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How to change a race from NPC to PC race


I am working on a race available in the game I'm in, which is basically a deer centaur, or Cervitaur.

I looked through the Centaurs available in my install, and found one that looks right, but when I do New(Copy) of that race and set Race Category under the Race > Race tab to Normal (Player) Race, it still comes up as unplayable as a PC. I'm not seeing a minimum level requirement in there, although I am more than willing to admit I might have overlooked it. If there isn't a minimum level, how to I set my new race to be playable? (I can get the rest of the needed stuff added later, but if I'm looking at a version that's currently a monster race that fits the bill, I really see no reason to retype all that stuff if I don't have to.)
Can you offer more information as to what you are seeing? Do you not see the race as an option, or do you get an error message that says its invalid?
It comes up as invalid in the race selection. It lists as a choose-able race, but is grayed out, and if you choose it, it says "This selection is not permitted".

It doesn't say WHY, though, and I know I have to be missing something. WHAT I'm missing is the question.

As I said, I've gone through the thing in the editor and can't see anything wrong. If the .USER file is text, maybe I should post it here for people to look at (and maybe laugh at me for missing something)? *laugh*
If you look at Character -> Configure Hero is your .USER file (under User Content) selected?
Which of the many options under User Content should I be looking for to find it? As it sits right now, looking through all of them, I do not see my file (called Cervitaur.user) listed anywhere.
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I've just loaded a Centaur with New (Copy) in the editor, and changed the Race Category to "Normal (Player) Race", given it a new ID, "Test Now" and saved it in a new user file. The new Centaur shows at the top of the Race list, as a player option. Did you change anything else, or add stuff to the race? Also - WHICH Centaur did you copy?
You should be able to attach the user file itself to a reply. We need to look at what you've done to try and figure this out.
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I'm attaching the file, which I noted mentions the book it came from. Mordenkainen's monster book, whatever the title actually is. The DM made a change or two, which are things that I've added (such as a +2 to CON for his version), but beyond that it was pretty much as described. New(Copy) of that version, Normal (Player) Race. Set the height and weight info, then saved it. Comes up as gray in the race box for choosing race and says what I commented previously.

I'm sure that it's a mistake I'm making, to be honest, but I'm just not sure what I did wrong. (And when it's found, I guarantee I'm going to be doing a facepalm...)

Thank you, by the way, for any help that's given here. I did programming of new weapons and such, but that was two to three years ago, and I've really forgotten most of what I had learned. I'm sure it'll come back, but it hasn't yet.


In the Editor, at the very bottom of the entry there's a Sources field. Did you give your Cervitaur entry a source? What you select here is what to look for in the Configure Hero options; you can create a new source for your .USER file in the Sources field too.
I've been looking in the editor again this morning, and the other Centaur's in HL ARE player races. I did think that the Centaur that you copied is one that you do not have the package for - so it won't let you access the material. Now I'm not sure. I've just loaded the Mordenkainen Centaur, renamed it, saved, test now and I can choose that too as a Player Race. (I did have to remove the Source from the copy first though.)
Your text file tells me the race details (of what you want) and looks like it's copied out of a book, but we need the HL USER file to see what you have selected or changed in HL.
I'll have to go looking, but I'm pretty sure that I have the book in question as one of the loaded sources.

Then again, when I went in and removed the source, suddenly it became available. (And when I tested things by saying that the source was a homebrew, it once again went UNavailable.)

I'm glad I got it working, because we're not using the Mordenkainen one whole hog, but doing a variation on it, which is why I needed to create the new version.

Thankyou,, everyone, for helping out on this issue. The programming of a new thing in HL is slowly coming back to me, at least.