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Hero Lab Savage Setting Index

Dartnet: If you get a chance would you update Space 1889 to show me as the maintainer of that file now? I've taken over hosting it so I guess I'll be taking over any updates if anyone runs into issues on that file.
And I would like to note that I have my updated Broken Earth material, and I've tested that it works properly with the update, so if anyone wants it, feel free to PM me.
Just a quick note. I will be doing an update to this list soon. I am in panic prep mode for Chupacabra con. ;)
Oh, also - There's an updated version of the Star Wars file available. This one has both the D6 and D20 Force Power stacks, and all of the Races are complete. It should be everything but the vehicles. PM me for the file. It can also be added to the list at the start of this thread now. I finished this one over the last month or so, as we are spinning up a campaign using it in one of my groups.

And don't forget to include your email address when you PM me for the file!
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Oh, also - There's an updated version of the Star Wars file available. This one has both the D6 and D20 Force Power stacks, and all of the Races are complete. It should be everything but the vehicles. PM me for the file. It can also be added to the list at the start of this thread now. I finished this one over the last month or so, as we are spinning up a campaign using it in one of my groups.

And don't forget to include your email address when you PM me for the file!

Any word on any of the other settings? Hellfrost, Winter Eternal, Shaintar, Accursed, Evernight, Realms of Cthulhu, Runepunk? I'm really hoping to be able to use HL with those settings.
You really want to run Evernight? I'll try to look at it this week. There hasn't really been any interest so it hadn't been a priority to finish for me, but if someone wants it I'll try to finish it up.

Hellfrost if available from CapedCrusader, although he may have mentioned wanting to do some updates on it? PM him for that. I know nothing about the rest, though, and I'm not otherwise working on any files myself.
The Last Parsec is another one I'd like to see HL files for. Shaintar (or really anything in the Suzerain line) is huge for fantasy. Winter Eternal is another fantasy similar to Hellfrost, Accursed is a horror fantasy setting, Realms of Cthulhu is basically CoC for SW. Runepunk is kind of a fantasy/steampunk mix. There are tons of other ones out there Beasts and Barbarians, and MARS are two that I have a few PDFs for also. I'll reach out to CC though for the Hellfrost files and thanks for finishing the Evernight files.
Well, if you take a closer look at the original post more than a few of those are done, you just have to PM the author to get the file, for example PM dartnet to get The Last Parsec and tatteredking to get Realms of Cthulhu. While LoneWolf does have a license to put out Pinnacle settings through the official updater most of those settings you listed are put out by companies other than Pinnacle, so unless those companies set something up with LoneWolf to allow their settings to be released in the program you wouldn't see them show up there, you'd have to see if someone else happened to make a file for you and get it from them (which is one of the main reasons for the first post in this thread, to let folks know not just the status of some of the official settings, but also who you can PM to get copies of files not otherwise officially available.)
Well, if you take a closer look at the original post more than a few of those are done, you just have to PM the author to get the file, for example PM dartnet to get The Last Parsec and tatteredking to get Realms of Cthulhu. While LoneWolf does have a license to put out Pinnacle settings through the official updater most of those settings you listed are put out by companies other than Pinnacle, so unless those companies set something up with LoneWolf to allow their settings to be released in the program you wouldn't see them show up there, you'd have to see if someone else happened to make a file for you and get it from them (which is one of the main reasons for the first post in this thread, to let folks know not just the status of some of the official settings, but also who you can PM to get copies of files not otherwise officially available.)

Thanks. I missed that I guess somehow.
Shaintar is kind of an issue, if memory serves. They have completely different rules than base Savage Worlds that would take cloning the entire system and altering it. If I recall correctly, it has different totals for each rank than 20 points, and levels above Legendary. Core coding has to change to support that, not generally accessible through a Setting file.