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Small Changeling bug


Active member
I noticed when I was inputting a Changeling character that the merit dots used at creation don't update if you spend creation merit dots to increase Wyrd.

Just thought I'd point it out.

Thanks for the awesome update!
Another bug that I've noticed is the computer skill is missing. The ability to spend XP on the skill is there but not at character creation.
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I noticed when I was inputting a Changeling character that the merit dots used at creation don't update if you spend creation merit dots to increase Wyrd.

Oops. Now added to the list for fixing in the next update.
Another bug that I've noticed is the computer skill is missing. The ability to spend XP on the skill is there but not at character creation.

It's right there for me. Under Mental skills, I see Academics, Computer, Crafts ...

Is it possible that you have the Requiem for Rome setting enabled? That would explain the absence of the Computer skill.