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Tales of the valient


Active member
Havn't been on in a while. I was very happy to see herolab taking on Tales of the valient.

Can we add our own content to the online version or is that just the offline version.

I was thinking of adding the extra playtest materials. Ranger, warlock and other races...etc
There is only an editor for HLC - not for the Online program. Since Valiant appears to be HLO you won't be able to make any custom content for that, but should be able to use adjustments to make some changes.
Is it going to be on the offline HL? I was sure I saw an email saying it would be a while back, but now I feel like I imagined it.
What was announced was online ONLY. They aren't producing new content for Classic, so probably the only way this becomes a Classic product is if the community creates a package, or someone at Kobold Press gets someone to create it.