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Pathfinder RPG

rob said:
Absolutely! We've received a verbal "yes" from Paizo and will be discussing this in more detail with them over the upcoming weeks.

I would not expect that this dataset would be available until Summer 2009 when the final version of the rules are sent to the printer.

On the other hand, is there any chance of seeing a dataset on the Beta version which will be printed and sold this August.

If the answer is no, I won't be put off or anything, it seems a lot to hope for by my own standards (because the rules are likely to change from August 2008 to August 2009). However, it never hurts to ask.
Quoting JimmyOlsen <cainesinmyhead@gmail.com>:

> I would not expect that this dataset would be available until Summer
> 2009 when the final version of the rules are sent to the printer.
> On the other hand, is there any chance of seeing a dataset on the
> Beta version which will be printed and sold this August.

We want to get support for the Beta out by sometime in the Fall of
2008. Then there would be an update in Summer 2009 to reflect the
changes made during the Beta. That's the *plan*, though, and other
stuff could mess with the plan. So keep those fingers crossed. :-)
Ideally, this will also take into account the existing web enhancement, and the future web enhancements to be released, since they contain things that had to be cut from the Beta for space.
As an aside to this, I'd like to do, for personal use, a variant to the basic 3.5 datafiles designed for use with the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign (Essentially Living Pathfinder Chronicles.) However, I have some questions.

1) How do I set up a 20 point based point buy character creation method using the chart in the Pathfinder Beta and PSOP Campaign Guide?

2) How do I add a new field to character generation for Faction, with a pulldown menu for the five factions available in the campaign, and have this be available for validation?
I can't help with #1, but for #2, would it work to code a trait or an adjustment for each of the factions?

First, go to the User Tags field at the bottom, and add the PFFaction tag
Add an eval script (the timing doesn't really matter for this, so UserFirst, 100 will work) of:

perform hero.assign[User.PFFaction]

then, create a pre-requisite of:

if (tagcount[User.PFFaction] <= 1) then
@valid = 1

And give that a descriptive error message.

That means that if more than one PFFaction tag shows up on the hero, each of the items with that pre-requisite will show up as an error. (This is a simple script that won't grey out the other faction items - I know there's a way to check whether an item has been added yet or not. If you want to try some more advanced programming, you can add a second part to the pre-req script that requires 0 PFFaction tags if the current item isn't added).
Any updates on the status of the Pathfinder Beta dataset? I actually haven't purchased the d20 rules (I use M&M mostly) but would certainly do so when the Pathfinder Beta rules becomes available.
At 09:48 AM 10/16/2008, you wrote:
Any updates on the status of the Pathfinder Beta dataset? I actually haven't purchased the d20 rules (I use M&M mostly) but would certainly do so when the Pathfinder Beta rules becomes available.
We just got the major M&M add-on released and our next priority for HL is the Authoring Kit. Once that is released, we'll be looking at the Pathfinder stuff in more detail.
At 06:51 PM 11/4/2008, you wrote:
Heck, I'd preorder a Pathfinder dataset if I could!
Unlike various other companies out there, we don't do pre-orders. The reason is simple. The realities of being a tiny company are such that we sometimes run into surprises that force us to make changes in our plans and/or simply delay getting stuff completed. If we take money for a pre-order, then one of two things happens when those surprises occur. Either we aren't able to make the adjustments we need or customers are left waiting for something they've actually paid for. Both options are bad IMHO.

Taking money from a customer establishes a formal contract and locks in expectations. While it would be nice to get some extra operating capital in place, failure to deliver on a contract of sale is something we aren't willing to risk. We've developed a very loyal customer base over the years by doing our best to deliver on what we promise, but we're not always successful. I don't enjoy the prospect of explaining to customers why we haven't completed something they paid for.

So keep that money warm for Pathfinder. We should have something ready at some point in the not-too-distant future. :-)
Fair enough; I understand your position. Just consider it a vote of confidence that you have such eager customers :)
Im an owner and greatly appreciate your work on M&M. I would really love to see support for the Pathfinder Beta available as soon as possible also, as my group is abandoning 4E and moving to Pathfinder (DnD 3.75) instead.

I would think it would be a comparatively easy task next to a gargantuan effort like M&M, as it really only involves some minor changes to the standard d20 dataset , relatively speaking.

In any event, here's another sale when you're able :)
With the advent of the Authoring kit, are there plans still going forward to make an official Pathfinder dataset or are you going to rely on the community to make one. Mind you, either option is just fine and I know that making a Pathfinder dataset using the Beta rules is the first thing on my agenda once the Authoring Kit is released. :)