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Starfinder Core Rulebook Updates


Are there plans to add the updated Starfinder Core Rulebook updates to HLO? If so, any ETA?

There was a significant update to the Enhanced Resistance feat and may be others. Paizo failed to give a narrative of what changed, but the nerf bat was used liberally and often on starship builds and to the feat noted.
LW usually does updates to the HL files, once official errata is released. (I don't see any mention of Enhanced Resistance or starships in their online errata.) If you have a paizo source for changes, post a link here and/or email it to support.
The changes are in the updated PDF and CRB Pocket Edition. Not sure when the 3rd printing of the hardcover will hit the street, but that should also have the changes. Paizo has not released these changes as errata yet, however. The starship changes don't yet directly affect HLO, but the prices for healing serums, for instance, also changed.
If you find something like this, please post the link to what you're referring to. And if they haven't published this in the form of an errata yet, the time required for us to compare books and find the differences may not be worth it, and we'll wait for this to be an errata and implement it at that point.
As I said, also the Pocket Edition CRB also has the changes in it. But, I don't blame you for waiting for errata....I am too.
The link in post #1 of that thread links to an errata that says "last updated: February 09, 2018". Was there a different link in another post in that thread? I'm afraid with a hundred posts in that thread, I didn't find any others.
here is the list I pulled together from down at the bottom of that post:

  • A bunch of basic melee weapons picked up the thrown property
  • Some weapons picked up the analog property that were missing it before
  • Grenades got massive price reductions (some up to 60% off) and the stagger inflicted by cryo grenades was clarified to be 1 round
  • Explode weapons can now only critically hit one creature within their explosion.
  • Injection property has been expanded to allow other types of poisons, not just injury poisons.
  • Armor temperature protections have been changed from protect only from temps between -20 and 140F, rather than the previous wording that protected against all temps.
  • A bunch of armor descriptions now use the term "energy field" instead of "force
  • The Venom spur was given a description that makes it a basic melee weapon, rather than the weird undefined state it had before.
  • Clarifications on which magic items are worn and which are not have been added, which helps work out if you've hit your 2 magic items limit. They also
    removed restrictions of wearing two of the same "slot", so you can have both of your magic items be hats if you'd like.
  • Ring of Whispers got a range on its sense through (hearing).
  • Medicinals and poisons both got a lot cheaper. Some item levels changed for poisons too.
  • Drones now explicitly have construct immunities and the unliving trait.
  • Solar Armor is explicitly incompatible with powered armor.
  • The Technomancer's Spellshot hack has been updated to say that you get to deal weapon damage in addition to the spell damage. (Way back at release there were some debates that you only got to use your weapon's range, rather than get the weapon damage too)
  • They fixed flight completely. Now if you have average maneuverability and 5 ranks in acrobatics, or if you have perfect maneuverability, you can hover without making a check or spending a move action.
  • Survival rules for riding creatures were updated. I'm not familiar enough with the rules from Alien Archive 3 to say if this is a substantial change or just reflective of new wording from that book.
  • Various FAQ clarifications (like the android 'constructed' clarification) made it in. There's been a clean up in wording around unarmed strikes and natural weapons too, which is nice. Nothing new though.
  • Enhanced Resistance was changed to apply to your choice of only one kinetic damage type (slashing, bludgeoning or piercing) or one energy type. (Wow, the gravy train is finally over.)
  • Improved Unarmed Strike: "Your unarmed strikes don’t count as archaic and can deal lethal damage."
Just to clarify a bit on how we approach changes of this nature: Generally we prefer to wait for Paizo to release a comprehensive errata document, as that's going to be most visible to all players and ensure we hit all of the changes as users expect. If a thing is reprinted with updates, we update it (or add a new version if it is a drastic change, see some PF1 archetypes for instance), but in cases like this the full extent of the changes aren't clear and it would potentially cause confusion for anyone who isn't aware of the pdf-specific updates. In this particular case the changes are very under the radar currently, so we need to hold off for the time being.

That all said, having a heads up on that is nice, so we can be aware of the scope for when they do release an errata document.
@Daniel, just to be clear, these are NOT pdf-specific updates. The PRINTED pocket CRB has the changes and is clearly noted as 3rd printing. Not sure where Paizo is on hardcover CRBs, but I'd be looking for them to be 3rd printing also soon (or whenever Paizo runs out of 2nd printing and does another.
This in no way counters the argument about the errata. I agree that Paizo should be publishing that errata before releasing print/pdf versions.
Ah, I misunderstood that. That is even more awkward then that they'd print a copy, even a mini one, without releasing errata. That's bound to cause rules confusion :/
Character Operations Manual Errata has a big change for Biohackers. Completely changes the genetics field of study. A lot of other changes in the errata as well.


Page 45: In the biohacker's genetics field of study, replace the text for the inhibitor with the following.

You deliver a DNA-twisting or material-altering chemical nanite compound into a creature's body, increasing the damage it takes from one energy type (your choice). If the creature takes the chosen type of energy damage, it takes additional damage of the same type equal to half your level (minimum 1). This biohack doesn't increase the damage a creature takes from natural hazards or environments, only damage from energy attacks, spells, and other abilities.
RdDoubleU - has this been reported as a bug through the normal bug tracker? If not, please do so, because a post hidden on pg 2 of a thread that's only tangentially related is likely to be missed.
Sorry didn't realize that errata updates would be considered a bug. There were a lot of updates to the Character Operations Manual in the errata.