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Character Sheet


Well-known member
I know you're working on a lot. I'm trying to enter a lot of Supporting Characters and Sample Careers to make things easier for my game and for anyone else who needs or wants them. However, I have found that long descriptions tend to get cut off on the sheet. Normally I would see that as a problem with the description but on the character sheet, the right half of the page is completely blank. Now, I don't know what would normally print there, if anything. I posted the character so you can see what it looks like. Obviously I can shorten it but since it's a supporting cast, I wanted as much of the info there as possible.

I was also wondering if there was a way to get the skills that we can specialize with to have the speciality show up beneath the skill instead of to the right. It tends to bleed over the scores.


Thanks for inputting these and the feedback. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing to do for the next release. I'm getting quite the list.

Hmm. In looking at that, I can see why it probably happened. I don't know if I will be able to do anything about it or not but I will look into it.


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No problem. Other than these, is there anything I can do to help you? I'm currently entering all the careers I can find and I'm going to try to get as many supporting characters I can entered.
At this moment, what helps is knowing that people are using it and the errors they are finding, or items that are missing or could be improved.

I am happy that people are using it and want to keep making it better for them.


Okay, I don't think there is anything I can do about this. In the Authoring Kit forum, it was stated that there is a printing limitation in HL, which is that any big area of text prints once and does not spill over to another page.

The only way around this that I found was to break up such entries into journal entries. Hopefully that's just cut and paste for you and won't take long to update.

Sorry and thanks!

It wouldn't take me much time and it really isn't necessary overall. It's an odd feature of HL that there is page that the entire right side is blank. Unless something does go there and I just haven't used that yet.
No, that's due to the initial setup of the page. I did it in a two column format. It just happens that there is nothing to print there. Skills spillover on that side so if they had a lot of skills, you might see them on page two.

Basically, if I have put too much on the left column, let me know! I can rearrange what is where if it makes more sense.


That make sense. I just didn't have enough skills. I haven't really looked much at the character sheet. I've mostly just been looking at it to see how some things show up when I add the stuff from the AEG or the new races.

One thing I did when I added all the weapons is in the Short Name box, I put a notation in parentheses for the skill used with that weapon to make it easier for the player. For example, the The ARZ 6mm Charge Autorifle will show up as: ARZ Autorifle (rifle). This way the player doesn't have to worry about trying to remember which weapons are indirect fire, direct fire, powered, etc. Is there a way to have that as a standard on the character sheet or should I just continue doing it this way? I have a feeling that space constraints are going to make it so that there isn't really much difference and my naming convention works.
I have not found a good way to show skill with a particular weapon as the standard Alternity character sheet did. Your idea is good but the short name is generally only used for space issues and that might defeat the point! But you can certainly play around with it to see.

Long term, it could be that I create another character sheet, not using two column format, to fit more data onto it. So, there are options!

