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user created data for l5r

Hello there.

I am interested in having my L5R character in Hero Labs. I can see quite a few mentions of this in progress (for example, right here) - but I do not see any indications that it has been finished.

Does anyone know what the latest update is on this?

If necessary, I will help to finish it. I'd really like to see it completed. I have software development experience, but have never actually attempted to work with the authoring tool for Hero Labs.
Hey Everyone,
I have not had time to work on this in over a year, I am teacher and my state/district has increased the amount of paper work that I have to fill out by a factor of 5 so I have not had a life outside of work or coaching since my last post.
I have found and use this program which if I knew how to scavage it into HL and make it work I would.


It works very nicely it does have a few issues but not bad.
Hey Everyone,
I have not had time to work on this in over a year, I am teacher and my state/district has increased the amount of paper work that I have to fill out by a factor of 5 so I have not had a life outside of work or coaching since my last post.
I have found and use this program which if I knew how to scavage it into HL and make it work I would.


It works very nicely it does have a few issues but not bad.

Hey SAbel, I'm a developer and am more than happy to lend a hand and/or test stuff. Let me know if you want my help?
Hey Chriswm,
I would love help if your still interested. I have a friend who is trying to help me (a RL programer) but he is not making much forward progress with learning XML. Send me an email or post here and I would be very happy to have some directions and help with the hard areas. I have found that I need a major refresher in how to work inside XML HL.
I use Edit pad pro for my heavy lifting right now.

Hey Chriswm,
I would love help if your still interested. I have a friend who is trying to help me (a RL programer) but he is not making much forward progress with learning XML. Send me an email or post here and I would be very happy to have some directions and help with the hard areas. I have found that I need a major refresher in how to work inside XML HL.
I use Edit pad pro for my heavy lifting right now.


Man sorry for the delay - it didn't notify me of a reply d'oh. By all means, PM me to let me know what you're having problems with. I work with XML a lot at work.


If you still have those data sets, I started this very same project by myself some days ago and would like to take from where you left, if it is still possible. I can't promise much, I'm no programmer, either, but I would really like to have HL working for 4th ed L5R and, if possible, share with the community my results.