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Mercurial Weapons


Well-known member
I am looking to add Mercurial Weapons. My plan is to alter the adamantine to fit my purpose somewhat. I need a script to check the weapon damage chosen and bump it up to the next highest damage die.
You're going to be using gizmo.child[gCustMagic].field[wDieSize].value as the value of the weapon's damage die. I'd suggest setting a variable to equal that, then test the variable. It it equals 12, make it 20. If it equals 10, make it 12, and so on. Do it descending so that you don't bump it up over and over again in the same script. Then, make it so that the field equals the new variable.

Don't forget about wDSizVers, which is the weapon's die size if it's versatile and being held by two hands. Do the same procedure for that.