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Cortex Sales Temporarily Suspended

I wouldn't hold your breath. They recently removed all mention of the Kickstarter they were planning for "Spring" from their website, as well as all Firefly material. I am guessing. Photos from the last gaming convention showed no game books at all at their booth, just fiction books. All that's left of Cortex on their site is this: https://margaretweis.com/collections/cortex

Even people who were working on Cortex Plus games have got no response from them at all on anything. I absolutely loved the system but MWP has not only dropped the ball on Cortex Plus, the took the ball and launched it with a cannon.
Which, of course, begs the question whether the Wolflair would find it worthwhile to assign someone to do the necessary workup to get HL able to support Cortex+ (Classic and it are significantly different, and Cortex+ is also far more individualized in how it handles certain things).
Original Cortex too

I would even pay for original Cortex rules. I have all of the original Serenity RPG books, and would love to make use of Hero Lab for the character and ship generation. Hero Lab has proven to be a tried and true time saver to me as a DM or gamer, and this would truly be a personal high point for me.
I asked Cam Banks on RPGnet, and he said that as a licensee he didn't have the authority to authorize anyone to do a character generator for Cortex.

I'm afraid it's going to stay dead.