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Additional books?


The No Future and the 30 Nights books do include additional content, while they are not full equipment or rule books it'd be nice to have those content included?

30N comes with critters, NPCs and some new qualities.

No Future has some additional gear and qualities plus some life modules (they would add a new functionality so I guess that might be more complicated bus needed anyway.)

As a GM I'd be happy to pay for them since having the NPCs in the vault so far has been a huge time saver, that said since they're rather minor compared to the CRB $25 might be a bit steep.
I also would be interested in these.
Was also wondering when the new firing squad will be available for use.

Not complaining just wondering what the turn around time is like between product release by the publisher and it being avilable in HLO.
I also would be interested in these.
Was also wondering when the new firing squad will be available for use.

Not complaining just wondering what the turn around time is like between product release by the publisher and it being avilable in HLO.

+1 on new books, and in particular major rule expansions like Firing Squad. :)
Yeah, curious on Firing Squad. A free character generator already supports Firing Squad....kind of expect a paid one to be....I don't know, on top of it?
Yeah, curious on Firing Squad. A free character generator already supports Firing Squad....kind of expect a paid one to be....I don't know, on top of it?

Which one are you talking about? I was under the impression that Chummer wasn't getting updated and that Roll20 didn't have support yet.
First time I'd heard of this. Checking it out now. Thank you!

Part that buggers me, is that the side project of a fan is more up to date than the paid for Hero Labs Online offering...I really struggle on why I keep renewing when stuff like this is so apparent. Then I look at the Pathfinder side of HLO and I see my moneys worth....just wish they showed some love to Shadowrun.
Part that buggers me, is that the side project of a fan is more up to date than the paid for Hero Labs Online offering...I really struggle on why I keep renewing when stuff like this is so apparent. Then I look at the Pathfinder side of HLO and I see my moneys worth....just wish they showed some love to Shadowrun.

Starting to ask myself the same question.
I've used herolab for pathfinder for years so when I started playing shadowrun 6e I thought it was a no brainer. But I've got players chomping at the bit to use firing squad and I'm like they'll have the update out soon, I'm sure.

What I would love is for an official response from the devs.

like "Hey sorry guys It should be out next week" or at least something acknowledging our queries.
I am also very interested in when the new sourcebook will be added. I was surprised when Genesis had it.......last week ? or so. Thank you.
This is starting to look like bs.
Thanks for taking my hard earned.

Can genesis be used as an electronic character sheet. Or is it for creating and printing characters only?
This is starting to look like bs.
Thanks for taking my hard earned.

Can genesis be used as an electronic character sheet. Or is it for creating and printing characters only?

Can use it for play, from what little I've played with it.

Do agree, this is kind of embarassing for Lone Wolf. I don't know what to make of it. I feel like communication is near zero and speed to deliver is almost none existent.

Part of me wishes they would just walk away from it and end any contracts they have so that it could free up others to throw their hat in the paid char-gen ring. Maybe even the Genesis crew could start a kickstarter if they could get the contract in stead.

Part of me still hopes they follow through and support Shadowrun on HLO, but as of now...not holding much hope sadly:-(
I'm honestly more concerned about the lack of response then about the time it takes, I start to get the feeling that SR isn't something that matters much to HLO :(
I'm honestly more concerned about the lack of response then about the time it takes, I start to get the feeling that SR isn't something that matters much to HLO :(

Same. There is a thread in the HeroLabs classic on SR5 not receiving the last 2 resource books and the devs being silent for over a year, when the last communication from a year ago was that it was still on their list of things to do for HL Classic for SR5....a year.....no update.
Same. There is a thread in the HeroLabs classic on SR5 not receiving the last 2 resource books and the devs being silent for over a year, when the last communication from a year ago was that it was still on their list of things to do for HL Classic for SR5....a year.....no update.

I believe they changed their business model in the last couple of years and it wasn't for the better. Their productivity seems to have degraded significantly and SR has become an after thought. With so many other platforms available through hero lab, I am not sure they can be leveraged. So disappointed
Agreed. This is frustrating at best. They charge for a substandard service. Fortunately there is Genesis. My group is gonna give Cyberpunk Red a try for a bit and if they can't get hlo figured out, might make a permanent change.

If I recall correctly they restructured within the last couple of years and went into a nose dive shortly after, at least for shadowrun...
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