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schreiber at freek-inc.co
Posts: n/a

Old January 10th, 2000, 09:35 PM

I need to attach an item to a unit automatically.

If Unit B is chosen, Item X needs to be attached automatically.

Thanx for the help

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  #1 Reply With Quote
eric at landesfamily.com
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Old January 10th, 2000, 09:35 PM
<x-flowed>At 01:22 PM 1/10/00 , you wrote:
>I need to attach an item to a unit automatically.
>If Unit B is chosen, Item X needs to be attached automatically.
>Thanx for the help

Matthias, please read the documentation that comes with the construction
kit. Every question you've asked so far can be answered by that document.

Every time I go through it, I see something that I missed the first time
that could make my life even easier...


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  #2 Reply With Quote
schreiber at freek-inc.co
Posts: n/a

Old January 10th, 2000, 09:36 PM
Ok, I have to work all day, and I spend all my sparetime on armybuilder at
the moment, so that I can supply Warhammer 40k 2nd Ed files.

Please tell the the reason why this knowledgebase exists, if asking isnīt
I simply donīt want to read the whole manual for the 3rd time, since all
answers come much faster here.
Surely all answers can be found in the manual.

But if the only reason for this board is to report bugs in existing files
and to spread the news that new ones are released, ok.
So I wonīt post here again, until my files are completed, although I think
that it will take at least 5 times the time.

Thanks for the support


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eric at landesfamily.com
Posts: n/a

Old January 10th, 2000, 09:36 PM
<x-flowed>At 01:33 PM 1/10/00 , you wrote:
>Ok, I have to work all day, and I spend all my sparetime on armybuilder at
>the moment, so that I can supply Warhammer 40k 2nd Ed files.

We're all in that boat. Why do you think hardly any DBM data files have
appeared? Because I've got a day job, and I actually like to paint and
play, too... Besides the fact that there are over 300 armies to write data
files for...

>Please tell the the reason why this knowledgebase exists, if asking isnīt
>I simply donīt want to read the whole manual for the 3rd time, since all
>answers come much faster here.
>Surely all answers can be found in the manual.

No, not all answers can be found in the manual. There are some things AB
doesn't support directly, and sometimes take a great deal of creativity to
implement. Some things just flat out won't work no matter how hard you
try. A good chunk of the questions on here cover those topics.

>But if the only reason for this board is to report bugs in existing files
>and to spread the news that new ones are released, ok.

No, that's not the only reason for this board.

>So I wonīt post here again, until my files are completed, although I think
>that it will take at least 5 times the time.

That's not what I'm asking you to do. Maybe I was a little grumpy after a
not-so-well-cooked lunch (memo to self - don't order the blackened catfish
again at Chili's... or if you do, make sure it's properly cooked.) but
I've seen a number of posts from you in the last few days, every single one
of which is MORE quickly answered by looking in the manual. When you ask a
question on the forum, you have to wait for someone to see it, AND take the
time to compose the response and send it. It's far easier to just look
through the manual to see what's supported. Heck, even looking through
ABCreator itself answers some questions.

As a writer of documentation for programmers, it pains me to see questions
ask that have already been answered, and the answer is in the owner's
possession. It makes me feel like my job is worth a lot less than what I'm
being paid.

Please excuse me if I came across harsh. Reading the clan war mailing list
after a bad lunch will do that to you.


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schreiber at freek-inc.co
Posts: n/a

Old January 10th, 2000, 09:36 PM
Ok, letīs say not everyone is some sort of
I have a print version of alle three manuals here and even then donīt
understand every aspect of the program.
I think my english is ok for speaking, but since english isnīt my main
language it kind of difficult to get everything in the manual.
I would very much appreciate it if anyone could translate the manuals, but
nobody does.
Thats the reason why sometimes it does take longer to look up the solution
in the manual.

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demandred at skrill.org
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Old January 10th, 2000, 09:36 PM
One fine day in the middle of the night, Mathias Schreiber
<schreiber@freek-inc.com> got up to write:

>I need to attach an item to a unit automatically.
>If Unit B is chosen, Item X needs to be attached automatically.

'Take' attribute.

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Old January 11th, 2000, 01:39 AM
<x-flowed>Whoa! Everybody here needs to take a deep breath and relax a little. :-)

It sounds like Mathias touched a sensitive nerve in Eric, and I can
honestly appreciate both sides of the situation. I spent a HUGE amount of
time writing the documentation (and rewriting it many times to make it
clearer), so it does get frustrating when I see questions asked that are
presented in the manual. In contrast, that manual is pretty damn big, so it
can be daunting to have to wade through it. Given that English isn't
Mathias' native language, that makes it even more daunting.

So, here is my proposal. I recommend to Mathias that you please review all
of the examples that are provided for attributes in the Construction Kit
manual. That way, when you sit down to work on your data files, you'll be
more likely to remember whether something is possible - even if you don't
remember where it is. Secondly, I recommend to Mathias that you word your
requests slightly differently. When I see a post that says "I know I saw X
somewhere in the manual, but now I can't find it. Could someone please
point me at the solution for X?", I don't take offense at all. And I
honestly don't think Eric would either. :-)

For Eric, my request is that you please be a little less heated when
initially flaming someone on THIS forum (i.e. turn the flames down a notch
or two). I realize that bad Cajun fish can leave someone in a horrid state
of mind. :-) I also feel your pain with respect to the fact that most users
never bother reading the documentation. NOTE!! This is NOT a poke at you
Mathias, but a simple fact I have learned since AB's release. :-( I have
had to learn to accept this fact and not take it personally.

The bottom line is that this forum is for the SUPPORT of Army Builder -
period. That means that dumb questions are just as valid as really
intriguing questions. It also means that questions that are plainly
answered in the manual are valid. For people who ask non-intriguing
questions, the responses they receive should encourage the asking of better
questions the next time, not to cut them down. The success of Army Builder
depends on all of us supporting it, and I'll do whatever it takes to
achieve that goal.

Thanks for listening,

Rob Bowes (rob@wolflair.com) (650) 726-9689
Lone Wolf Development www.wolflair.com

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schreiber at freek-inc.co
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Old January 11th, 2000, 01:46 AM
Got it...

but coud anyone please give suggestions for Posting 347?
I spent the entire night figuring out, how this could work.

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Old January 11th, 2000, 04:17 AM
<x-flowed>At 11:43 AM 1/11/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Got it...
>but coud anyone please give suggestions for Posting 347?
>I spent the entire night figuring out, how this could work.

That's odd. I just checked the web-page version of eGroups and it appears
that post ##343 - #347 never made it to my email mailbox! Sorry but I never
saw your post until you just flagged it to me. :-( I just pulled the posts
from the web-site and I'll attempt to answer both of them below....

#1 As you discovered, you can't utilize conflict groups when different
units can take items in various amounts. You also can't impose a limit on
the number of items of a particular category if that number varies. The
solution is to use the "clmt" attribute for units. Using this attribute,
you can restrict that Unit X may only take 2 items of Wargear, 2 items of
Exarch Skills, and 1 item of Exarch Wargear. If conflict groups work, that
is preferable (IMHO). When conflict groups don't work, "clmt" is the solution.

#2 You asked the posed the following:
Unit X has Option A by default (without paying for it)
Unit X may buy Option A additionally (and pay for it)

If I understand you correctly, you want Unit X to be given 1 of Option A
for free and have the option of buying a second Option A at its proper
cost. Assuming this is correct, there are a few ways to handle this.....

1. Create Option A with the "rang" attribute, providing the range "1-2".
Assign the cost to the option normally. Create another Option B that has
the "hide" attribute and the NEGATIVE cost of Option A. Attach Option B to
the unit with the "auto" link nature. This will be invisible to the user
and automatically credit back the cost of selecting only one of Option A.
It will look like Option A is free when picked once and has the proper cost
when picked a second time. I think Colen tried to answer this one
previously, but maybe his explanation wasn't clear enough. :-)

2. Create Option A and add it to the unit via the "incl" link nature.
Create Option B that is label "Two of Option A". Assign it the proper cost
for the 2nd selection of Option A and attach it to the unit via the "cost"
link nature. Then, assign Option B the attribute "over:OptionA=deselect".
Whenever the user selects Option B, it will automatically deselect Option A
and charge him for the second instance of Option A.

3. You could also use the "tabl" attribute for this, but it's probably more
work than would be worthwhile, so don't bother with it. :-)

Hope this helps,

Rob Bowes (rob@wolflair.com) (650) 726-9689
Lone Wolf Development www.wolflair.com

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eric at landesfamily.com
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Old January 11th, 2000, 07:25 AM
<x-flowed>At 02:40 AM 1/11/2000 , Rob Bowes wrote:

>For Eric, my request is that you please be a little less heated when
>initially flaming someone on THIS forum (i.e. turn the flames down a notch
>or two). I realize that bad Cajun fish can leave someone in a horrid state
>of mind. :-) I also feel your pain with respect to the fact that most
>users never bother reading the documentation. NOTE!! This is NOT a poke at
>you Mathias, but a simple fact I have learned since AB's release. :-( I
>have had to learn to accept this fact and not take it personally.

Sorry guys. Apologies all round. About 1/2 hour after I wrote those
message I went home sick. I DID have a case of food poisoning, and it was
making me VERY irritable. I even snapped at my cat when I got home, and I
never do that...

Thanks for putting up with me, Rob One time shot. Promise.


Eric Landes
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