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user created data for l5r

I seem to remember someone mentioning it awhile back, but i havent seen any files from it or heard about it in some time.
I would be the one that has been working on the L5R files and well to start >>> Iam not a programer<<< so its SLOW going. I started the 4th edition conversion of the work I had done for 3 and 3Rev. I have a few threads out there that keep up my progress, but I have nto worked on them since April with programing.
I have attempted for years now to get AEG to sign up with HL and lonewolf so that the Real Pros could do the work, but AEG does not have an interet in nor the people to work with Lonewolf. Near the end of 2nd they had begun talking over the idea but the person incharge at AEG was laid off when the company downsized and shifted it focus, since then they have no interest. I went the forums and meet with a large amount a resistence to character generation systems and most people wnated nothing to do with the idea.
This has made it a personal goal to work on them and I have hit a few major blocks in the road, due to my own lack of abilities. I will again this year stop by the AEG both at Gen-Con and try to speak with someone important there about this topic but most of the important people from AEG are not at the both and are hard to contact. It would be of great help if you also voiced your desire for this to come to fruit then it woudl not just be crazy me :)
hay sabel, be careful about going to a booth at a convetion to something like that. many companys just dont have the time to sit down with you so they blow you off. you should get in touch with AEG prior to Gen Con and set up a meeting, that way they will be able to spend quality time with you. Most companys are full out busy at convention and really dont want people coming to their booths and pulling them away from other people who are potential customers. I know when i am at Gen Con with my company i dont have anytime during the day to get with folks. I spend a lot fo tiem making sure the LW folks are doing wel,, (wink wink).

that being said, i know a few folks at AEG, but i dont know if any of them will be at Gen Con this year. so if you have a problem, stop by the Cheese Weasel ConQuest booth and let me know and i'll see what i can do, but no promises. (I will be the one with the large yellow ! over my head).
LW is participating in the ConQuest program at Gen Con this year as well. so if you stop by us, we will send you to LW and you can look at the demo for Realm Works, (I hope). our program gives away about $12,000 in prizes and 2 gamer cruise tickets. They are participating in our ConQuest program is how i found LW and HL in the first place, so pick up our quest cards and go demo all the fine products at LW.

(Shameless plug)
I'd be interested in helping with a l5r 4th edition if you need some help. I am only learning how to build a system with d6 at the moment but I am willing to help with this as I would like to have l5r in my hl as well.

btw I have more than 10 years in IT development, and while it helps I still need to learn the way they have done things.

Being into XML is also an advantage. :)
I'm also not a programmer, but I've been trying to give it a shot as well. I sadly only have general ideas written down so far, nothing else...I've been failing pretty hard core at adapting the skeleton files to L5R. This is mostly due to my lack of programming skill, or rather, my inability to break the system down into it's simplest components. I'm okay at scripting, I think.

Regardless, it seems like there are 3 or 4 of us interested in this little project. We should get together and collaborate on this, maybe we can spread it all out and make it a bit easier.
Sounds like a plan. My d6 system is coming along and I believe I will be able to break down L5R into its components in a few weeks as I come to grips with how the system works.

We can assign tasks based on complexity. :)
I would love anyone willing to help out and work together.
First you should understand that I am NOT a programer and so I have struggled to make it to the current point.
Next I am a teacher, so school is back in and my free time is rather limited.

I have made it through some of the bigger material, its just getting it to work correctly that I am stuck on and that is because I m struggling with the program language, (see Art Teacher = WTF why does it not work right).

To this point I have:
Clans in, Families and schools (save from the newest books) both adding the correct bonuses. The Traits auto calculate for CP reduction when purchased. (including Void being x6 all others x4 vs New rank)
The Rings auto add {I wish I could make that tab look better (arrows) from the 2 traits to the correct ring ect}
The Advantages are in (no discription yet, and they do not come off of the CP value) I do not have the Disadvantages as of yet.
Skills are in place with discriptions and working from the CP value.
Armor is in place but the value is not in Koku (form) yet, and it is not adding to Defense yet.
Weapons are in place I do not have them looking up correct skills + trait to get the roll and keep values.
All the Gear (equipment is in place with descriptions) { I would lilke to have the 20 item travel pack inside the gear menu so that a player can pick those items and then the rest of the equipment.
1. No rank powers description
2. No insight calculation
3. No master rank abilities
4. I have not made a way for the Clan/Family/School to lock out other options, (Once a clan is picked you are given the correct families and once family is picked you are give a choice of schools from that clan, BUT a player can pick more than one Clan. Also different school advantage does nothing to open up a school choice as of now.
5. No R&K mechanics in place
6. Does not do initiative
7. No options for picking Spells/Kiho/Tattoo ect
8. The race option is still in place for the base program
9. Health is not calculated
10. I have not even started the print out character sheet.
11. I have no place for Heratige tables/info to go at this point.

Beyound all that I am willing to work with anyone that would like to or want to jump in.
I am not sure how we can share data sets, other than to email them back and forth.
I also think that as books are released (though I am not sure how) to have them in the configure hero section, and possibly add era choices (aka, what clans are oppitions) but that is not needed to get the task to be finished.

I am includeding a PDF file with screen shots of the different tabs for you all. If you go to about 200% upto 300% it is readable.

Hope this helps


Wow Sean, this is absolutely stunning. A few questions:

Did you hard-code the data or create the forms then use the editor to add it in?
Do the skills have the mastery abilities noted in them?
Are the schools tagged with the school tags?

How can I help you? I think I can figure out how to code the wounds in, that shouldn't be too bad. Insight rank shouldn't be too bad either, after all it's just an abstraction of data that is already there.

An idea with the different school advantage is to have all schools have a clan tag...then have the different school advantage specify a clan (either through a drop box on the advantage or through a picker window), which then appends the schools that have the new clan's tag on it to the list of available schools.
(now thats a a type full) I am using the program EditPad Pro to do the programming, I have the masterskills in a file but I am not sure how to get them into the program, I have not made teh insight tracker work yet (thats a stage two item, for work when the system does leveling up and journals ect)
All schools, families, clans have tags in them. Here is an example of the Hida School included the Green is not active in the program
to break down the screen
Orange is for the XML to read/look
Blue is screen print text
Green is not "seen" in the program.

** of course as I look at that I do not have a tag for the school I have the Clan tag and "start" which was an attempt to have starting equipment load But auto load items cant be deleted off of a character so that has been set aside for now
I do have a compset for schools.

* I am up for any help people can give me to get this running. The best would be if AEG would say that they would like to work with Lone Wolf as the other companies have and then the Pros could make short work of this :) But AEG does not see the value in having a character generator, storage, tarcking, in game management program. YET :) but I keep hoping.

When everyone is ready to rock we can all start cracking code.



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Hey everyone,
I am still attempting to have advantages and disadvantages work from the CP total (ie Adv will take points away and Dis will add to the CP point total)
I have tracked it down to the Traits.str file lines (about) 274-301 which look like this (still using the slot from the skeleton files):
<!-- Each ability that is added by the user costs 1 CP -->
<eval index="1" phase="Setup" priority="5000"><![CDATA[
~we must ignore bootstrapped abilities from races and abilities added via advances
if (isuser + origin.ishero >= 2) then
hero.child[resAbility].field[resSpent].value += 1

<!-- Track the ability on the actor -->
<eval index="2" phase="Setup" priority="5000"><![CDATA[
perform forward[Ability.?]

<!-- If the ability is activated, designate it appropriately -->
<eval index="3" phase="Setup" priority="100"><![CDATA[
~if we're not able to be activated, we don't qualify
if (tagis[User.Activation] = 0) then

~if we've been activated by the user, mark ourselves as activated; in addition,
~forward our identity tag to our parent actor; this allows the actor to track
~when abilities are activated and reflect the state to the user
if (field[abilActive].value <> 0) then
perform assign[Helper.Activated]
perform forward[Activated.?]
and I think I can modify the skills eval to work but I need to know how to make HL read the value assigned by the advantage/disadvangate instead of auto calc by level of skill. This is a 1 time cost to the player *** also can i make one script that would allow adv to use CP points and DISAD to add points to the total or must I sperate them?

Here is my skill eval on cost:
<!-- Each skill point that is allocated by the user costs the next rank in CP-->

<eval index="2" phase="Traits" priority="10000">
<before name="Calc resLeft"/>
<after name="Bound trtUser"/><![CDATA[
~if this skill is not added directly to the hero (i.e. an advance), skip it entirely
if (origin.ishero = 0) then

var traitlevel as number
var traitcost as number
var finalvalue as number

traitlevel = field[trtUser].value
traitcost = 1

finalvalue = traitcost / 2 * (traitlevel * traitlevel + traitlevel)

hero.child[resCP].field[resSpent].value += finalvalue

Thanks for any help :)
Sorry, I'm not reading code to clearly at the moment, this looks a bit complicated. Might be because it's early though. My suggestion is to keep it simple. If advantages take away from the value then they should be a positive number (if you're adding all the costs up). This would mean disadvantages should be a negative value, since they subtract from the total spent.

You'll also want to keep a running tab of all the disadvantage points spent, which is probably best done using abs().

One other option is to do it like this when you declare cp as a trait.

var advantages as number
var disadvantages as number
var characterpoints as number

characterpoints = advantages - disadvantages

The code is a little off, but I think you get the point.
It makes logical sense that when a player adds an advantage that it cost them (x value) for each advantage based on the advantage and then the adding of disadvantages would add to the total CP value based on (x value) of how bad the disadvantage is. Unfortunately I am stuck with how to create a (I think) tag that list the value of each advantage and disadvantage that the program can read and then add a positive or negative value.
I am sure that in the traits.str I have to adjust the cost of these and I need to add a value line tag to each adv/dis but I am not figuring out were this should and how it will go.
I am stuck here and at many points, with little time to work (and I spend a lot of my time attempting to remeber how I did stuff originally).
I will keep trying.
BUT I always am happy for help.
Add a field to the advantages / disadvantage object for cost. Then when adding it, you can take from the cost value instead of a base generic value and you should be able to easily add or remove them with the correct point cost.
I am very interested in this idea. However, I am NOT a programmer. Nor am I particularly likely to develop this skillset in the near future. Once upon a time I thought about it, but I suspect I would be challenged just adding a new class to an existing Pathfinder data set.

I have a couple of ideas on how to get this rolling, however:

1) Get a programmer to build the framework, and farm out data entry to people (such as myself) to do the time-consuming low-skill portions.

2) Or, take up a collection to support this programming effort. If enough people were willing to throw some money at it, I bet more people would be motivated to solve this.

Please don't interpret this as slighting current efforts; I merely am looking for ways the less computer-skilled can help.
Those are great ideas, I think if we could get enough people to write letters or a pertition to AEG to inform them how much we the gamers would like this in place, that would get the ball rolling.
I have attempted, to speak with AEG and send letters along with post on their forums, I am only one voice and a very few people have supported the effort to have a character builder/storage system in place. I think that it would also benifit their Heros of Rokugan group so that people had "leagal characters" as for that live group, but again I have not found the support.
If AEG would meet and open negotiations with Lone Wolf this succer would be DONE.

I am also not a program, art person yes programer is bad :(

When I get time again I will get back to attempt to make what I have work.
