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Spyers and other stuff


Hey Peeps

When are the Spyers list as well as The Ratskins, Redemptionists and Ash waste Nomads going to be added to the Data File?
I've added the Ratskins and half of the Spyrers so far. I was hoping to get them all added before I released the files again, but time is a bit of a problem. I'll try and get the Spyrers done shortly and get the files released, then work on the other gangs.
Any more updates?

If not do you mind if I make some additions/modifications to the files you've made?

I'm looking to build either a Ratskin or Redemptionist gang ... still not decided yet :D

old thread, but why did this never happen? I am going to begin playing and will be playing spyers, but there is not file I can find. Anyone??