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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Old World of Darkness

Looking Good, Raven
Happy to hear about the Dark Ages

It will be a quick add-on from what I can tell. The data entry won't be as quick as the structure file mechanics. For this I have done minimalist data entry, just enough to figure out what the files need to work.
Looks like I am down to Sorcery paths and rituals and this structure file is finished for player character Vampires...
It was a long, dark night last night... but I think I got the needed things hammered out on the player character side for V20. Now I have to hammer out NPC stuff and then I can start examination of the Dark Ages tome under scrutiny.
Finalizing the Animal races now, after this I should be ready to enter data for V20, which means I will switch to a different book to start adding additional components.
Animal Race Support is done now. That should get the bestiary mostly implemented. Other game system monsters need their books done first so I'll get to that as I get to it. The upgrade to V20 is pretty much done now. I just have a couple tweaks to make and I can move on to the next book.
The current coding for the V20 file should support the addition of the data from the Dark Ages as well. The systems are essentially the same. I will add a new source for the data so whoever wants to add that data can get started.
Scripted the code for the Merits and Flaws. Merits and Flaws now do what they should do. Attached is a child ghoul with the appropriate flaws limited her size and speed. More character sheet modifications to come.


Would it not be similar to the community files for D&D?

Uh, no. It isn't. The parent company for White Wolf has told me directly that I am not to distribute the data files I create to the community. There is no Open Game License for their materials.

Even if there was, the "kind" people, and I use this term very loosely, over at Onyx Path Publishing who actually write the books for Paradox Interactive managed to tick me off so bad I haven't purchased a single product of theirs in a long time and it is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyy doubtful I will be purchasing anything from them ever again. I won't go into details but on "their" forums I asked for clarification on something in Exalted and got a 2 year ban with no reason other than the moderator didn't like me asking. Since then I have not given a damn for their products and will not support them. Sorry. If you want the data you'll have to learn to code it yourself, "For personal use only" since you're not allowed to distribute it without Paradox Interactive giving you a green light or OGL.

D&D 5e was not supported by Lone Wolf Development initially. 5e was on the shelf until the OGL was announced. Unless there is some kind of open license for a game system you can't distribute data files for it without drawing the potential for lawsuits against you and cease and desist orders for distributing the files in the first place. I have no intention of drawing such ire from a company that has earned my ire. I am done with White Wolf for good at this point.
Holy crud dude, I am so sorry to hear about all of that. I am trying to find a way to do it but am having no luck whatsoever on it :S That is what I get for learning financial info instead of coding. I will continue to work on it though and am glad to hear SOMEONE has done it, even though I understand why you cannot send out info to anyone and I am not asking for that.