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Old January 19th, 2011, 03:11 PM
Hmmm. I made a copy of the Fighter, replaced the cHelpFtr, which I believe is the helper file. I didn't think I would need to replace the levels as well, since I will not be changing anything in the levels file, so I can just inherit it from the original Fighter can't I? Well, I'll take a look at it later. I've got a pretty good idea on what I have to do now, and I'll be reading through the Authoring Kit Guide in it's entirety to see what's what. My main problem with the whole Authoring examples, are they chose the simplest cases, and didn't touch at all on the more complex ones, which is absurd, considering that is the point of why HL exists in the first place. Someone really needs to create a better Authoring Kit example set.
Kendall-DM is offline   #21 Reply With Quote
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Old January 19th, 2011, 03:29 PM
What's added in the Classes tab is the Class Level - then, the class level bootstraps the class helper. Since the Class Helper is unique, only one copy for each class the character has ever gets onto the character.

The editor manual is what you should read first (from the help menu within the editor) - that deals with the d20 files specifically. The Authoriing Kit wiki is mostly about building a game system from scratch. Looking at existing things, and seeing how they go about what they're trying to do is my recommendation for a second step. For example, if you want a feat that adds a bonus to a specific skill or two, that sounds close to the various skill A + 2/skill B +2 feats, like stealthy.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 03:32 PM
The complex Authoring Kit example is the 4ed game system.
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Old January 19th, 2011, 04:00 PM
Yeah, I went through the editor manual, it just falls short of anything helpful in my opinion. I'll be back at it tonight, I've made some progress, so I think it's possible to most of what I want, and manual the rest. The problem I'm having is, it's hard to see ALL the changes I have to make in the files. For example, I'm changing the armor max Dex system. Once I implement that, I have to consider what happens when I apply a material, like Mithril, to it. Those kinds of things are the kind I can think of. It's the one's I can't think of that will blow up on me.

Now as far as the class tab goes, then I did it correctly. I replaced the cHelpFtr ID, and I get a tab with Fighter bootstrapping the old cHelpFtr, and another Fighter tab bootstrapping the newer replacement cHelpFgt. I'll look at it again tonight and try to work it through. Thanks for all the help guys.

Oh yeah. 4E... bleh. Good game in it's own right, but it just doesn't feel like D&D at all. Should have been released as a completely separate game system. During the early testing days, I play tested a Cleric, and found that I had very limited and almost restrictive healing abilities. During two different fights, I was able to NOT heal anyone, and then NOT heal anyone again. Utter silliness, because that's the version that made it in. Hopefully the add-on stuff corrected that, but I'll probably never play that game again. But then I'm old, I like the old open-ended stuff much better.

Last edited by Kendall-DM; January 19th, 2011 at 04:04 PM.
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Old January 20th, 2011, 01:29 AM
Have you already voted for the d20 game mechanics here:
http://forums.wolflair.com/showthread.php?t=9078 ?
tkarn is offline   #25 Reply With Quote
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Old January 20th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
You can create new tags for tag groups that have been defined as being dynamic - that's what the User tag group that's at the bottom of most editor pages is.

So, there, you can create the DexFrac1, DexFrac075 and DexFrac05 tags in the user group, and assign the correct one to each armor. Then, look for User.DexFrac1, User.DexFrac075 and User.DexFrac05 in that if...then I gave you.

The Tags and Fields buttons at the top right, if that's what you're talking about, allow you to set any value you like for any field that's already defined for the thing you're creating (rarely there are reasons to go outside what can be set with the options that are pre-defined within the body of the editor), or to add any tag that exists to the thing (or a new tag within an existing tag group if that group is dynamic).
I got back on this last night and this is exactly what I needed. Generous thanks to Mathias. I've just realized, for nearly everything I need to "fix" for my game, it's going to require eval scripts and user tags for nearly all of it. Still not sure I can get my skill system to work like I want, but I've definitely gotten a few ideas to test out. So far, the only problem I'm having might be tied to my direct editing of the XML file, which is not a problem, since the files I'm working on are only testing files to see if what I want to do is possible. Thanks guys, if I have any other questions, I'll definitely come back to you.
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Old January 20th, 2011, 09:07 PM
Nevermind. Fixed that problem.

However, is there a way to find out if something is equipped, specifically armor?

Another quick question, is there a way to error something, say for taking too many ranks in a skill if I choose to make the max ranks lower than the d20 system allows?

Last edited by Kendall-DM; January 20th, 2011 at 11:12 PM. Reason: Fixed the problem, new question.
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Old January 21st, 2011, 01:44 PM
Found a way to get the equipping to work. So I've been able to modify the attack bonuses for Str and Dex, been able to modify my armors to the system I use. Now for the skills. Does anyone know how to output an error when you chose too many skill ranks? Is there code for that? I guess it's not an error per se, just turns the tab red. Any ideas?
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Old January 21st, 2011, 06:09 PM
See this post, and look at the part about the Eval Rule to enforce max ranks.

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Old January 21st, 2011, 06:57 PM
Yes, I've seen this. I've put in a rule that works, but doesn't turn the tab red, which was what I was hoping for. The problem with that example is it is all encompassing. I want to error to output ONLY when it is not a class skill for any other class as well. So, I've tried a different approach, for example, the general skill I've described is bought as a class skill, but has maximum ranks of a cross-class skill. General skills in my game are only available to the base classes (prestige classes don't get them, nor to monsters). Listen is a general skill for all classes but Bard, Barbarian, Druid, Monk, Ranger, and Rogue. So, I'm thinking of making a rule in Listen that checks that you have one of these classes, if you do, it does nothing (no error is output). Otherwise, it checks that the maximum ranks is cross-class for those classes. This is assuming that I can use regular boolean AND and OR to get this to work. If not, I will just plug them into each individual class.

My original point, yes the Jack of Trades is similar, but not the same. And it doesn't turn the skill red because I can't set maximum ranks to cross-class AND make a skill cost 1 for 1 like a class skill. So far, the only way I can see to do it is to change the portal logic, which is not available for d20 stuff without a complete revamp. And I'm not doing that. Just wanted to see if anyone found a way around it.
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