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Hi all,
I am just now starting the process of developing files for Frostgrave Second Edition, and would like to gauge interest for this project and survey for any suggestions from those experienced developers and Frostgrave players on maximizing functionality and organization for the game system. I will use this thread to post updates and specific questions, and I'm looking forward to conversing with the community as this progresses. Thanks!
Hi, does anyone know how to link one model's stat line to another model's so it calculates based off changes in the other model? For instance this model has 2 less health than that model. Thanks.

Edit: fixed.
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The beta files (v0.1) are now live! You can download the files in the Army Builder program. Please post here or send an email to frostgraveAB@gmail.com if you have any questions, comments, or corrections. Thanks!
I tried downloading the file via the Army Builder program, and it says it cannot reach the server.

Do you have any update on the progress of this file?
Files not available for download

I tried to download the Beta version of this file, and it would not download from the server.

Can you confirm the status of the file server, and that the file is available for download at this time?
I have the Frostgrave files but I've been having trouble finding a free and universally accessible host for the Frostgrave files. I tried GitHub but it's apparently not letting anyone download from there. If anyone has a solution on where I can drop the files I'd appreciate it.