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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Realm Works Community Campaign World


Well-known member
Realm Works Community Campaign World

The Realm Works Community Campaign World is a community project where Realm Works users from all around the world come together to help flesh out a campaign world. The realm works file are available to all and already contain a wealth of information to help you adventure within the world of Nibirum!

This project is an extension of the ProFantasy Community Atlas Project. You can read more about that project in the section below.

What is the World of Nibirum?
The world of Nibirum is a community atlas project being run by the ProFantasy Community that is all about mapping the complete world together. Starting with a common world map, ProFantasy community members are mapping the various regions of this world. Each map is created by a single mapper, and then other mappers create detail maps from the interesting locations of that map, fleshing out the areas, and providing other interesting areas where new mappers may create detail maps from their maps, and so on.

This project contains maps at all levels, world, continent, country, local area, city, floorplan and dungeon maps, just to name some of them. All the maps in this atlas are made using Campaign Cartographer 3+, but you don't have to be a CC3+ user to use the maps found here.

What Does This Have To Do With Realm Works?
We discovered that a few of the Cartographers participating in the ProFantasy Community Atlas Project are also Realm Works users! We got to talking about how perfect the two tools could work together and the idea of extending one community project into the other was born.

We are taking the maps of the continent of Artemesia, putting them into Realm Works and inviting Realm Works Game Masters everywhere to
help us populate the topics and bring this world to life.

Where Can I Get The Realm?
You can obtain the latest copy of the realm by joining up to our forms HERE.

Can I Contribute?
Yes! The Community Campaign World is open to everyone and anyone who wants to participate. Just signup to the forums HERE and have a read. There are guides for participating. You can do as much or as little as you like.

Examples of ways to participate:
  • Document a region.
  • Document an encounter.
  • Create NPCs for others to use.
  • Create maps.
  • Create stories and adventures for people to play.
  • Participate in the forum discussion as we build the world.
  • Perhaps you are your group are playing in the world of Nibirum and want to document your games in the forums so we can combine the outcomes of your game into the world!
  • Insert your idea here.

How Much Time Do I Need?
There is no time restrictions on content creation. We do ask that if you take responsibility for a region that you remain active enough to answer questions that others may have as the lore and activities start to spread across regions. It's only natural that conflict will exist so we all need to agree on how that works.


This world continues to be updated. If anyone is looking for something to contribute to we are always keen to bring more minds into the project.



If you want a massive campaign world, that is always growing and expanding, that is all already in RW you should take a look at Nibirum.

The map makers are very skilled artists who have given us a wonderful world to populate and we are doing our best to create a campaign setting that will be interesting to play in, provide many different types of play and be unlike anything else out there.
Bad Gateway

I tried joining the project and I get a bad gateway error when I click either of the "here" links or the "Join us" link. see attached pic


  • Capture.PNG
    59.1 KB · Views: 5
Just checked, and in the last week there have been two new members to the world. Have you tried again since your initial attempt?