm putting together a character who has alphaware cybereyes. I go into the 'Edit This Gear' part to get mods like thermographic vision, vision magnification, etc. It already has alphaware eye recording units and image links automatically, but when I go to add more it doesn't give me an option to get a better upgrade. And when I buy it, I get an error note saying that I've got a Standard modification, but I need Alphaware or higher because it needs the same grade as its parent.

The problem is, I can't seem to find any way to make it Alphaware. It doesn't give me any kind of options to make mods alpha, beta, or delta. I do get the option when I'm buying cyberware, though. Am I missing something?

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