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Update or Modifify "Topic" from a new or updated source?


Well-known member
Is there a way to either Update a topic, or Snippet, "realms" or put another way, If I buy "Players RPG Core Rulebook" and then buy "Advanced Players Handbook" (from a makebelieve RPG game) Can I "Update", change delete or modify Topics, and can I modify that down to a Snippet level?
You mean in the putative CM? What we've been told is that you'll be able to modify the topics you import.
I wonder if that will be released publically or if thats an internal thing, as I can see me needing that at this point XD
You can change the free realms they have made available. I cannot imagine such a key promised "feature" will be removed.
I think a better example would be the initial release of a book and a later "errata-included" version of the same book.

As I understand it, the CM will use the same import/export feature that we can currently use.

A "re-export" of modified content can be "re-imported" into other realms using the previously exported information, and the new import will update the Topics that were added in the previous import.

It is important to note that Topics are NOT matched by name. They are matched by a hidden internal identifier that is unique to the topic in the realm where it was created. Exporting and Importing preserves this identifier and allows the update mechanism to work.

  • Create Topic "A" in Realm 1
  • Export Realm 1's content
  • Import Realm 1's content into Realm 2
  • Topic "A" appears in Realm 2
  • Modify Topic "A" in Realm 1
  • Re-export Realm 1's content
  • Re-import Realm 1's content into Realm 2
  • Topic "A" in Realm 2 is updated to match the version from Realm 1

Note: It is also possible to export a changed version of Topic "A" from Realm 2 and import into Realm 1 to have those changes apply there. However, in practice, this could easily become a mess of managing which one has the latest correct version, and so on.

At one point, there was mention of being able to reject changes being applied by an updated import. I don't know what state that is in now.

By comparison, if you make a COPY of Realm 1 to create Realm 2, even though both have Topic "A", the one in Realm 2 will have a new identifier unique to it, and exporting changes from Realm 1 to import into Realm 2 will leave you with two slightly different versions of Topic "A".
Yeah I thought about behind the scenes but people often go "what do you mean" on forums so didnt go down that path.

But good to know we might have that ability.