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EmptyOwl August 4th, 2015 07:08 AM


In the Pathfinder 3PP there seem to be a couple bugs:

Dread class Terrors:
- Horrible Strike lists a save DC which is not required or used
- Mindlock should only be able to be taken once; it never disappears off the list
- Persistant Nightmare Form is spelled incorrectly (Persistent); also, its prerequisite (18 Dread levels) is never satisfied
- Nightmare Touch should only be able to be taken once; it never disappears off the list

- Multiple Connections should only be able to be taken once; it does not disappear from the list
- Open Door should only be able to be taken once; it does not disappear from the list
- Terror Mastery (a feat for Dreads) has a selection box, but does not require one; should only be able to be taken once, it does not disappear from the list

Appreciate all the hard work and effort going into these packs! I have tried my hand at the editor and the wiki, but I do not understand the scripting/language at any but a superficial level, else I would love to help with some of this simple stuff, so I apologize for complaining about the nitpicky things ;-)

psych777 August 4th, 2015 08:46 AM

adding them to the bug list.

been trying to look over all the feats cuz there were definitely some 'copy' errors but keep getting sidetracked with other things and i'm only up to letter "I".

ShadowChemosh August 4th, 2015 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by EmptyOwl (Post 213614)
so I apologize for complaining about the nitpicky things ;-)

As psych777 these have been added to the to-do list. I wanted to say these are not nitpicky and we appreciate friendly bug reports about anything in the Packs. So keep them coming as long as everyone remembers that depending on severity of the issue it could be fixed in the next patch or a few releases down the road. :) ;)

CorzatTheGray August 4th, 2015 11:59 AM

In looking through some of the recent additions to the 3PP Pack I discovered that the Rogue Genius Games Bullet Point - New Exotic and Martial Swords has been added. A few things that I've found that don't match up with the items' descriptions and/or table from the source material. I've included what I was able to put together when I was working on this source for my own group. I never did get around to finishing it completely, though, so the Manople and Swordstaff still need some work.

Cinquedea - Is listed as a One-haned Martial weapon when it should be a Light Martial weapon according to the table.

Estoc - The biggest thing is the damage. Right now it is fixed. And I mean fixed... No adjustment for size or ability mod. The thread where Aaron and I hash out the damage for the estoc can be found here. The damage used there may or may not be correct but the method to reach the correct damage is contained within.

The next issue with the estoc is that it functions much like a bastard sword and/or a lance. It functions as a Two-handed Martial weapon, a One-Handed Exotic weapon, and a One-Handed Martial weapon when Mounted.

Pre-levels  4000
      ~ if we're mounted, we're a one-handed weapon
      if (#hascondition[pstMounted] <> 0) then
        perform tagreplace[wClass.TwoHanded,wClass.OneHanded]
        perform assign[Helper.PowTwoHand]
        perform tagreplace[wProfReq.Exotic,wProfReq.Martial]
        ~if we're a magic weapon, instead modify our parent
        if (container.ishero = 0) then
          perform parent.tagreplace[wClass.TwoHanded,wClass.OneHanded]
          perform parent.assign[Helper.PowTwoHand]
          perform parent.tagreplace[wProfReq.Exotic,wProfReq.Martial]

Executioner's Sword - Is missing the script to negate the attack bonus for charging.

Post-levels  20001  After: Charging Effects
    ~If Not Charging get out now
      doneif (#hascondition[pstChargin] = 0)

    ~If charging no attack bonus
      if (#hascondition[pstChargin] <> 0) then
      field[wAttBonus].value -= 2

Kampilan - Missing the penalty to using two-handed

Pre-levels  4000
    ~If using 2-handed apply -2 Attack
    If (field[wMenuEquip].value = 3) then
      field[wAttBonus].value -= 2

Manople - Is being counted as a Longsword. while it is a "longsword-like blade" no where in the description does it convey that it counts as a longsword.
Is missing the +5 to CMD vs. Disarm when equipped.

First 1000
    ~if equipped give bonus to disarm cmd
      if (field[gIsEquip].value <> 0) then
      hero.child[manDisarm].field[cmdBonus].value += field[abValue].value

Is missing 1.5 x STR Mod when primary weapon, and treated as two-handed for Power Attack damage when primary weapon.

Swordstaff -

Originally Posted by Swordstaff
A proficient wielder can switch his grip on a swordstaff as a swift action, changing it from a reach to a nonreach weapon (or back again). A swordstaff may be used as a martial reach weapon. It may also be used as a martial nonreach weapon (using ability to change grip as described above), but attacks made with it as a martial nonreach weapon suffer the normal penalty for attacks made with a nonproficient weapon (-4).

Not sure how to make this all happen for the Swordstaff...

Just trying to do my part to help out! :)

Asandir August 4th, 2015 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by CorzatTheGray (Post 213639)
In looking through some of the recent additions to the 3PP Pack I discovered that the Rogue Genius Games Bullet Point - New Exotic and Martial Swords has been added. A few things that I've found that don't match up with the items' descriptions and/or table from the source material. I've included what I was able to put together when I was working on this source for my own group. I never did get around to finishing it completely, though, so the Manople and Swordstaff still need some work.

Just trying to do my part to help out! :)

That came from me and I will freely admit that most of the scripting language unfortunately goes over my head. I thought I had all the descriptions updated, but apparently not. As far as making the weapons do more than just appear, I'm afraid, I'm just not that good with scripts.


ShadowChemosh August 4th, 2015 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Asandir (Post 213641)
That came from me and I will freely admit that most of the scripting language unfortunately goes over my head. I thought I had all the descriptions updated, but apparently not. As far as making the weapons do more than just appear, I'm afraid, I'm just not that good with scripts.


We appreciate you adding this stuff really. I will try and incorporate the stuff from CorzatTheGray as I can this month. I admit this is why somethings we are so slow to get stuff added. A few Eberron feats I was adding the other day took me hours to get scripted and tested. Its not a quick thing to do. :(

For the future maybe what we should do is put a small note on feats/equipment that are not 100% scripted to let people know. A great first step is getting the stuff in and doing pre-req's. If we have a "to do note" on stuff I can search the files when I have a few minutes and try and add any of the scripts/logic that is missing.

Something like this:

{b}To Do Note:{/b} This feat is not fully scripted yet and will not actually change your character.
If we always use this {b}To Do Note:{/b} text I can easily grep search that across the .user files to find ones that need to be updated/enhanced. :)

psych777 August 4th, 2015 04:26 PM

i've usually used:
not fully implemented

but i don't always remember to add it...

CorzatTheGray August 4th, 2015 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Asandir (Post 213641)
That came from me and I will freely admit that most of the scripting language unfortunately goes over my head. I thought I had all the descriptions updated, but apparently not. As far as making the weapons do more than just appear, I'm afraid, I'm just not that good with scripts.


No worries man! I certainly didn't intend to come off as accusatory in any way, so no need to apologize. I struggled hard to get those scripts figured out, and I only got 4 1/2 of the six figured out when I was working on it. Life happened and I wasn't able devote time to my favorite hobby until recently and I figured I'd share what I had found out and cobbled together.

liz August 6th, 2015 06:01 AM

Please note: In an effort to consolidate stickies, I created a new "General Hero Lab 7 Community Resources" sticky. After talking to Shadow, this thread is now listed in this sticky, and this thread is no longer sstuck at the top. Hopefully this will keep the forums cleaner moving forward.

ShadowChemosh August 6th, 2015 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by liz (Post 213757)
Please note: In an effort to consolidate stickies, I created a new "General Hero Lab 7 Community Resources" sticky. After talking to Shadow, this thread is now listed in this sticky, and this thread is no longer sstuck at the top. Hopefully this will keep the forums cleaner moving forward.

Sweet! Thanks Liz! :)

ShadowChemosh August 6th, 2015 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Starkad (Post 213599)
I'm trying to make an unchained monk zen archer, and it does not appear to be granting any of the feats that you're supposed to get. Perfect strike, way of the bow, point blank master, for example. I have all the pathfinder books currently available from hero lab, but I am not sure if I am doing something else wrong?

So first sorry for missing this until now. Your not missing anything I am missing stuff. I will have a long talk with these "feats" to get in line and back into the archetype!

Thanks this will be fixed in the next release. :)

Chris633 August 12th, 2015 04:22 AM

I recently did a bunch of updates to my herolab and I am getting this error message:


The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

File: Forgotten Realms - Underdark.user (line 3019) - Thing - Duplicate record encountered ('fStoneSoul')

Chris633 August 12th, 2015 02:55 PM

I've tried deleting all of the packs and starting over which hasn't worked. And oddly enough, when I delete all the packs and restart herolab, I still get the same error message. Even if I don't reinstall any packs.

ShadowChemosh August 12th, 2015 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Chris633 (Post 214165)
I've tried deleting all of the packs and starting over which hasn't worked. And oddly enough, when I delete all the packs and restart herolab, I still get the same error message. Even if I don't reinstall any packs.

That is from forgotten realms which is not in one of the Packs. You will need to contact RavenX as that is his stuff.

Its having an issue with the Unique ID of the feat. If you open the Editor and then open the file Forgotten Realms - Underdark.user. You will have different tabs. Go to General->Feats and look for one called "Stone Soul". Change its Unique ID to be something different like (fStoneSou2). Then restart HL and it should load.

Chris633 August 13th, 2015 02:58 PM

Thank you so much for getting pointed in the right direction! I have everything working now.

Quintain August 19th, 2015 10:45 AM

It looks like somehow my change to the PsychoActive Skin of the Chameleon that applied it's bonus was stripped somehow.

Can you check it out and re-apply the change?

ShadowChemosh August 19th, 2015 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Quintain (Post 214485)
It looks like somehow my change to the PsychoActive Skin of the Chameleon that applied it's bonus was stripped somehow.

Can you check it out and re-apply the change?

I don't know what that is. Can you give me some Thing ID's to look at?

Quintain August 19th, 2015 08:21 PM


Quintain August 19th, 2015 09:02 PM


Can we create a new adjustment that lists Permenant Spells or Incarnate Powers (for Psionics) on the specials tab?

Silveras August 24th, 2015 06:07 AM

My original post got wiped out in the restore, it appears.


The Craft (clockworks) skill in the Community files doesn't seem to recognize the "Background Skills" option from Pathfinder Unchained.

ShadowChemosh August 24th, 2015 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by Silveras (Post 214525)
My original post got wiped out in the restore, it appears.


The Craft (clockworks) skill in the Community files doesn't seem to recognize the "Background Skills" option from Pathfinder Unchained.

This will be fixed in the next release.

ShadowChemosh August 24th, 2015 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Quintain (Post 214512)

Can we create a new adjustment that lists Permenant Spells or Incarnate Powers (for Psionics) on the specials tab?

Ummm Maybe... All ideas so far require ALLOT of work for what I think is very little gain. Will see....

Quintain August 24th, 2015 07:27 PM

Additional question:

the abCategory tag seems to be used fairly frequently in the base hero lab product, but not so much on the 3PP packs. Do you think it would be beneficial to tag the various class abilities, like Psychic Warrior Paths, Psion Disciplines, Tactician Strategies and other class ability groups with a tag?

ShadowChemosh August 24th, 2015 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Quintain (Post 214572)
Additional question:

the abCategory tag seems to be used fairly frequently in the base hero lab product, but not so much on the 3PP packs. Do you think it would be beneficial to tag the various class abilities, like Psychic Warrior Paths, Psion Disciplines, Tactician Strategies and other class ability groups with a tag?

abCategory was added to allow a much easier to way to setup Search Expressions for other classes. So in example the magus can gain access to Hexes or Bloodrager to Rage Powers. Most caused by the introduction of the ACG that goes crazy sharing class abilities with other classes. As the 3PP stuff does not really do that its not super important to have.

On the other hand "yes" we should add the abCateogry tags to the 3PP classes so when class sharing happens it will be easy to implement. :)

So if someone wants to take this task on I am totally not against it. I think I did most of the soulknife ones as I needed it for a PrC.

Quintain August 25th, 2015 06:04 PM

If I was confident that SourceTree was working for me, I'd have no problem retrofitting things.

Sadly, I'm not that confident.

psych777 August 26th, 2015 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Quintain (Post 214620)
If I was confident that SourceTree was working for me, I'd have no problem retrofitting things.

Sadly, I'm not that confident.

i know the feeling. i was so paranoid in the beginning that i was going to mess up shadowchemosh's files! lol

ShadowChemosh August 26th, 2015 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by psych777 (Post 214637)
i know the feeling. i was so paranoid in the beginning that i was going to mess up shadowchemosh's files! lol

On the good side. If we catch any issues right away and you let me know I can fix it. Last time because of not being authorized commits from like month ago got applied. That was a little harder to fix. :(

But its a learning process and mistakes happen. So please don't let that stop you from making changes. Just keep an eye on things and if any issues please email me ASAP about it. :)

Quintain August 27th, 2015 04:45 PM

Do we have the Gifted blade archetype for Soulknife implemented yet, or is someone working on it?

ShadowChemosh August 27th, 2015 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Quintain (Post 214742)
Do we have the Gifted blade archetype for Soulknife implemented yet, or is someone working on it?

So the best way to see about the archetype is to see if it is in the 3PP Pack. I honestly don't know.

I can say for "sure" I am not working on it (or any PrCs currently) but I can not guarantee no one else is. I was just sent the Metaforge PrC a few days ago from someone that is not a regular editor.

Sorry best I can say. :)

psych777 August 28th, 2015 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by Quintain (Post 214742)
Do we have the Gifted blade archetype for Soulknife implemented yet, or is someone working on it?

two easy ways to see...
create a soulknife lvl 1, click add archetype and you can see gifted blade available
open the classes file for UP in editor and go to the archetype tab and you can see it listed there

whether it is fully implemented or not i can't recall, but it is there and started at least

graywulfe August 28th, 2015 07:51 PM

I loaded the following community packs:

Pathfinder GM Pack
Pathfinder Basic Pack
Pathfinder Mythic Pack
Pathfinder Unchained Pack
Pathfinder 3PP Pacl

and got the following error:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'fMyBlindFi' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMChDestro' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlFarwal' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlUnchan' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlFarwal' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMChAlwCha' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlExtPow' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlSight' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlSight' does not exist
Thing 'rCBOMXIVBu' - Bootstrap thing 'fMySprAtta' does not exist
Thing 'rCBOMXIVBu' - Bootstrap thing 'fMyExMyPow' does not exist

graywulfe August 28th, 2015 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by graywulfe (Post 214822)
I loaded the following community packs:

Pathfinder GM Pack
Pathfinder Basic Pack
Pathfinder Mythic Pack
Pathfinder Unchained Pack
Pathfinder 3PP Pacl

and got the following error:

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'fMyBlindFi' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMChDestro' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlFarwal' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlUnchan' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlFarwal' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMChAlwCha' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlExtPow' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlSight' does not exist
Thing 'rCBDevasta' - Bootstrap thing 'cMAlSight' does not exist
Thing 'rCBOMXIVBu' - Bootstrap thing 'fMySprAtta' does not exist
Thing 'rCBOMXIVBu' - Bootstrap thing 'fMyExMyPow' does not exist

I decided to do a little bit of troubleshooting, so I removed all of the packs.

At this point it loaded fine. Then I added the basic pack, it loaded fine again. Then I added the GM pack and it loaded fine once again. Next I loaded the mythic pack and after that I got the error message when I tried to load pathfinder. I removed the Mythic Pack and added the remaining packs from my list and it loaded fine.

Then I looked went back to the listing at the top of this topic and made a guess that I should remove the GM Pack if I am using the GM Mythic pack so I have tried that. Unfortunately I still get the error message. I am missing something but I am not sure what.

graywulfe August 28th, 2015 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by graywulfe (Post 214823)
I decided to do a little bit of troubleshooting, so I removed all of the packs.

At this point it loaded fine. Then I added the basic pack, it loaded fine again. Then I added the GM pack and it loaded fine once again. Next I loaded the mythic pack and after that I got the error message when I tried to load pathfinder. I removed the Mythic Pack and added the remaining packs from my list and it loaded fine.

Then I looked went back to the listing at the top of this topic and made a guess that I should remove the GM Pack if I am using the GM Mythic pack so I have tried that. Unfortunately I still get the error message. I am missing something but I am not sure what.

I am an idiot. I have not yet purchased the Mythic Adventures license for Hero Lab... I going to go hide now :o

ShadowChemosh August 28th, 2015 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by graywulfe (Post 214824)
I am an idiot. I have not yet purchased the Mythic Adventures license for Hero Lab... I going to go hide now :o

LOL at least you figured it out before writing me a nasty email/PM. :D

RonnieMonster August 30th, 2015 06:24 AM

I'm trying to use the basic, campaign, GM, and 3PP packs, and, well... this happens:


The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'rCBAshGian' (Eval Script '#1') on line 2
-> Non-existent thing 'raAshDisea' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'raAP74ExEn' (Eval Script '#1') on line 1
-> Non-existent thing 'raShaSunlP' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'raAP75ArPR' (Eval Script '#6') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'raSucProfG' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'raAP75ArRd' (Eval Script '#2') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'raSucEnerD' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'raAP77WEnD' (Eval Script '#1') on line 3
-> Non-existent thing 'raNigEnerD' used by script
Syntax error in 'eval' script for Thing 'rauWWChanS' (Eval Script '#1') on line 4
-> Non-existent thing 'raWinBreaW' used by script
Syntax error in 'pre-requisite rule' script for Thing 'tmAP80CadC' on line 1
-> Non-existent thing 'tmZomJuju' referenced by script
Kinda doing my head in.

I've tried uninstalling them and bringing them back in one at a time; no luck. Still getting the errors. What really has me scratching my head is the fact that it all works fine on my old desktop - I'm trying to get it all working on my new tablet.

Any advice for someone who's rather frustrated and not overly tech-savvy?

w3aponiz3d August 31st, 2015 08:31 AM

Hey gang,

This might not be the correct thread to post this in, and if that is the case then I apologize in advance. It seemed to be on-topic since this post has to do with a 3rd party product and there are plenty of those in the community pack. Also it seemed to be a good way to get the attention of the mighty guru ShadowChemosh! :)

I am currently trying to shoehorn Spheres of Power by Drop Dead Studios into Hero Labs, and I've made some progress. I have spell points implemented as a class special. The spell pool was close enough to the arcane pool of the magus that it just seemed fitting to use that method. I plan on using a similar method as the Path of War disciplines and manuevers, that has already been done in the third party pack, to implement spheres and sphere powers. That way if someone wants to build a class with restricted access to spheres they will be able to more easily accomplish that.

The parts I'm having trouble with, and honestly don't know where to start, are the altered and new statistics that Spheres of Power implements. Caster Level has changed with Spheres of Power into a stat that works more like Base Attack Bonus. It has a slow, medium and fast progression like Base Attack Bonus does, which get assigned to casters based on their magical aptitude. I breifly considered emulating this through a class special, however I need a way to represent this information on the in-play tab and in the character output. I could simply turn it into a tracked resource, but it's not a useable resource in the sense that you don't spend Caster Level. So a tracked resource doesn't really fit, unless I'm missing something. It really should be displayed like Base Attack Bonus gets displayed. In addition, the statistic needs to stack with additional classes that increase Caster Level.

The other two stats which I can already guess will give me some trouble in the same way are Magic Skill Bonus and Magic Skill Defense, which should be displayed like Combat Manuever Bonus and Combat Manuever Defense get displayed. Defining either should be fairly easy though since Magic Skill Bonus should be equal to the original Caster Level and Magic Skill Defense is equal to Magic Skill Bonus + 11. Again the problem primarily boils down to how to display them on the In-Play tab and the character output.

So in summary. If these altered/new statistics aren't class specials, how should they be created?
Once they are created, how would I get them on the In-Play tab and in the character output?

Any advice on how this should be properly implemented would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Aaron August 31st, 2015 02:04 PM

Just a heads up that some new mechanics may be coming up for the Occult Bestiary which would be easily adapted to supporting a Spell Point magic system, though they'd have to use the same table as monsters use.

ShadowChemosh August 31st, 2015 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by RonnieMonster (Post 214886)
I'm trying to use the basic, campaign, GM, and 3PP packs, and, well... this happens:

Kinda doing my head in.

I've tried uninstalling them and bringing them back in one at a time; no luck. Still getting the errors. What really has me scratching my head is the fact that it all works fine on my old desktop - I'm trying to get it all working on my new tablet.

Any advice for someone who's rather frustrated and not overly tech-savvy?

It looks like you installed the GM "Mythic" Pack which requires Mythic Adventures to load.

Go to Tools->Manage Third Party Updates to see if you installed the Mythic Pack. Also you don't need to install the Basic Pack as that is inside all the other packs.

So I would advise Delete the Basic Pack and the Mythic Pack and then install the "GM Pack". That should get you going again.

ShadowChemosh August 31st, 2015 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by w3aponiz3d (Post 214955)
I am currently trying to shoehorn Spheres of Power by Drop Dead Studios into Hero Labs, and I've made some progress. I have spell points implemented as a class special. The spell pool was close enough to the arcane pool of the magus that it just seemed fitting to use that method.

Just so you know DDS is going to make an official Sphere of Power for HL. I think they have a person on board that has started to work on this actually.

Maybe instead of doing your own thing it work out better to either work with DDS or wait for the official version. Just a thought.

If not I can give some pointers. Personally knowing what I know now I would actually create a whole new UI tab with new Components. Then it wold be allot easier to get all those different new values to display. Its my one issue with the PoW stuff was that I used an existing UI Tab (ie configurable) instead of making a custom one. Oh well hind-site is 20/20. :)

AndrewD2 August 31st, 2015 04:59 PM

Yeah I've been reading SoP and it's going to be taking A LOT of work to make work without access to the core files.

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