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20th Anniversary


I apologize if this has already been asked but I didn't see it anywhere. Is there a chance that the system might be updated to the 20th Anniversary edition? Also if the other parts of WoD might be added such as Wraith and Mage the Ascension?
I apologize if this has already been asked but I didn't see it anywhere. Is there a chance that the system might be updated to the 20th Anniversary edition? Also if the other parts of WoD might be added such as Wraith and Mage the Ascension?

They haven't changed the existing file to Chronicles of Darkness, but the "New" world of darkness line was renamed to Chronicles of Darkness. The "Old" world of darkness line is now known as World of Darkness. According to the new white wolf company (i.e. paradox interactive).

I am working on a WoD file for the 20th anniversary editions but it is not a licensed product (yet). So I won't be able to release it, but the plan is to add Mage and Wraith (as well Hunter once the 20th anniversary for that comes out next year). Truthfully, most of the mechanics for Mage are done already, but I haven't finished the V20 stuff yet and I need to finalize that first before I start worrying about other systems. I won't be sharing this file unless White Wolf gives me explicit permission though. I started this file for personal use, which White Wolf told me they are cool with. Sharing the data is a different matter and without a license that's not likely to happen anytime soon. I am the only one coding the file so its going to take awhile for me to get through all the data that has to be done.