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Card Vault for Mac or iPad?


New member
Hi there,

can you tell me if you are considering updating card vault to the mac, now that army builder and hero lab are there? Also, I just wanted to voice the opinion that I would love to see an ipad version of this program as well.

Thanks for the question and feedback.

We don't currently have any plans to move Card Vault onto the Mac or onto the iPad. If that should change, we'll let everyone know.
Almost two years and some very successful launches of other product to Mac OS and iOS. Any chance of revisiting this conversion?
Thanks for checking in on this, Tekwych, and I apologize for the delay!

We still don't currently have a plan to bring Card Vault to Mac or iPad. If that was to ever change, we would announce it on our website and in our monthly newsletter.
Can we petition to have to made available on Mac/iPad?

Unfortunately, we still don't have plans to port to Mac or iPad. It's definitely helpful to see how many users are asking for a particular feature or operating system, but it's not on our to-do list right now.
Still interested in CardVault for the Mac/iPad. Would be a boon for Warzone: Resurrection that uses both miniatures (army builder) and a card deck (card vault) to play games.