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Spell Adjustments for SR5


Well-known member
I've made some adjustments related to spells.
Let me know if there are any problems with them.

View attachment SR5 Spell Adjustments.zip

You can now use auto updates using the following link:

Sustain Spell(s) uses the user entry as the number of spells being sustained.
Manablade and Powerblade use the user entry as the force.
All others use the user entry as the successes of the spell.

Core Book Spell Adjustments
Analyze Device: Any piece of gear can be selected buy only weapons have skills that are modified. It currently does not remove the defaulting of skills, which it is supposed to. I've not figured out how to do it for a single device.

Armor: Adds an Armor Spell listing in Armory showing it’s affect.

Bind / Net Bind / Mana Bind / Mana Net: Decreases Agility. Will not reduce attribute to zero as spell describes.

Branch / Vine / Thorn / Rosebush: Decreases Agility. Will not reduce attribute to zero as spell describes, does not calculate damage.

Bugs / Swarm: Decreases Initiative attribute. This is supposed to decrease the characters initiative score, i.e. the result after dice rolls. I wanted it to decrease the Initiative attribute to below zero since it can in fact do this to the characters initiative score, but this is not possible.

Combat Sense: Increases Ranged and Melee defense pools, does not adjust surprise tests. There does not appear to be anything for surprise tests. Notes a conditional for Reaction on Surprise tests.

Confusion / Mass Confusion / Chaos / Chaotic World: Decreases all actions.

Decrease Attribute: Select attribute in drop down. Attribute cannot be decreased bellow 1, as the spells describes attribute are supposed to be able to go to 0.

Increase Attribute: Select attribute in drop down. Attribute can be increased by at most 4.

Increase Reflexes: Dice can be increased to a total of 5. Initiative has no limit on increase. There is no test to see if there are any other adjustments to this. I would like to add that in the future.

Resist Pain: Decreases modifiers from damage by adjusting PainTol.

Sustain Spell(s): modifies all actions by 2 for each increment. If the character has the drug Psyche active the amount actions are modified by is 1.

Sustain Spell: modifies all actions by 2. Allows for selection of spell being sustained and the ability to select number of successes. It does not do anything other than modify all actions by 2 for sustaining a spell. If the character has the drug Psyche active the amount actions are modified by is 1.

Shadow Spells
Ghoulish Strength: Increases Strength by 1 per success. Checks to see if the character is infected.

Healthy Glow: increases social limit by 1 for every 2 successes. Not sure where to put mention of the healing modifier.

Rot: Decreases Body by 1 for 2 or 3 successes and 2 for 4 or more. The description is not very good for this spell.

Vampiric Speed: Increases Initiative by 1 per success. Increases walk and run by 1m per success. Checks to see if the character is infected.

Vampiric Stealth: Increases Stealth skill by 1 per success to a maximum of 5. Checks to see if the character is infected.

Street Grimoire
Bind / Net Bind / Mana Bind / Mana Net: Decreases Agility by 1 per hit. Does not decrease agility to zero as it should. Gives situational for Ranged and Melee defense. Situational for land movement not being displayed.

Decoy / Chadd: Decreases a vehicles sensor. Checks if character is a vehicle.

Decrease Inherent Limit: Drop down excludes Astral Limit. Selected limit is decreased to a minimum of 1.

Decrease Reflexes: Decreases initiative by 1 per success. Spell does not talk about minimum initiative allowed.

Deflection: Increases Ranged Defense by 1 per success and sets that it has been modified by magic, for background count purposes.

Euphoria / Opium Den: Decreases all actions by 1 per success.

Foreboding: Decreases all actions by 1 per success.

Hot Potato: Decreases all actions by 1 per success.

Increase Inherent Limit: Drop down excludes Astral Limit. Selected limit is marked as having been modified by magic, for background count purposes, but has not effect.

Forbidden Magic
Add Spirit: Adds a new spirit type to the list of allowed to summon.

Branch / Vine / Thorn / Rosebush: Decreases agility by 1 per success. Does not decrease paste 1. Should go to zero. Gives situational for Ranged and Melee defense.

Hard Targets
Manablade: Displays a weapon in the armory and weapons tab that is modified by the force of the spell. I can't figure out how to disable customization of the weapon.

Powerblade: Displays a weapon in the armory and weapons tab that is modified by the force of the spell. I can't figure out how to disable customization of the weapon.
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Dang it. How did this end up here. It was supposed to be in the Shadowrun section.
Can someone please move it for me.
I put a new file on. There were some items that were not supposed to be there. I had been trying to figure out a bug and missed deleting some items related to that investigation.
Thank you VERY MUCH for these files. These adjustments are sorely needed.

I've only tested a few so far, but what I have works as advertised. Nice work!
I've fixed a bug in Ghoul Strength and I've removed Evil Eye. I thought Evil Eye was sustained and it's not. So there is no point behind it as it affects rolled result only not the actual initiative attribute.
I will post a new zip file soon.
Fixed a couple of bugs and added author comments to all the items in each file stating what they do and/or what uses them.
Yes, I am using them. They work correctly for me, for the small subset of adjustments that I use.

Sorry - I'm not much of a playtester; I haven't actually played in months.
Open shadowrun within herolab.
Select the menu Tools-Explore Folders-Game System Data Folder.
This will open up windows explorer to the directory you want to put the files in.
Then it's just copy or cut and paste to that directory.
Is it possible for these to be hosted so whenever there is a change I can get them updated by the system rather than downloading them manually?
Not sure what the requirements are for this to work. If someone has a link to how to setup files for download by herolab I can see what I can do for it.
Actually what I would be looking for is how to setup the files and url requirements so that people can actually do what that pdf suggests.

Can I use dropbox or something similar etc, or do I need something else. Do the files need anything done to them to make them downloadable? publish button of some kind.
Sorry - I forgot that there are two parts to all that. Like Ambush, I've followed the thread he recommends and use Dropbox.