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Card Vault Error Message.

When writing a new definition file for a game I want to input into CV I get the following message when trying to open the CVEdit to add data:

diskwars.def - 1 - Expected start of element tag.
Error in definition file for specified game system - unable to continue!

Here are the first 3 lines of the def file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document signature="Card Vault Definition">
<game game="Disk Wars" publisher="Fantasy Flight Games" website="www.fantasyflightgames.com"/>

I'm not sure what the problem is as I use Adobe Dreamweaver to edit data and def files and it is not indicating any errors in the files I am adding/updating. Also when I am trying to open another file I have written/edited CV crashes. There seems to be no errors in that file as well.

Any assistance that can be provided would be greatly appreciated.
Thread resurrection cast! I had just run into this problem and as it turns out the cause was the XML editor that I was using. If all I did with XML Copy was add and delete a space then save the file, it would break the .def file with the above error.

If I used Notepad or Notepad ++, it worked fine. Live and learn.
Hey @Cullyn, thanks for flagging this! I'm pointing the Lead Developer to this thread so he can see what you discovered.
I believe you need to make sure your XML editor isn't adding a BOM - a Byte Order Marker - at the start of the file. If it does, that's going to mean Card Vault can't parse the file. If you remove the BOM or don't add it in the first place, it should work without a problem.

Hope this helps!