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SAbel December 31st, 2011 10:21 PM

Any way this will work on an Ipad (Santa brought me one :)

But I am still a PC for computers

Foz January 1st, 2012 01:08 AM

In which forum do we post feedback & errors etc for the Mac beta?

Colen January 1st, 2012 08:48 AM

Please post them in this forum for now. Thanks guys!

Foz January 1st, 2012 09:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ok, first error...
After installing 3.9 on my Mac, downloading the 4E framework, and loading my backup hl with the DDI info. I attempted to load the por file and got an error about it being created on a previous version.

The logfile mentioned said this...
Portfolio created with different version of product. Compatability is unknown but attempting load anyways.

After this error the por loaded correctly.

I have attached a cap of the error.

Colen January 1st, 2012 10:36 AM

For some games (right now I think only 4e) we give you this warning when you transition between versions of the product or data files, because we don't have complete control over the data for the game. It's possible that the material in the D&D Compendium could change and make certain aspects of characters not work, and there wouldn't be anything we could do about it. :(

In this case (going from HL3.8 to 3.9) there shouldn't be any problems, so the warning is more of an informational message.

rushtong January 1st, 2012 02:25 PM

Windowing problem
1 Attachment(s)
Hi All,

First off, thank you so much for this product! I've been a reluctant customer using HL on VirtualBox for a long time now.

I got into this strange condition where a confirm import/download window was hidden and unavailable, and a HL screen got stuck in front of other apps.

1. Open HL and download large game system. In this case, I was downloading Pathfinder which is ~75 MB.
2. Alt-tab to a different program. You can see from my screenshot that I switched to Chrome and tooled around the beta page to re-read the known problems.
3. Later, HL alerted me from the dock that something was up (the bouncing icon thing). I knew that it was that the download was finished so I alt-tabbed back to HL.
4. The confirm window was not available. Nothing I did could bring that confirm download message to the fore. I was eventually able to just hit enter and it triggered the confirm button, so I know the window was active ... it just wasn't visible.
5. The other oddity was that the "Select A Game" window was stuck in front of Chrome. Tabbing to Chrome didn't send HL to the background, the "Select A Game" window was still in front of it. Chrome was the active application as I could navigate what I could see, etc., but the HL window didn't release it's position as the foremost window. I think the "Select A Game" window was hiding the confirmation window.

Haven't hit any other issues yet, but I'll be digging around as best I can.


UndeadDan January 1st, 2012 04:55 PM

Had the same issues as Rushtong. Switching between applications seems to cause odd behaviour with the Hero Lab windows.

TehBagder January 1st, 2012 05:15 PM

Just been accepted into Beta, downloading it and installing packages now. Just in time for me to finishing tweaking the Pathfinder characters I need for next week's new campaign...

dgarsys January 1st, 2012 05:37 PM

HI guys.

FWIW - downloaded and updated the mac version. Copied my current .por file out of Vista running via VMware, and it opened fine. License seems to have transferred without a hitch.

So far, at first glance, stuff seems to be working. More later as I play with it. We've got a game in two weeks so I'll have a chance to 1) build some new characters, and 2) rebuild my current character from scratch to compare and contrast.

TehBagder January 1st, 2012 05:59 PM

After installing the custom .user and .1st files I was using in Windows for this set of Pathfinder characters, the portfolio imported into the Mac version without any issues. Excellent job guys!

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