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Bug Reports - Community Created 3.5 D&D data set

Bug in Warblade

So my character is a Half-Orc Warblade at level 4. He should have no special bonuses to his Reflex Save except that granted by the Battle Clarity class feature. His Int is 14 (+2) and his Dex is 16 (+3) so by my (admittedly often flawed math) his Reflex save should be 6 = 1 (from the warblade class table) + 3 (dex mod) + 2 (granted by Battle Clarity). The software is reporting 8. Perhaps the software is adding his warblade level [4] to the Ref save instead of min(IntMod [2], WarbladeClassLevel [4])?

Let me know if I'm crazy and a fix if you can,

So my character is a Half-Orc Warblade at level 4. He should have no special bonuses to his Reflex Save except that granted by the Battle Clarity class feature. His Int is 14 (+2) and his Dex is 16 (+3) so by my (admittedly often flawed math) his Reflex save should be 6 = 1 (from the warblade class table) + 3 (dex mod) + 2 (granted by Battle Clarity). The software is reporting 8. Perhaps the software is adding his warblade level [4] to the Ref save instead of min(IntMod [2], WarbladeClassLevel [4])?

Let me know if I'm crazy and a fix if you can,


Yep. It's a bug. If you open the Tome of Battle user file and find Battle Clarity in the Class Special tab, you can change that last line of the eval script to this:

#applybonus[BonInsight, hero.child[vRef], bonus]

That should resolve it. Thanks for the report.
Ok here is a quick list of the MM1 monsters that have feat issues that are used for Summon Monster I and II.
All seem to have Unarmed Strike even if they have claws. Is this a hard coded item?

Badger supposed to have Track, Weapon Finesse. Has Track, Weapon Finesse, and Agile.

Monkey supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Agile.

Owl supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Hawk supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Raven supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Small Viper Snake supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Improved Initiative.

Eagle supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Medium Viper Snake supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Improved Initiative.

Wolf supposed to have Track and Weapon Focus Bite. Has Track and no Feats available. When Weapon Focus Bite added the Weapon Focus Bite added twice bootstrap issue.

I'll go through and find the rest later and post them too.
Yep. It's a bug. If you open the Tome of Battle user file and find Battle Clarity in the Class Special tab, you can change that last line of the eval script to this:

#applybonus[BonInsight, hero.child[vRef], bonus]

That should resolve it. Thanks for the report.

Yep, that fixed it. Thanks again Sendric! However you didn't let me know if I am crazy :)
Ok here is a quick list of the MM1 monsters that have feat issues that are used for Summon Monster I and II.
All seem to have Unarmed Strike even if they have claws. Is this a hard coded item?

Everyone gets Unarmed Strike. It's hard-coded. For animals, I usually just ignore it.

Badger supposed to have Track, Weapon Finesse. Has Track, Weapon Finesse, and Agile.

Monkey supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Agile.

Owl supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Hawk supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Raven supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Small Viper Snake supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Improved Initiative.

Eagle supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Alertness.

Medium Viper Snake supposed to have Weapon Finesse. Has Weapon Finesse and Improved Initiative.

So I just looked into this. According to the errata, this is correct. All of these animals (plus a few others) obtained Weapon Finesse without having the proper pre-requisite. The errata indicates that because of this, Weapon Finesse should be treated as a bonus feat (so that it can ignore the pre-req) and then they each gain an additional feat, as you've pointed out.

Wolf supposed to have Track and Weapon Focus Bite. Has Track and no Feats available. When Weapon Focus Bite added the Weapon Focus Bite added twice bootstrap issue.

I'll go through and find the rest later and post them too.

Probably the same issue where the bootstrapped weapon has the Weapon Focus tag applied. There's no way to force a selection when bootstrapping a feat, which is why I suspect the original author did this. It probably makes sense to have the player select the appropriate weapon, though so I'll make the correction.

Update: I can't force the selection, but I can limit it. Seems like a reasonable solution here.
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Probably the same issue where the bootstrapped weapon has the Weapon Focus tag applied. There's no way to force a selection when bootstrapping a feat, which is why I suspect the original author did this. It probably makes sense to have the player select the appropriate weapon, though so I'll make the correction.

Update: I can't force the selection, but I can limit it. Seems like a reasonable solution here.
Are you using a custom version of Weapon Focus? I fixed Weapon Focus two versions back to support the "Target.?" tag which allows you to set the target of the weapon focus when you bootstrap. So just looked and the CORE wolf has Weapon Focus - Bite when selected.

XML example:
    <bootstrap thing="fWepFoc">
      <autotag group="Target" tag="wBite"/>
Are you using a custom version of Weapon Focus? I fixed Weapon Focus two versions back to support the "Target.?" tag which allows you to set the target of the weapon focus when you bootstrap. So just looked and the CORE wolf has Weapon Focus - Bite when selected.

XML example:
    <bootstrap thing="fWepFoc">
      <autotag group="Target" tag="wBite"/>

Neat. I wasn't aware of this. Maybe if I was better at reading documentation...

Thanks for the info. I'll have to test this out. It will certainly make things much easier.
This may have already been brought up, but we have a bug with things stacking that shouldnt.

For example, I do an adjustment, Armor Class (deflection to a character who already has a ring of protection +2, and they stack. they shouldnt. I did this adjustment to simulate a protection from evil spell.

I tested this by doing two different deflection bonuses as well, both on adjustments... and they stack.
This may have already been brought up, but we have a bug with things stacking that shouldnt.

For example, I do an adjustment, Armor Class (deflection to a character who already has a ring of protection +2, and they stack. they shouldnt. I did this adjustment to simulate a protection from evil spell.

I tested this by doing two different deflection bonuses as well, both on adjustments... and they stack.

I believe this is actually intended. An adjustment is meant to take your existing deflection AC and change it however you wish. What we really need is more spell adjustments, which wouldn't stack. I'll add this to the to-do list.
I believe this is actually intended. An adjustment is meant to take your existing deflection AC and change it however you wish. What we really need is more spell adjustments, which wouldn't stack. I'll add this to the to-do list.

seems odd to me to have them stack. i guess ill have to create some specific adjustments for my game that dont use the "adjustment" but i would expect that a deflection adjustment under the temporary adjustments to follow the normal rules of stacking. if they are meant to ignore the stacking then there is very little difference to AC and AC (Deflection)

ive always used the temporary adjustments as a quick and dirty way to do an effect that doesnt fit a spell that will be reused ("for 5 rounds you get a +3 deflection bonus because the god smiled upon you").
seems odd to me to have them stack. i guess ill have to create some specific adjustments for my game that dont use the "adjustment" but i would expect that a deflection adjustment under the temporary adjustments to follow the normal rules of stacking. if they are meant to ignore the stacking then there is very little difference to AC and AC (Deflection)

ive always used the temporary adjustments as a quick and dirty way to do an effect that doesnt fit a spell that will be reused ("for 5 rounds you get a +3 deflection bonus because the god smiled upon you").

I could be wrong. To be honest, I'm making an assumption since I didn't create the adjustments myself. Either way, I think we do need to add spell conditions like Pathfinder has.
I agree with you on spell conditions. I've created some of the more common ones that I use. I will look and see what they are and whats missing, and if you're interested, include them. Im hoping your wrong on adjustments though. Because I think adjustments should still followthe normal "stacking" rules to help DMs like me that do things off-the-cuff.
I agree with you on spell conditions. I've created some of the more common ones that I use. I will look and see what they are and whats missing, and if you're interested, include them. Im hoping your wrong on adjustments though. Because I think adjustments should still followthe normal "stacking" rules to help DMs like me that do things off-the-cuff.

I'm more than happy to include anything you want to provide. Thanks!
In reference to a bug as follows:
Adjust tab
Temporary or Permanent Adjustment
Power Attack

Adjusting this modifier affects the Attack modifier, and Armor Class? :/
My work around is to have separate weapon and damage adjustments.
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In reference to a bug as follows:
Adjust tab
Temporary or Permanent Adjustment
Power Attack

Adjusting this modifier affects the Attack modifier, and Armor Class? :/
My work around is to have separate weapon and damage adjustments.


Yep. That's not right. I'll get that fixed. Thanks for the report.

Update: I have fixed this with one caveat, which I noted in the adjustment description. When using a double-weapon as a double weapon, the damage bonus is being applied to the second attack. Based on my interpretation of the feat, this should not happen. The second attack of a double-weapon is considered light so the damage bonus from Power Attack doesn't apply. Unfortunately, I can't figure out a way to avoid the damage bonus being added so users will need to make note of that. Otherwise, it seems to be working.
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Hi everyone ,I notice when I do my Mage Drow Whit the Tainted Scholar Prestige Class it have to many spell Slot. I put in attachment.
It have 18 in depravity that and 14 in corruption. Check It if you have the time. I made customs adjustments for the moment.


Hi everyone ,I notice when I do my Mage Drow Whit the Tainted Scholar Prestige Class it have to many spell Slot. I put in attachment.
It have 18 in depravity that and 14 in corruption. Check It if you have the time. I made customs adjustments for the moment.

Thanks for the report. Looks like I may need to work on my script some. I'll let you know if/when I come up with a fix.


I have a fix. I wasn't properly calculating the ability score bonus for spell casting. The fix will be available in the next release, however if you want it sooner you can apply the following change:

In the 3.5 Heroes of Horror .user file, find Tainted Spellcasting in the Class Specials tab. In Eval Script #1, change the following code:

~determine bonus spell score
var bonspell as number
bonspell = 10 + hero.childfound[pDepravity].field[pAdjust].value

foreach pick in hero from BaseClHelp where class

 ~determine chosen class's spell-casting attribute bonus
 var att as number
 att = eachpick.field[cSplAttVal].value-10
 att = round(att/2,0,-1)

 bonspell -= att
 eachpick.field[cSplAttBon].value += bonspell



~determine bonus spell score
var bonspell as number
bonspell = hero.childfound[pDepravity].field[pAdjust].value
bonspell = round(bonspell/2,0,-1)

foreach pick in hero from BaseClHelp where class

 ~apply attribute bonus to chosen class
 eachpick.field[cSplAttBon].value = bonspell


That should resolve the problem. Let me know if it doesn't or if you see any other issues. Thanks again for the report.
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I think I have found two bugs:

1) The wolf's damage on bite should be 1.5x Str Mod. as stated in the MM(pg. 6). I haven't seen this error with other Monsters.

2) The Crusader class adds the charisma modifier to saving throws.

Also side, note is there a way to have fractional BaB and saving throws taken into account.

Thank You
Sorry for the delay.

1) It sounds like an issue with the bite of the wolf not being counted as a primary, shouldnt be too hard to fix..

2) It is adding the Cha mod to will saves (maybe it was already fixed).

3) Fractional base saves is very complicated. I do not think anyone has tackled this issue. I'd take a crack at it but I am absolutely horrible at math.