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over ride question


Well-known member
Ok Trying to keep this as generic as possible (not game specific) to try and see if someone can help.

I am trying to make an over ride rule that says if the roster is a particular RACE and the LEADER of a SQUAD is a particular character, then all units of TYPE A in his squad have their type changed to a TYPE B.

I would love to make it a roster level rule, but figured to at least get it working from the unit level side.

So my override script is:

(roster.race1 | roster.race1a) & runtime.leader.is[leaderuniqueID]

And its giving me errors. My problem is, I dont know what the correct tag to use for this.

Can anyone provide a suggestion?
Other tries that did not work:

(roster.crusader | roster.c_justice) & (runtime.tagvalue[leader] = cr14068)

(roster.crusader | roster.c_justice) & (tagvalue[runtime.leader] = cr14068)

(roster.crusader | roster.c_justice) & (runtime.leader.tagis[gerard]) (where I had manually assigned a tagset on unit cr14068 of gerard).
I think I've already got a workaround for that rule in the Crusader file I was working on - I'll let you know in a few days.

much appreciated if you do, but I still need to learn the concept of some of these things. I have the logic on most of them, just dont know the correct tags, expressions, scripting, what have you...
