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Cortex Availability


New member
I have seen the announcement regarding the disablement of the cortex module - has there been any word on whether this will be made available again? I want to buy your product, but I can't until cortex is available.
I was curious about this as well. And is the Cortex module for all the games under it--Serenity, Smallville, etc-as well? I would assume it would be, but I'm curious which games might be on there. If you ever bring back this license, that is.
We're working on this, but we don't have any news on dates or the specifics of which games will be included right now. We'll make sure to post here when we have some concrete data.
been a long while with nothing heard. does it appear the licensing issue will be resolved anytime soon or should we just forget about the cortex and herolab marriage?
There isn't a way to revert to an older version of Hero Lab or move the Cortex system from one version to another is there? I got a new computer to replace my old laptop and was successful in applying my secondary license but I'd love it if I could move all my Cortex work from my laptop to my new PC, but that doesn't seem possible. I get that new sales are suspended (indefinitely it seems), but since I've paid for the license already, it'd be nice if I could use it on my computer of choice. Is that possible?
you should be able to download hte dataset once you reactivate your lisence if you purchased it already. Thats what i did.
is there anyway to use these data files or get them now, I have a copy but the person who is about to run Serenity did not purchase them and would like a set for characters ect?
I would believe that is so, also I think that Josh W. took back all the rights ect to items pertaining to his works Flierfly, Serenity, Buffy ect.
is there anyway to use these data files or get them now, I have a copy but the person who is about to run Serenity did not purchase them and would like a set for characters ect?

I'm afraid not. :( This is still on our radar, and we'll let you guys know as soon as anything changes on this front.
been a little over 2 years since my last plea to re-instate the cortex system for herolab. any news? I bought the cortex add-on for 1 license before it was revoked, but I own several licenses and I want cortex for them as well. what's the hold-up?
so, since the game isnt even supported by the publisher anymore, what would be the possibiilities of jsut making cortex a free download? I purchased it but some of my newer players did not.
Maybe next year when Cortex Plus is published something will come along.
By the way, Greetings Flamepulse. I used to see your name on the old cortexrpg site.
Maybe next year when Cortex Plus is published something will come along.
By the way, Greetings Flamepulse. I used to see your name on the old cortexrpg site.

Ya was disappointed when that site went down, was thinking about recreating it myself. was a good source of fun and information.