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Old June 19th, 2022, 04:00 PM
I am trying to make a script that adds one to the count for an advance only if the advance has a cost of 4 xp. I'd like for the iteration to ignore advances in the count if it has a cost other than 4xp. Ultimately, once the code is counting correctly I will divide it by 4 and round up so the advance applies to the level it was attained at.

Here is the code I came up with.
For some reason it's still counting the advances that cost less than 4 xp and I want it to not do that. How could I fix the code? Ideas?

      doneif (field[advCost].value <> 4)

      if (tagis[AdvanceCat.Advancement] <> 0) then

          var advcount as number
          var advcur as number
          var i as number

          advcur = field[advOrder].value
          for i = 1 to advcur
            if (field[advCost].value = 4) then
              advcount += 1 

            field[advCount].value = advcount 
            advcount /= 4
            advcount = round(advcount,0,1)


RavenX Pronouns: She/Her

Please do not PM me to inquire about datafiles I coded "for personal use" such as Exalted, World of Darkness, AD&D, or Warhammer 40K Roleplaying. I appreciate your interest, but I do not own the Intellectual Property rights to these game systems. Nor do I have permission from any of the Publishers to distribute the data files. As such, I cannot distribute the work I have done with community on these files. They are "for personal use" only. Thank you.

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Old June 19th, 2022, 05:16 PM
Attached you will see the error issue, it's counting an iteration when the tag I am looking for is not present. In the source code its looking for a fieldval equal to 4 for a specific field but I tried it with a tag and it still gives me the error. How can I get it to not count those when running the iterative script?
Attached Images
File Type: jpg Advances and tier counting error.jpg (133.5 KB, 3 views)

RavenX Pronouns: She/Her

Please do not PM me to inquire about datafiles I coded "for personal use" such as Exalted, World of Darkness, AD&D, or Warhammer 40K Roleplaying. I appreciate your interest, but I do not own the Intellectual Property rights to these game systems. Nor do I have permission from any of the Publishers to distribute the data files. As such, I cannot distribute the work I have done with community on these files. They are "for personal use" only. Thank you.

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Old June 19th, 2022, 05:33 PM
I just tried doing it like this thinking it would go through each of the items in advances and pick off a count for only certain ones but it seems to not work like I intended.

      doneif (field[advCost].value <> 4)

      if (tagis[AdvanceCat.Advancement] <> 0) then

          var advcount as number
          var advcur as number
          var i as number

          advcur = field[advOrder].value
            i = 1
            foreach pick in hero from Advance where "AdvanceCat.Advancement"
              while (i <= field[advOrder].value)
                if (eachpick.field[advCost].value = 4) then
                  advcount += 1
                i += 1

            field[advCount].value = advcount 
            advcount /= 4
            advcount = round(advcount,0,1)


RavenX Pronouns: She/Her

Please do not PM me to inquire about datafiles I coded "for personal use" such as Exalted, World of Darkness, AD&D, or Warhammer 40K Roleplaying. I appreciate your interest, but I do not own the Intellectual Property rights to these game systems. Nor do I have permission from any of the Publishers to distribute the data files. As such, I cannot distribute the work I have done with community on these files. They are "for personal use" only. Thank you.

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Old June 19th, 2022, 06:59 PM
What is this part of the script supposed to be doing?

          advcur = field[advOrder].value
          for i = 1 to advcur
            if (field[advCost].value = 4) then
              advcount += 1 
It is checking the same field on the same pick over and over again, so advCount will either be 0 (if field[advCost] isn't 4) or advcur (if field[advCost] is 4)?
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Old June 21st, 2022, 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by ploturo View Post
What is this part of the script supposed to be doing?

          advcur = field[advOrder].value
          for i = 1 to advcur
            if (field[advCost].value = 4) then
              advcount += 1 
It is checking the same field on the same pick over and over again, so advCount will either be 0 (if field[advCost] isn't 4) or advcur (if field[advCost] is 4)?
For each of the picks, I wanted it to cycle through the previous picks and determine if the cost field or tag was present, then increment the field. If the advancement costs 4 xp, increment the field. The idea was for the script to cycle through all the picks and increment only for the ones that meet the 4 xp requirement.

If the pick has an advOrder field of 3, it should count picks from 1 to 3 and increment only if the pick has an xp value of 4 xp.

RavenX Pronouns: She/Her

Please do not PM me to inquire about datafiles I coded "for personal use" such as Exalted, World of Darkness, AD&D, or Warhammer 40K Roleplaying. I appreciate your interest, but I do not own the Intellectual Property rights to these game systems. Nor do I have permission from any of the Publishers to distribute the data files. As such, I cannot distribute the work I have done with community on these files. They are "for personal use" only. Thank you.

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Old June 21st, 2022, 08:22 PM
I think I found a work around for it.

    <!-- If we're a character advancement, lock us into the first available slot on the advances array  -->
    <eval index="8" phase="Final" priority="8000" name="Assign To Table"><![CDATA[
      doneif (tagis[AdvanceCat.Advancement] = 0) 
      var i as number

      for i=0 to 23
        if (empty(herofield[acXPAdvTier].arraytext[i]) <> 0) then
          herofield[acXPAdvTier].arraytext[i] = field[name].text
          field[advCount].value = i


    <!-- If we're an advancement that uses a tier slot, we have a text to display -->
    <eval index="9" phase="Render" priority="8500" name="Assign Advance Tier Count"><![CDATA[
      if (tagis[AdvanceCat.Advancement] <> 0) then
        field[advCount].value += 1
        field[advTier].value = field[advCount].value

    <!-- If we're an advancement that uses a tier slot, we have a text to display -->
    <eval index="10" phase="Render" priority="10000" name="Assign Tier Advance"><![CDATA[
      if (tagis[AdvanceCat.Advancement] <> 0) then
        if (tagis[Advance.LongTerm] <> 0) then
          field[advTierTxt].text &= "Tier " & field[advTier].value
Doing it this way the numbers are coming out correctly, though I had to force feed them into an array... consequently I think I figured out how skills get modifiers in arrays with this bit of coding though...

RavenX Pronouns: She/Her

Please do not PM me to inquire about datafiles I coded "for personal use" such as Exalted, World of Darkness, AD&D, or Warhammer 40K Roleplaying. I appreciate your interest, but I do not own the Intellectual Property rights to these game systems. Nor do I have permission from any of the Publishers to distribute the data files. As such, I cannot distribute the work I have done with community on these files. They are "for personal use" only. Thank you.

I am far too busy these days to answer emails. If you message me here there is no guarantee I will get back to you at all.
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