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Spellcasting Prodigy Feat question


Well-known member
I am working on a new feat, Spellcasting Prodigy.

For the purpose of determining bonus spells per day, you treat your primary spellcasting ability score as being 2 points higher than its actual value. If you have more than one spellcasting class, the bonus applies to only one of those classes.

The feat allows the user to pick a spellcasting class, I need a script to define what the primary spellcasting attribute for the chosen class is.

Then I need a script to add additional castings to certain spell levels. Any pointers?
On the class helper, look at the fields (develop menu...floating info windows...show selection fields) - you'll see one called "cSplAttVal", named "Linked Attribute Value" - looks appropriate.

So that you don't have to figure out the timing, cSplAttVal is calculated at PoatAttr/0. It is calculated by adding the value of the attribute to whatever value's already there, so any time before PostAttr/0 (anytime in User Post Level, perhaps), just add 2 to cSplAttVal.